June 3, 2019
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Parents Seeking Non-medical Help for Autism Online Being Reported to CPS to Have Children Medically Kidnapped

Brandy Zadrozny

Reporter Brandy Zadrozny writes for NBC News and other organizations. Image source.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Reporter Brandy Zadrozny has written an article for NBC News revealing how certain Facebook groups consisting of parents seeking natural cures for their children who suffer with autism have been infiltrated by fake Facebook accounts of people who want to turn in these parents to Child Protective Services (CPS) for the purpose of having their children taken away from them.

While this may appear to be something illegal (and it probably is), Zadrozny seems to present these people who are using fake Facebook accounts as heroes.

Her article has been picked up by many other corporate-sponsored “mainstream” media outlets.

Zadrozny reports that the two woman profiled in her article are “moles” and claim to be mothers of “autistic children.”

They apparently believe that autism is “a condition with no medically known cause or cure” and that it is wrong to seek non-medical cures.

Therefore, they see it as their mission to identify these parents, using fake identities, and attempt to have their children removed from their homes.

To gain entrance to these groups, Eaton and Seigler disguise themselves as desperate parents looking for answers to their child’s autism. Once they’re in, they take screenshots of posts from parents…

Eaton and Seigler research the parents online to determine their identity and location, then send screenshots of the Facebook posts to the local Child Protective Services division…

The pair say they’ve reported over 100 parents since 2016.

Zadrozny’s piece shows what lengths these impostors will go to in order to hunt down these parents of children with autism, many of whom are suffering vaccine injuries.

“The problem is if you manage to get one (Facebook page) knocked down, it reopens the next day but it goes secret,” Dalmayne said.

“So unless you’ve got a good fake profile, which I have, and you’re friends with people in these groups who will tell you where the next secret group has opened, you can’t report them. A lot of them I’m not in and we’ll never know about.”

Facebook’s policy on personal profiles states:

Authenticity is the cornerstone of our community. We believe that people are more accountable for their statements and actions when they use their authentic identities. That’s why we require people to connect on Facebook using the name they go by in everyday life. Our authenticity policies are intended to create a safe environment where people can trust and hold one another accountable.

Facebook goes on to state “Do Not”:

Engage in inauthentic behavior, which includes creating, managing, or otherwise perpetuating

  • Accounts that are fake
  • Accounts that have fake names
  • Accounts that participate in, or claim to engage in, coordinated inauthentic behavior….

In addition, every state in the U.S. has laws on false impersonation, stalking, online privacy, among others.

Who Are These “Moles”?

Amanda Seigler and Melissa Eaton photos

Amanda Seigler and Melissa Eaton. (Source.)

Zadrozny writes that Amanda Seigler is “38, a mom to six in Lake Worth, Florida,” and that Melissa Eaton is “39, a single mother from Salisbury, North Carolina,” and that both “work” as well as “take care of their autistic children.”

According to Amanda Seigler’s LinkedIn profile, she is a Veterinary Technician / pet sitter at Amanda’s Compassionate Pet Care.

We could not verify any information about “Melissa Eaton” and her identity.

Emma Dalmayne

Emma Dalmayne. Image source.

However, Zadrozny gives us an indication about the kinds of people and groups who may be behind these two women by identifying the woman who allegedly “inspired” Seigler and Eaton, Emma Dalmayne.

Emma Dalmayne was among the first and remains one of the loudest disability rights advocates to fight against harmful autism “cures.”

A London mother to autistic children and autistic herself…. it was Dalmayne who inspired Eaton and Seigler by first infiltrating Rivera’s groups and making videos exposing parents who treated their children….

Dalmayne describes herself on her blog as:

An Autistic and an Autism Advocate and activist against all Autistic mistreatments.

“Mistreatments” apparently means any treatments at all, as she holds to the mainstream medical establishment’s claim that autism is “genetic” and has “no cure.”

Therefore, anyone trying to “cure” autism is to be vigorously opposed in the name of “autism rights.”

From a post on her blog entitled “Why Would Anyone Want to Cure Autism?”

As a teenager on the autism spectrum, I feel deflated when I stumble across articles centered around some ‘wonder drug’ that’s claimed to cure autism. One of my pet peeves is the fact that people treat autism as an illness or inferiority that needs to be cured.

My head fills with a variety of questions:

Why would anyone want to cure autism?

How can people be so hateful?

I believe it’s ignorant that individuals are more interested in curing us rather than taking the time to understand us and accept us for who we are. Autism is a neurological difference so it’s not a disease; this basic fact makes all the difference (well, to me it does).

It is also revealing to look at other people associated with Dalmayne who are part of this group opposing anyone trying to cure autism.

Since their belief is that autism is genetic and not related to anything in the environment that might be causing it, they must oppose the (tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of?) parents who claim their child was perfectly normal and not diagnosed with autism until later in life, particularly after receiving certain vaccines.

As we have documented numerous times over the years at Health Impact News, these parents of vaccine-damaged children come from all walks of life, including doctors, attorneys, PhD scientists, and many others. The heavily pharma-funded corporate media would like the public to think only uneducated parents believe vaccines can cause injuries.

Showing a link between vaccines and autism would eliminate the premise for the “advocacy work” for “autism rights.”

Fiona O’leary

Fiona O’leary. Image Source.

One of Dalmayne’s apparent colleagues is Fiona O’leary from Ireland, who claims that she was diagnosed with autism at age 42, and also has children with autism.

Fiona and Emma are good friends, and work very well as a team. (Source.)

O’leary is solidly in the “vaccine extremist” camp, believing that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary.

This extremist view is not supported by everyone in the pro-vaccine camp, and many physicians, for example, are pro-vaccine but against forced vaccinations. (See: Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?)

O’leary not only wants to silence anyone who claims they are healing their child with autism, she apparently wants to silence anyone who dares to question the safety of vaccines, as can be seen in this video of her trying to attack Dr. Suzanne Humphries when she was in Dublin, Ireland in 2017 for a premiere showing of the film “VAXXED.”

Autism Agenda – What is Autism?

Some people may be surprised to learn that “autism” is not a medical condition, in the sense that there is some kind of lab test that can be taken to determine if one is diagnosed with autism or not.

Autism is a psychiatric label (Autism Spectrum Disorder – ASD – is the full name) based on symptoms and defined by the American Psychiatric Association and published in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

The National Institute of Mental Health defines ASD this way:

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a “developmental disorder” because symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a guide created by the American Psychiatric Association used to diagnose mental disorders, people with ASD have:

  • Difficulty with communication and interaction with other people
  • Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors
  • Symptoms that hurt the person’s ability to function properly in school, work, and other areas of life

Autism is known as a “spectrum” disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience. (Source.)

Periodically psychiatrists review lists of symptoms and the labels for those symptoms, and then vote on which “disorders” of behavior should be classified as a disease to be treated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Here is a description of the symptoms that the National Institute of Mental Health lists for autism:

People with ASD have difficulty with social communication and interaction, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors.

Read the complete list here.

Once a “disorder” is listed in the DSM, psychiatrists can legally prescribe pharmaceutical drugs to treat these disorders.

According to the U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), autism among children today is increasing at an alarming rate.

While the rate of children diagnosed with autism was around 1 in 10,000 in 1980, today it is about 1 in 59 according to the CDC.

The official proclamation from the CDC and other government agencies is that they “do not know” what causes autism, and that there is “no cure” for autism.

There is currently no cure for ASD. (Source: CDC)

Since there is “no cure” for autism, billions of dollars are spent on trying to find one, but only a medical one is allowed, based on patented pharmaceutical products.

Much like other diseases that the government tells us that “no cure” exists, such as cancer (see: The Cancer Industry is Too Prosperous to Allow a Cure), the autism industry would not benefit from finding a cure, as it would eliminate many jobs and potential future drugs for the fastest growing “disease” in the U.S. today.

Funding through the National Institute of Health for 2019 for autism research is budgeted for $296 million, but that is just a drop in the bucket for all funds spent on autism.

When one factors in special education, medical treatments and other services spent on autism, it is over $11 billion a year.

That’s a lot jobs! It is a significant amount of income that is threatened if there are actually natural treatments that parents can use to improve or cure autism.

The other threat to this massive funding that clearly benefits millions of people, is the link between vaccines and autism.

If there is a clear link between vaccines and autism, and autism could be greatly reduced by either producing safer vaccines or slowing down or eliminating certain vaccines, not only would this threaten the income from those treating and researching cures for autism, it would seriously damage the pharmaceutical industry producing vaccines, which is forecast to reach about $61 billion by 2020.

The American public is largely unaware that there is a vaccine court known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). This program was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines.

Today, one cannot sue drug companies for damages or deaths due to vaccines. You have to sue the Federal Government and try to get some of the funds “set aside” from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund.

However, one vaccine injury that is not allowed any longer in the vaccine court is autism.

By March 1, 2010, 13,330 cases had been filed in the special vaccine court, with 5,617 representing autism cases. Of those 13,330 cases filed up to March 1, 2010, only 2,409 were compensated. The rest were dismissed, but there were 5,933 cases still pending, and most of those were claims for vaccine-induced autism, mostly due to the MMR vaccine.

How did this special vaccine court deal with these thousands of cases of autism that were filed as injuries caused by vaccines?

They took 3 “test cases” that they said represented all of them, and litigated against those claims.

Their own appointed judges then ruled in each case that vaccines were not the cause of their autism. Then they told everyone else that their autism could not have been caused by vaccines, and that they would pay no damages for all those thousands of children suffering with autism.

This was all part of what is called The Omnibus Autism Proceeding.

Therefore today, the official government position is that there is “no cure for autism,” and that “vaccines do not cause autism.”

But here is one case of a 9-year-old girl who was compensated for developing autism (before the Omnibus Proceedings) after she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor’s visit.

Checking Zadrozny’s “Facts” on Chlorine Dioxide

As to the main claim made by Brandy Zadrozny in her article published by NBC News and picked up by the mainstream media all across the U.S., that desperate parents were harming their children by giving them something called “chlorine dioxide” which she claims is “a compound that the Food and Drug Administration warns amounts to industrial bleach,” we decided to try and verify some of her facts.

First, we could find no statement made by the FDA anywhere that chlorine dioxide “amounts to industrial bleach,” and Zadrozny provided no reference for this claim.

In fact, the FDA states that “Chlorine dioxide may be safely used in food…”, and that it “may be used as an antimicrobial agent in water.” (Source.)

ChemicalSafetyFacts.org has this to say about chlorine dioxide:

Chlorine dioxide is used to disinfect drinking water around the world and is approved for use by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and included in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also has approved the use of chlorine dioxide in certain food applications as well as in over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

Chlorine dioxide helps destroy bacteria, viruses and some types of parasites that can make people sick, such as Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia.

Chlorine dioxide can be used in mouthwashes and dentistry products as an oxidizing biocide compound.

Chlorine dioxide has been used as a disinfectant since the early 1900s and has been approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for many applications, including mouthwash. (Source.)

Zadrozny also makes this true, but misleading statement:

But it is illegal under both federal and state consumer protection laws to market or sell chlorine dioxide as a cure for human ailments.

This is true, because no health claims can be made for any product that the FDA has not already approved, and they only approve pharmaceutical products, never natural ones.

Hence, it is also against the law for bottled water companies to claim that water cures dehydration, for sellers of prune juice to claim it cures constipation, etc.

This is a problem with the FDA and their censorship of health claims for anyone besides pharmaceutical companies, and most of their rules and regulations have been recently found to be unconstitutional. See:

Study: 98% of FDA Laws Are Unconstitutional

Perhaps the most serious claims made by Zadrozny were these:

In the last five years, poison control centers have managed 16,521 cases nationwide dealing with chlorine dioxide, according to data provided by the American Association of Poison Control Centers. Approximately 2,500 of those cases involved children under 12; it’s not clear how many of those children were autistic.

The data showed serious side effects from chlorine dioxide poisoning in 2,123 cases since 2014. Fifty of those cases were considered life-threatening, and eight people died.

I have worked with data from the American Association of Poison Control Centers in the past for various articles we have published on Health Impact News, and I knew that their annual reports were available to the public on their website.

So I pulled up their annual reports for the past two years that are available, 2016 and 2017.

I searched both years for “chlorine dioxide,” but the search returned a “No matches” result.

AAPCC 2016 report search

I emailed Brandy Zadrozny asking her where she got her source for this data, and so far have not received a reply from her.

Much of her article is critical of Kerri Rivera, a homeopath who lives in Mexico and is a regular speaker at the annual AutismOne Conference, considered by many to be the best resource discussing autism treatments by parents and healthcare professionals.

Rivera claims that she has had great success in treating autism, including the use of chlorine dioxide. Her website is here.

She has posted a response to Zadrozny’s article:

An Open Letter To Brandy Zadronzy And NBC

May 22nd, 2019 / Kerri

Brandy Zadrozny,

When you wrote me to ask how I “feel” about having my book being banned from Amazon, I asked you if you had any medical or science training or experience working with autistic children.

You said you did not.

At that point, I told you that this was a medical story and as such requires serious and sober consideration.

Your article is slander at its most base, produced for sensationalist purposes, and an affront to the many thousands of families struggling to help their autistic children.

#1 – Parents are not poisoning their children.

#2 – Chlorine dioxide is not in any way chemically related to household bleach. It is used in dental practice, as a purifier of public water supplies, and in sprays to decontaminate produce, meats and fish.

This very basic information is readily available from the American Chemical Council and its ChemicalSafetyFacts.org website which I directed you to.

There you would have learned that the CDC, the EPA, the WHO, and the FDA all approve of the use of chlorine dioxide in these applications.

Chlorine dioxide is used therapeutically by MDs in a number of countries including Germany. One has even written a book on the subject which is easily found.

To fail to report these basic facts in an article on chlorine dioxide is a form of fraud.

As for the two “experts” you relied on as the primary source for your article, they are, if real, misguided and misinformed individuals at best.

One, Melissa Eaton, who you say is from Salisbury, NC, has no public presence anywhere on the Internet other than your article. The other, Amanda Seigler, is a veterinary technician, dog groomer, and pet sitter. Honorable work, but hardly qualifications as an expert NBC should be consulting on medical matters.

That these two women are involved in an ongoing harassment campaign against families with autistic children is beyond shameful and it’s hard to imagine by what twisted logic you hold them up as heroes.

Their role models, Emma Dalmayne (UK) and Fiona O’Leary (Ireland), are well known for their harassment of groups like REGRET, an advocacy group in Ireland for girls and young women injured by Merck’s Gardasil vaccine; advocates for the legalization of CBD oil; Caudwell Children’s Charity; the Autism Trust UK Charity; Irish Autism Action; and the National Autistic Society of the UK.

The video (above) shows some of their handiwork in Dublin, Ireland.

That you would join these individuals in their work is a disgrace to you and NBC and while I may suffer torrents of hate mail triggered by your slanderous and dishonest article, I sleep well at night knowing I alleviated my own son’s autism symptoms massively and have helped thousands more including over 500 that have experience complete remission of all symptoms.

– Kerri Rivera
Doctor of Homeopathy

Should Parents Trying to Care for Their Children with Autism be Reported to CPS and Lose Their Children?

While many may disagree with Kerri Rivera’s methods and those parents who take her advice and believe that their children are recovering as a result, they are doing nothing illegal, as chlorine dioxide is a common substance that anyone can purchase in the U.S.

It is not banned by the FDA, nor is it illegal.

But NBC and other pharma-sponsored corporate media publishing Zadrozny’s article, which seems to promote illegal behavior to promote their views on autism, seems suspect, and it may further erode the public’s trust in the heavily pharma-funded corporate media.

Certainly if a parent harms their child, they should be investigated.

But they should be investigated by law enforcement who are trained in forensic evidence and child abuse, not reported to CPS, where all it takes is an anonymous phone call to start an investigation and seize someone’s child.

As we have reported and documented on our MedicalKidnap.com website, Child Protection Services and the Foster Care system is a billion-dollar child trafficking system rife with abuse and corruption. See:

The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking

Philadelphia City Councilman Endures Threats To Expose Corruption in CPS and Child Sexual Abuse

In most states more than 85% of children seized are for “neglect,” including “medical neglect” which could simply be refusing to take a doctor’s advice or seek a second opinion on medical procedures, and not “abuse.”

Large-scale studies have been done over the years that show children do far more poorly in Foster Care than compared to children left in their homes, even “troubled homes,” such as homes where parents may have problems with drug addiction.

Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes – The Child Trafficking Business

Children are far more likely to be sexually abused in Foster Care, which is the primary institution where children are recruited for the child sex trafficking business. See:

Attorney Reporting in Newsweek: Foster Care is a System Set Up to Sex Traffic American Children

America #1 in Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia – CPS and Foster Care are the Pipelines

Child Sex Trafficking Through “Child Protection” Services Used by the Rich and Powerful?

Parents would do well to guard closely their online contacts in social media, especially if they share anything about how they are treating their children, such as vaccine-injured children or children with autism, now that it has been revealed that they are targets for medical kidnapping if they do not follow the Big Pharma endorsed protocol for medical treatments.

See Also:

Internet Trolls May be Trained Government Agents According to Leaked Document


  1. Anastasia November 20, 2019 at 10:35 pm - Reply

    Investigative reporter ? Hah, WHAT investigation ? It just repeats the script it’s bosses told it to repeat ! There is NO investigation going on here, no debate, no airing of documents that substantiate positions, NONE.
    In plain English, a more accurate description for this individual would be SHILL, because that’s what this person does, SHILLS for Big Pharma.
    A deeply sad reality of today’s modern world is that ALL , every last one of them, ALL of the major mainstream news outlets are owned by GIANT corporate interests, and the only "news" they allow to be published, is the "news" that reinforces their fraudulent views.
    Even tho’armed with Truth, the little People have no voice in that corrupt arena, only SHILLS like Zadrozny get their tripe spread . None the less, Truth is still worth fighting for, even if shills and greedy mega corps make that job all the more difficult. Keep on keeping on good people, you know what’s real, and what isn’t, and B. Zadrozny isn’t.

  2. Dianne Thompson June 27, 2019 at 7:31 pm - Reply

    When Chlorine Dioxide (MMS) was first reported on about 15 years ago after being successfully used to treat the most prevalent and deadly disease in the world, as far as outbreaks and deaths–MALARIA–I started looking into it, because I was researching and writing about alternative health care treatments and had been doing so since around 1979 after being cured of several serious health conditions by an internationally-known naturopath.

    In particular, a medical doctor wrote an impressive article including a full analysis of the mechanism of action and positive results of properly diluted chlorine dioxide. His information convinced me this might potentially be an effective replacement for dangerous antibiotics which destroy the immune system, create super-bugs, allow for the overgrowth of pathogens like fungus in it’s wake, as well as causing death in some cases. My own family had devastating experiences with antibiotic treatments, one following the aftermath of a life-threatening vaccine injury, so this was of special interest to us. . At the time, there was an epidemic of what looked like distemper killing stray, homeless cats in the neighborhood. They had been abandoned and reproducing, probably no thanks to the fact that we kept water and food out for them, and so we saw their awful, slow death up close, but they were too wild to catch. However, I decided to order some MMS and see what I could do for treatment. That came to a head when we found a mother cat with a litter of nursing kittens hidden on the property, and they were all too desperately ill to run away, so I was able to dose all of them with a small amount of diluted MMS. Recovery was almost immediate, so we tried catching other sick adult cats. My husband wrapped one in a blanket and tried to hold it but it tore into his wrist tooth and claw and escaped. In spite of cleaning with peroxide and alcohol, by the next day his whole arm was inflamed and swollen up, so he went to the doctor who immediately went a little nuts, certain he was dealing with a case of RABIES, alerted medical authorities who even came to the house and insisted they were going to order the vaccine from GOD only knows where. They warned us it would be painful and expensive. Thankfully, someone higher up the medical chain informed all that there had NEVER been a case of rabies found in area cats. So that ended the drama. Then they wanted to proceed with antibiotic treatment, but it had taken him 2 years to recover from the last antibiotic "treatment", so he turned instead to the MMS. All signs of infection were gone overnight and the cuts and scratches healed normally after that with no further complications. So, MMS became our go-to treatment for any kind of infection, including abscessed teeth. We have never been without it since then. We use it sparingly and with respect to the instructions. It only remains active for about an hour before breaking down into salt water (chlorine dioxide) and as an oxidant, is immediately neutralized by any kind of antioxidant, including coffee and anything with Vitamin C in it so it’s a little touchy to use. So far it’s been strikingly effective. A little over a year ago I began reading accounts on FB about how the families of vaccine-injured children with regressive autism who had dared to speak out about their kids were being terrorized and verbally attacked on Twitter. I had an account but had never been active. Because I had worked with autistic children for years as a substitute teacher, and cared deeply for them and their suffering families, I became active in their defense. Among many other topics relating to autism, MMS had been a big issue. There were reports from all over the world about a treatment protocol which included the use of MMS to clear out pathogens from the infected, inflammatory bowel disease most suffered from, which in recent years has been linked as a CAUSE of autistic behavior in many cases. not only that, but as an OXIDANT, MMS reportedly neutralized metals for elimination. The physical hallmarks of severe regressive autism have been identified as inflammatory bowel disease, metal toxicity, immune dysfunction, brain inflammation, and food intolerances in particular, so having an effective treatment for bowel pathogens selectively (it has to do with the electrical components which attract it to pathogens but not to beneficial bacteria or human cells) and metals would obviously affect some of severe autism’s most devastating health issues. There were videos and written reports by parents of improved health and even cures. Complete reversal of autism symptoms. I posted links to these stores, our own experiences, videos made by medical doctors, safety studies, and even a Wiki report on how chlorine dioxide is being used to replace chlorine in drinking water because it’s safer and more effective. They are different products in spite of "chlorine" in the name. The industrial use of CD is a different matter. It’s used as a potent and effective antimicrobial, including when it was used to neutralize ANTHRAX following a terrorist attack, but no one in their right mind would use full strength chlorine dioxide as a medicine. I’m sure it would be harmful that way, although I pooled full strength CD on my inner arm for several minutes to see if it did any damage. It did leave 3 little pink spots, so there was some skin irritation, but they were gone the next morning. Other than that, it’s used as a bleaching agent in one single commercial use–on paper pulp–which gave rise to accusations that it’s "bleach" but the dose makes the medicine. Diluted CD has no bleaching capacity. For that matter, sunlight and lemon juice are also "bleach" in the same way. There is a group on Twitter who call themselves "NEURODIVERSITY" who claim to be ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), most likely Asperger’s which is now included, since they don’t meet the criteria for regressive autism. They want people to believe that autism is something you’re born with. A GENETIC condition, even though millions of $$ have circled the drain in the unsuccessful search for autism genes. Of course genes play into susceptibility factors, but they do NOT cause brain inflammation, metal toxicity and the other physical disorders associated with severe autism. They ignore these facts and insist autism is just a matter of being WIRED DIFFERENTLY, in effect spitting in the face of children who suffer serious physical, mental and emotional disorders from this now epidemic condition, dismissing them as almost non-existent and denying the first-hand accounts of caretakers who witnessed their normal, healthy children regress following vaccinations. Even worse, besides attacking the families who go public with their accusations and accounts of the suffering they and their children go through on a daily basis, they are being labeled as CHILD ABUSERS for any attempts at treatment of any kind. They demand that caretakers do nothing. That includes behavioral training to improve socialization. But when it came to reports of parents using MMS enemas on their sick children, and the improvements they made afterward …these people went ballistic! They claimed that expelled fecal/mucoid plaque and parasites were instead "strips of intestine"– life-threatening, OF COURSE. (I would LOVE to take MMS by enema, instead of drinking it. The taste is horrible unless you put it in juice, but finding some without Vit C added is difficult. However, I don’t have bowel problems to treat.) Of course this group is supported and encouraged by all pharma types, pro-vaxxers, and people looking for a "tribe" to belong to (some are even self-diagnosing to "join") –almost everyone fighting, ignoring, or denying the growing mountain of evidence implicating vaccines as the most frequent cause of the physical disorders leading to autistic behavior. Since diluted chlorine dioxide has been identified as one of the most effective treatments (fecal transplants are coming along now) it has become the most demonized treatment, to the point where people can be arrested for selling MMS is this country, and it’s very hard to locate for purchase (mostly out of the country) which has deprived people of not only a working treatment for autism, but the safest and most effective replacement for antibiotics, which is desperately needed in this day of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Posting this kind of information on Twitter put a target on my back. Twitter was reportedly inundated with demands that I be banished forever. That didn’t work. I hadn’t defiled any of Twitter’s rules of behavior, which they told me in a report sent to my email. So …they ramped up their attacks. I was told they made a video starring me as a child abuser for posting MMS information, or some such nonsense. People were telling me about it publicly and privately on Twitter, and on Facebook. Some even found my email address and "warned" me that way. I never bothered to watch it, so will take them at their word. Someone went into my FB account and found a mention that I had subbed as a teacher in the school I went to as a child. It was in another city, and that happened several years ago. In fact, I had quit subbing in the fall of 2017 to home school a grandchild, and other than getting called in a couple of times last fall to cover for teachers who were out long term, until they could find replacements, I was done teaching. I’m in my 70’s and physically disabled from a classroom accident in 2003. I was working in a wheelchair, but it was causing chronic pain in my arms and shoulders so I tried working with a cane, but that made things worse. So unless someone springs for a set of mechanized wheels, I’m permanently sidelined. These hysterically inflamed people (led by those in your article) then hit on a "brilliant" plan. They published the contact information of the school district that one little country school belonged to, and that of the state Supt. of Schools and demanded their "followers" join them in bombarding these two educational facilities with reports of this CHILD ABUSER–me–working in their district, and how I was a threat to disabled children in the SpEd classes I used to work in. I always took those classes because I cared deeply for the children, and because most subs won’t work with them. I knew the school Superintendent was going to be upset, so I went in to talk to them at the office. "Upset" was putting it mildly, particularly after I explained what was really going on. Not at me–at these people and what they were doing in such a public way, which included their public Twitter accounts. They told me I was now a "famous internet person" (news to me) and couldn’t I do something to stop them before the news media and others got the story of a "child abuser" in the system. The state authorities were likewise in a tizzy. They weren’t going to "fire" me, which would be ridiculous, since I wasn’t even working there, but I was still technically on the books, so I told them to just take me off. No harm. No foul. My subbing days had been over for some time. The harm was to the already beleaguered educational offices in the poorest, lowest-functioning area of the state and to innocent, hard-working professionals who had more important issues to deal with than a smear campaign against a disabled former substitute teacher that threatened to impugn the reputation of their district. Shame on those misguided, malevolent souls, some of whom knew the kind of fraud they were perpetrating, and the world of hurt they have brought on the families of severely disabled autistic children. Their failure to get a retired sub "fired" most have enraged them. The battle to get me banned from Twitter was on-going. They had no success attacking my MMS posts, which were nothing more than information, not recommendations (in the spirit of "informed consent" in treatment as well as vaccination) so tried another tactic. The background header on my Twitter profile page contained 4 memes. The 2 with infants being vaccinated came from other tweeters, because I save any relevant links or attachments other’s post on Twitter or elsewhere.

    TheyThey finally hit home with this little-viewed profile page background header. It was deemed either "too violent" or "adult content". If "violence" was the issue, I agree that forcibly vaccinating an infant is an act of violence. So does Dr. Paul Offit, one of the head-honchos in the world of vaccination. The last meme is a take-off on a quote he made about vaccinating infants being "violent". If the issue was "adult content", and the complainants or Twitter censors found these images EROTIC, that’s a problem someone else needs to be dealing with. If people objected to a quote from one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, let’s just hope they aren’t Americans. And if the staged photo of the bloodied hand of a fallen warrior clinging to the American flag offended people–they must be the same ones bent on destroying free speech, encouraging censorship, and burning books, so to speak. So …my Twitter account was suspended for life for this crime against the Tweeting public. Unfortunately for them, I don’t think they are going to like what I’m doing with my freed-up time. Before being banned by Twitter, I did have time to do a little extra research on MMS and the false claims that children’s lives were being put at risk by "strips of intestines" being ripped from their bowels during MMS enemas. Following is a photo of Emma Dalmayne (@EDalmayne) waving a picture of excreted plaque she bragged was "proof" of abuse. She obtained this "evidence" by creating false ID’s and infiltrating private, member’s-only autism FB groups. She was quite proud of creating fraud in hopes of getting these horrible, awful parents trying to help their sick kids arrested and their children taken away. That is followed by a photo of various pictures I took from sites like curezone.com of similar substances excreted by ADULTS using entirely different products and methods of bowel cleansing.

    And if anyone would like to see pictures–videos–of what sick bowels look like, these are actual colonoscopies published online. Warning: Icky. Gross. Disgusting


    Medical doctors on the subject.

    youtube.com/watch?v=bp1eqTajcpQ …

    As for the dire warnings about "adverse reactions"–well, the first time I used MMS it did do a "bowel cleansing". 4 times in one night. Not diarrhea, just a clean-out. That was the only time that happened. I also had a couple minutes of nausea. But it passed. That was a small price to pay for the benefits, starting with the ending of 40 years of misery caused by itchy insect bites that never healed. I have no explanation for that one. It’s a mystery. **Dianne

  3. Dyana June 7, 2019 at 10:48 pm - Reply

    Mi más profundo respeto y admiración por el excelente trabajo realizado por Brian Shilhavy en este artículo.

    Un abrazo enorme desde Uruguay.

    Excelente también el comentario de Stephanie Seneff, que abre los ojos sobre las medicaciones, que obligan a los padres, a administrar sus hijos.

    Un placer leerte Brian.

    Y recibe también las felicitaciones de mi hijo CURADO DE AUTISMO (TGD) con DIETA Y DIOXIDO DE CLORO, y gracias a que tiene padres que estudian y MEDICOS que se preocupan de verdad por su salud.

    Muchas gracias a healthimpactnews.com

    Desde de CURAMOS a nuestro hijo, con todo nuestro amor, ayudamos a otros padres del mundo a CURAR, sin cobrar, sólo porque nos hace felices la felicidad de los demás.

    Dyana Cornelius

    ( 41 años, madre de Gabriel, Nro 190 recuperado de autismo. Van más de 1000 recuperados!!!!)

  4. Susan Lea June 6, 2019 at 2:37 pm - Reply

    Stephanie-Seneff said:

    Thank you so much for posting this rebuttal to the outrageous article by the NBC reporter, Brandy Zadrozny.

    I actually investigated her claim that there was a report in FAERS in the year 2017 where a 6-year-old girl suffered from kidney failure due to chlorine dioxide. I downloaded all the events in FAERS from 2017 and searched for "chlorine dioxide" and "magical mineral supplement." There were 0 hits where either of these was listed as "primary suspect" or "secondary suspect." There were only 3 hits where "magical mineral supplement" was listed, simply as another drug the person was taking. In all three of these hits, the primary suspect was a chemotherapy drug, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and the patient, who was over 65, was suffering from metastatic kidney cancer. They were also taking a long list of other drugs, some of which were indicated as "secondary suspects." There were 0 hits where "chlorine dioxide" was indicated as a drug the person was taking.
    The six-year-old girl was nowhere to be found.

    It turns out that there are only two drugs that have been approved for treating symptoms of autism: risperidone and aripiprazole (Abilify), which are atypical antipsychotics.
    I searched the 2017 dataset from FAERS for these two drugs and I got the following results:

    Risperidone: 96,191 events, and it was the primary suspect in 22,759 of them.
    Aripiprazole (Abilify): 22,493 events, with 10,736 indicated as primary.

    I then examined just the Q4 data for all of the reactions listed for events in which risperidone was the primary suspect, and tabulated counts on some of the most common reactions and/or some of the most severe reactions.

    These were some of the results that I got (just from the last three months in 2017):

    3216 Gynaecomastia (enlarged breasts in a male)
    75 Galactorrhoea (excessive or inappropriate production of milk)
    450 Weight increased, Overweight, Abnormal weight gain
    69 Attempted suicide, of which 29 were successful
    12 Parkinson’s disease
    13 Altered state of consciousness, Depressed level of consciousness, Loss of consciousness
    20 Tachycardia
    11 Seizures
    15 Coma
    20 Cardiac arrest, cardio-respiratory arrest, respiratory arrest.
    19 Acute kidney injury
    13 Rhabdomyolysis
    26 Psychotic disorder
    19 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (life-threatening reaction)
    28 Aggression
    37 Fatigue

    It seems harsh to pick on chlorine dioxide in the face of these kinds of side effects for drugs routinely used to treat symptoms of autism. Worse than that, these drugs do nothing to reverse autism, whereas Kerri Rivera has reversed hundreds of cases of autism through chlorine dioxide treatment.

    Thank you for your well researched notes. In 1970, I worked with a team from the University of California, Berkeley, at a State Mental Hospital in the child wards where the few cases of autism were housed. In 1970, the numbers of those in the general population experiencing the symptoms of autism were 1 in over 12,300, and were almost always males. Today, whether the numbers are 1 in 89 or 1 in 69 (CDC’s own numbers), something is very wrong, and if the CDC is unwilling to openly examine possible causes for this extraordinary situation, then there is extensive deceit to be found for their omissions and obstruction. I worked with autistic children both in 1970 and again in 2002-2003, and found quiet patterning, NLP and kindness to be very, very effective. These were children whose own parents were locking them into rooms at home and spending little to no time with them. Torture. So, to find any person who would be motivated to harm those few parents looking for solutions, one must follow the money and understand the addiction of power over others. We must protect children. Germany never vaccinated children before age 2 understanding that their immune systems cannot tolerate it. Today’s injections have never been proved to do anything, and the list of various ingredients is staggering. This is Orwell’s 1984 and worse. If you asked Americans 50 years ago whether they’d be willing to let the government inject them whenever the government wanted to, the response would have been a clear "no". With TVs that send nonstop reports 24/7 to the CIA/FBI/ and others of the words, acts and comments of those accessed by those TVs, and with our cars reporting our driving styles, speeds and locations, Big Brother/Big Daddy is running and watching our lives.

  5. Stephanie Seneff June 4, 2019 at 12:47 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for posting this rebuttal to the outrageous article by the NBC reporter, Brandy Zadrozny.

    I actually investigated her claim that there was a report in FAERS in the year 2017 where a 6-year-old girl suffered from kidney failure due to chlorine dioxide. I downloaded all the events in FAERS from 2017 and searched for "chlorine dioxide" and "magical mineral supplement." There were 0 hits where either of these was listed as "primary suspect" or "secondary suspect." There were only 3 hits where "magical mineral supplement" was listed, simply as another drug the person was taking. In all three of these hits, the primary suspect was a chemotherapy drug, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and the patient, who was over 65, was suffering from metastatic kidney cancer. They were also taking a long list of other drugs, some of which were indicated as "secondary suspects." There were 0 hits where "chlorine dioxide" was indicated as a drug the person was taking.

    The six-year-old girl was nowhere to be found.

    It turns out that there are only two drugs that have been approved for treating symptoms of autism: risperidone and aripiprazole (Abilify), which are atypical antipsychotics.

    I searched the 2017 dataset from FAERS for these two drugs and I got the following results:

    Risperidone: 96,191 events, and it was the primary suspect in 22,759 of them.
    Aripiprazole (Abilify): 22,493 events, with 10,736 indicated as primary.

    I then examined just the Q4 data for all of the reactions listed for events in which risperidone was the primary suspect, and tabulated counts on some of the most common reactions and/or some of the most severe reactions.

    These were some of the results that I got (just from the last three months in 2017):

    3216 Gynaecomastia (enlarged breasts in a male)
    75 Galactorrhoea (excessive or inappropriate production of milk)
    450 Weight increased, Overweight, Abnormal weight gain
    69 Attempted suicide, of which 29 were successful
    12 Parkinson’s disease
    13 Altered state of consciousness, Depressed level of consciousness, Loss of consciousness
    20 Tachycardia
    11 Seizures
    15 Coma
    20 Cardiac arrest, cardio-respiratory arrest, respiratory arrest.
    19 Acute kidney injury
    13 Rhabdomyolysis
    26 Psychotic disorder
    19 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (life-threatening reaction)
    28 Aggression
    37 Fatigue

    It seems harsh to pick on chlorine dioxide in the face of these kinds of side effects for drugs routinely used to treat symptoms of autism. Worse than that, these drugs do nothing to reverse autism, whereas Kerri Rivera has reversed hundreds of cases of autism through chlorine dioxide treatment.

  6. Dvorah June 4, 2019 at 8:25 am - Reply

    Re Fiona OLeary, from Healing Oracle (Link https://archive/fo/99xwr#selection-129.0-126.1)

    "Irish Fraudster Fiona O’Leary rakes in 120K euro/140kusd yearly by claims of Aspergers! She suppresses cures for autism and harms her children."

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