Chicago Psychiatric Hospital Investigated by Federal and State Authorities for Abuse of Children Under CPS Care

A psychiatric hospital in Chicago is being investigated by federal and state authorities for multiple reports of abuse of children in their care, many of whom are under state custody through the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Although the following ProPublica article highlights one particular hospital, investigations by Health Impact News have found that the stories contained within this piece are repeated in psych wards, group homes, and juvenile detention centers all over the country. Many children who are able to tell their stories have told our reporters of similar horrors to the treatment suffered by the children in this story. Once they are hidden away behind the locked doors of these facilities, in state custody, with little contact with the people who love them, they often become victims of sexual assault, physical abuse, and drugging that they neither consent to nor want. They become invisible, hidden in the shadows, with their only hope of a voice being the very people with vested financial interests in keeping them silent about the abuse. It is not unlike slavery in many ways. It seems that every time that we talk to any former foster child that was forced into a psych ward, group home, or juvenile detention center, their stories of widespread sexual and physical abuse are the same. They are the rule, not the exception. The response is always the same: the children all report that no one listened to them. When anyone of them reported abuse by foster parents or in the facilities, they were told that no one would believe them. They are bullied or shamed into silence, left to suffer, while taxpayers pick up the tab to finance institutionalized abuse.

The Happy-go-Lucky Girl I had Pre-HPV Vaccine is Gone Forever

There is no doubt in my mind that HPV vaccines played a part in changing my daughter from a healthy young girl into one who was constantly sick with a long journey to recovery. After all, the only change in her life prior to the appearance of all these new medical conditions was being vaccinated with Cervarix and Gardasil. Fast forward three years to September 2018: Has my daughter recovered? Has Chelsea regained some sense of normality in her life? The answers to these questions are both “NO”! Chelsea has had to battle mental health problems. I strongly believe these issues stem from the long term chronic illness she had to endure during her teenage years. These years changed my daughter’s entire outlook on life. I rarely understand her reasoning with things. At times I despise her ways. However, writing her story has made me stop and think. The happy go lucky girl I had pre-vaccine is probably gone forever.

Telecom Giants and Federal Government Forcing Local Governments to Radiate Your Home with 5G Microwaves

State and local government shut out. Health risks ignored. Telecom companies are preparing to unleash the next wave of wireless technology in neighborhoods across the nation, deployed block by block. Traditional cell towers are bad enough—now telecom companies want to put a small cell tower right in your front yard, and your neighbor’s yard, and all over the town or city. It will be impossible to escape exposure to the radiation emitted by small cells. Any health concerns there are now about exposure to microwave radiation will only intensify with 5G. The telecoms industry, with an assist by the federal government, is barring the ability of local governments to manage how the new technologies get installed. We must speak out to prevent telecom giants and their government cronies from taking away our rights and threatening our health.

As American Heart Association Prepares to Revise Guidelines for Cholesterol, Harvard Doctor Speaks Out on Conflict of Interests

The American Heart Association (AHA) will soon be meeting in Chicago to set new guidelines for treating high cholesterol, the first big update since 2013. Medical doctors are not at all unified in their position on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, although pharmaceutical companies and their front groups, such as the AHA, would like the public to believe all doctors are in favor of lowering cholesterol via medication. Independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson recently covered the issue of the "Statin Wars" on her TV show, Full Measure. In the introduction to her show, Attkisson states: "Past (cholesterol) guidelines have said more and more of us should take cholesterol-lowering drugs called “statins” to prevent heart attacks and save lives. But the recommendations aren’t without controversy. And they raise a larger debate in medicine— over who’s paying the doctors and groups deciding what’s good for us." She interviewed three people with different perspectives on statin drugs.

N.Y. Mother Fights for Medically Kidnapped 13 Year Old Son Being Forced to Receive Chemo Therapy Even Though He is Cancer-free

ABC7 in New York is reporting on the story of a Long Island mother who lost custody of her 13 year old son when she disagreed with doctors over his treatment. Kristin Thorne reports: "A mother on Long Island is fighting to have her son removed from chemotherapy treatment after he was given a clean bill of health by doctors. Candace Gundersen's son, Nick Gundersen, 13, is receiving court-ordered chemotherapy at NYU Winthrop Hospital in Mineola. He's now in the custody of Suffolk County Child Protective Services." Kristin Thorne also spoke with Nick from his hospital bed: "They basically took me away from my parents and that's unnecessary because they're trying to help me and they're not trying to kill me. I think that they should focus on other families that actually need help and whose children lives are actually in danger," he said.

World Health Organization Ensures More Children Die from Vaccines by Revising Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting

In April 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) coordinated a joint project between teams of experts from the National AEFI (adverse events following immunization) committees of India and Zimbabwe with each country’s Ministry of Health. However, doctors in private practice did not necessarily agree that the new guidelines helped protect the children of the world. In fact, they suspected just the opposite. Instead of accurately assessing potential vaccine-reactions, the new guidelines seemed to further hinder the discovery of real vaccine-reactions, particularly when a death occurred after vaccine administration. In a letter published in the prestigious Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, two prestigious doctors from India, Dr. Jacob Puliyel and Dr. Anant Phadke, expressed their concerns over this new classification system. “By simply denying deaths, the new AEFI classification is liable to miss the safety signals and therefore potential dangers with new vaccines.” They note that Sri Lanka suspended the use of a pentavalent vaccine after five deaths within four months after its introduction in January 2008 and, in 2013 Viet Nam shelved the pentavalent vaccine because it had been associated with 12 deaths. However, in both cases, the WHO teams which investigated the deaths declared they were ‘unlikely’ to be related to the vaccines used. The authors point out that the consequences of using the new classification are illustrated starkly in the causality assessment of 134 serious AEFI cases uploaded on the website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India. 78 of these babies survived and 58 died. Who is WHO protecting – children or vaccine manufacturers?

Study: Neuroprotective Effect of Virgin Coconut Oil Helps Relieve ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease)

ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes disability and can lead to death. It is considered progressive and incurable. It is often referred to as Lou Gehrig disease, named after the Yankee baseball star of decades ago whose career was cut short by ALS. ALS begins with minor muscular control issues then progresses until one is completely disabled, even unable to consume food or breathe. It can be a slow, miserable death for many who are stricken. ALS diagnoses have been increasing, and the pharmaceutical industry has no cures. A recent animal study looked into the potential of coconut oil for preventing or reducing ALS symptoms. The results of the study were positive, and revealed that the coconut oil supplementation together with the regular diet delayed disease symptoms, enhanced motor performance, and prolonged survival in mouse models. The baby-boomer era generations are aging in large numbers, and those aging are most prone to neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS and Alzheimer’s disease. Virgin coconut oil is safe and carries even more nutritional benefits in addition to neurological protections.

Local Media in Peoria Illinois Exposes Medical Kidnapping of Young Child Due to Child Abuse Specialist

A recent 2-part Special Report by 25 News in Peoria, Illinois, examines the issue of innocent parents, who are falsely accused by doctors, whose children are medically kidnapped. Reporter Caitlin Knute says that one local hospital, OSF St. Francis, sees about 20 cases a month of child abuse, which also includes "neglect" cases as well. Reporter Tyler Lopez asks the question that Health Impact News has been asking even before our Medical Kidnap division was established in 2014: "But what if some of those abuse cases were misdiagnosed or the result of a medical condition?" When that happens, there is often no liberty or justice for these families. The 25 News report starts with the story of Baby Chandler, a story that follows the template of dozens of other stories that we have covered here at Health Impact News involving a child with broken bones who actually had a medical condition causing his bone fragility. Dr. Channing Petrak, Child Abuse Pediatrician, accused the parents of abuse, and he was taken from his mother by Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).

N.Y. Health Department Orders All Unvaccinated School Children to Miss 21 Days of School Over Measles “Outbreak”

The Rockland County Health Department in the State of New York has notified schools that students who are not vaccinated for measles cannot attend school for 21 days, due to a "measles outbreak" where 33 cases have allegedly been confirmed in the county. This directive includes those who have legal vaccine exemptions for either medical or religious reasons. Parents and members of the community are, of course, outraged at this tyrannical action being conducted by the Health Department, which is run by unelected medical professionals and administers "free" MMR vaccines purchased by the CDC (with U.S. taxpayer funds). When these "outbreaks" of measles occur, and action is taken to target those who are not vaccinated, many facts are left out in educating the public regarding the truth about measles and the measles vaccine. So here are the facts about measles and the measles vaccine, all of which are easily verified by anyone with an Internet connection. 1. There is NO measles vaccine. Only a 3-combo vaccine that includes measles (MMR). 2. Merck, the Manufacturer of the MMR Vaccine, is Being Sued in Court for FRAUD. 3. The MMR Vaccine is Linked to Autism. 4. More People Die from the Measles Vaccine than from Measles. 5. Measles Rates were Declining Long Before the Vaccine was Introduced.

The CDC’s Outlandish Lies About Mercury in Vaccines

The CDC says “the evidence is clear” that thimerosal is “merely a preservative” and not a neurotoxin. However, no one who actually takes the time to examine the scientific literature can rationally conclude that mercury in any form—including the mercury in thimerosal—is safe for humans. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book, Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak, describes hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific publications and the “broad consensus among research scientists that Thimerosal is a dangerous neurotoxin.” The CDC falsely claims that “thimerosal was taken out of childhood vaccines in the United States in 2001.” However, 25 micrograms of thimerosal remain in many of the influenza vaccines administered in the U.S., including to pregnant women and infants. All eight studies included in the CDC fact sheet claiming that thimerosal is safe involve lead or co-authors accused of fraud or known to have been involved in behind-closed-doors data manipulation or weighed down by serious conflicts of interest.

Arizona’s Double Standards: Requirements Higher for Biological Parents to Keep Their Children at Home than for Foster Parents to Take Other People’s Children into Their Home

Arizona and other states have much stricter policies in place for children to stay with their families in their own homes, than standards placed on foster parents to receive children that are not their own into their homes. It would seem logical that the stricter standard would be placed upon those that taxpayers pay to care for children taken from their families, while some grace would be extended to biological families. After all, simply being removed from their homes, no matter the family condition, is in itself traumatic to children. Children have the innate biological, psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual need for their own families that doesn't go away when they are placed with other people. Even the kindness of a stranger is not as welcome to a child as the love of their own mother, father, and grandparents. Yet the opposite is true. The looser standard lies with those homes the children are placed into. Perhaps no story we have covered in the last 4 years illustrates this more clearly than the case of Devani in Arizona, a child taken from her family at the age of 2. Her mother was never charged with abuse, but the state put her into a foster home where she was raped as part of a pedophile pornographic ring. After her foster parent was arrested, she still did not go home, but was placed into a home where she was scalded so badly by hot water that all of her toes were amputated.

Will the U.S. Follow Canada and Mexico in Legalizing Marijuana?

The cascade of cannabis legality now and in the near future is better than expected from a decade or so ago. It's been a state-by-state struggle the whole time while leaving the federal law against cannabis intact. More and more states are voting on medical cannabis use that haven't allowed it thus far, and some of those who have allowed medical marijuana are looking into opening it up for "recreational" use. Some American states don't allow even medical cannabis, imposing the need for those with seriously ill close relatives to relocate into more medical marijuana-friendly states or go underground for purchasing cannabis oil. A documentary that dramatizes this dilemma has been recently released for touring in select theaters. This documentary is called "Weed the People," and it covers five families who have put themselves into legal jeopardy by treating their cancer-ridden children with cannabis oil or its variations. One of the parents in the documentary was quoted as saying: "When your kid has got cancer, the rulebook goes out the window, really." When Mexico goes full legal with cannabis, medical and beyond, the USA will be bordered by two nations federally sanctioning all-purpose cannabis (marijuana) use while the USA nationally resists. This has already begun with Canada. The same issues will be south of the border when Mexico goes fully legal with all-purpose cannabis use.

Arizona Attorney General Demands Health Impact News Take Down Story on Medical Kidnapping in Violation of 1st Amendment

In October (2018) we brought you the story of a young couple's situation in Arizona, where both of their infant sons were removed from their family by the Department of Child Safety, Arizona's version of CPS (Child Protection Services). They lost their first son, Keaton, at 2 months of age after taking him to the doctor shortly after receiving multiple vaccines and becoming sick. A Child Abuse Pediatrician at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Dr. Cynthia Nelson, reported that Keaton had been abused based on medical evidence. And while the parents have not yet been found guilty of any crime in an ongoing investigation, an investigation in which other doctors have allegedly weighed in and disagreed with Dr. Cynthia Nelson, the State of Arizona also removed the Meissinger's second son 48 hours after he was born, simply because there was an open investigation regarding their first baby. This story has drawn national attention, and Health Impact News recently received an email from the mother, Briana, explaining that the Arizona Attorney General office was demanding that we take down their story. We have been publishing stories about state-sponsored child kidnappings on our website for over 4 years now, and this is not the first time we have been told we must remove one of our articles. We have never complied with these demands and threats, and we are NOT going to start now.

‘Unprecedented’ Sales for Merck’s Gardasil Vaccine as They Seek World Domination for HPV Vaccines

Merck's Gardasil vaccine saw a 55% increase over last year’s third quarter, netting $1.05 billion in global sales for the third quarter of 2018. Thanks to worldwide sales, the Gardasil vaccine has become the top money maker for Merck. FiercePharma, the marketing trade publication for vaccine manufacturers, reports that Merck’s Gardasil has been propelling the pharma giant’s vaccine unit in recent quarters, and that doesn't look like it'll be changing. The company sees more growth ahead thanks to an “unprecedented increase in worldwide demand” for HPV vaccines, an executive said. Addressing the vaccine's performance on a recent conference call, Merck’s president of global human health Adam Schechter said the company is “seeing unprecedented increase in worldwide demand for the HPV vaccines.” He said global demand has “doubled in the last year alone.” Meanwhile, the carnage left behind from mass Gardasil vaccination programs continues to get world-wide exposure, as doctors, scientists, and victims look for ways to oppose mass Gardasil vaccination programs. A recent gathering in Ireland at an IFICA conference brought together many world leaders to discuss the Gardasil problem, and another meeting is scheduled in the U.S. in 2019 during the Autism One conference, at the 4th Annual International HPV Vaccine Education Symposium.

Vaccine Extremist and Industry Insider Dr. Paul Offit Losing Credibility with the Public

Dr. Paul Offit was at the National Press Club in Washington, DC last night peddling his new book, “BAD ADVICE: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians and Activists Aren’t Your Best Source of Health Information.” It is clear that Dr. Offit desperately wants to be the authority on vaccines. He already is the industry shill, but is he the authority? The opinion of the crowd in attendance at the event was a resounding NO. Children’s Health Defense advocates, parents of vaccine-injured children, and scientists came from all over the United States to ask Dr. Offit questions. They pointed out in their respectful, thoughtful questions that they do their own research. Although Offit declined to take questions directly from the audience, it was a good day for parents everywhere to see Dr. Offit forced to have a moderator filter the written questions he did address down to the very basics so he could answer with one of his canned responses. And the harder questions from the group were never presented to him. Today’s intelligent parents don’t need a pharmaceutical tycoon physician from Philadelphia with a “gift of gab” telling them what the industry wants them to hear.

Former Nurse at Phoenix Children’s Hospital Speaks Out Against Medical Kidnapping of Children

A hallmark of a free people is the ability to think for ourselves, which includes the right to question, to seek out truth, and to hold opinions that are different from those of someone else. If, however, the person that parents question is a doctor, the cherished American value of this basic liberty may be squashed by a simple phone call to Child Protective Services, after which custody of the child is seized by the state. Medical kidnapping has become the go-to punishment for those parents who dare to question their children's doctors. With ancient religious fervor, medical "heretics" are seeing their families ripped apart. At a recent rally for families in front of Phoenix Children's Hospital, a former nurse spoke out about the abuses that she has seen at the hospital. She told the group: "I am in this field. I didn't go into healthcare to steal children!" Yet, that is the scenario that is being played out in Children's Hospitals every single day, all across America.

Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Better than Drugs in Treating Diabetes and Obesity

Researchers in Brazil recently completed an animal study to determine if virgin coconut oil (VCO) could replace pharmaceutical drugs for reducing obesity and its attendant co-morbid inflammatory and diabetic conditions. The researchers refuted the misguided conventional thinking of saturated fats causing obesity. They wanted to investigate the saturated fat coconut oil as a functional food to replace pharmaceutical drugs currently used for obesity that cause adverse side effects. The Brazilian researchers also expressed concern with the abundant schemes and dietary efforts at reducing calories that are impractical and difficult to maintain, not to mention often unhealthy. Using refined carbohydrates and processed vegetable oils to avoid saturated fat is the lifestyle of the unhealthy, as the standard American diet (SAD) has proven. The researchers used refined carbohydrates to create adiposity in their experimental mice. Refined carbohydrates such as sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and flours used in processed foods are pervasive in our culture and have been recognized by many scientists open to the truth as the real culprits behind obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

WARNING: Dangerous Flu Shots Being Given to Children Without Parental Consent

The annual influenza vaccine is, by far, the most dangerous vaccine in the United States. This is evident from the quarterly reports the Department of Justice (DOJ) supplies every 3 months to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). Compensation paid through settlements in the federal Vaccine Court for injuries or deaths due to vaccines are highest for the annual flu shot, comprising more settlements than all other vaccines currently approved for the US market combined. The last report from September of 2018, for example, listed 73 settlements from 198 cases, and of those 73 settlements for that 3-month period, 48 of the cases were for harm caused by the flu vaccine. The actual number of people who are confirmed to have died with the influenza virus is only a few hundred each year, and most of those already have a compromised immune system that makes them more susceptible to the flu virus. On the other hand, each year there are reports that healthy people are dying or being permanently injured after receiving a flu vaccine. So there really is no good justification for anyone to give a child a flu vaccine and put that child at risk, without consulting with the child's parents first. And yet, news reports across the United States indicates that this is indeed happening. In some of the reports we have heard, some parents have even signed statements that they did NOT want their child to receive a flu vaccine, but the child got one anyway. So how can this be justified? I asked Health Impact News foreign correspondent, Christina England, to look into this matter, as our initial reports indicated that the rationale for subverting parental consent to the flu vaccine might have come from a document published by the World Health Organization (WHO), defining something called "Implied Consent," and is not unique to just the United States.

Online FREE Superhuman Brain Masterclass

Your brain is under attack — disorders like depression, anxiety, headaches, ADHD, memory loss, epilepsy, dementia and other neurological disorders are MORE prevalent than ever before! Get the SUPERhuman Brain MASTERCLASS UPGRADES to prevent and heal from these attacks! The Superhuman Brain Masterclass is online and FREE from December 3-9, 2018. Brain diseases and disorders start 15-40 years before they’re diagnosed. We’ll teach you the best ways to prevent these disorders by upgrading your brain to SUPERhuman. Plus, you’ll gain increased energy, mental clarity and heal rapidly by leveraging existing technology, nutrition and advanced solutions for next-level brain performance. The world’s top neuroscientists, brain researchers, doctors and biohackers have gathered to provide you with proven solutions to heal and upgrade your brain to “high performance” for life!

Use of Coconut Oil as Enema Saves Woman’s Colon from being Surgically Removed due to Colitis After Drugs Failed

A new case study out of Germany just published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology documents the remarkable recovery of a woman who was recommended to have part of her colon removed, including her anus, due to a severe case of Crohn's disease and complicated by diversion colitis. She refused to have a proctectomy (to surgically remove a portion of her colon along with her anus) as recommended by her doctors, and requested a natural approach instead. Therefore, her doctors started daily local administration of three and half ounces of prewarmed coconut oil as a rectal enema. The patient saw immediate results within one week, and after 12 weeks, she was free of pain and returned to work.