Why are so Many Inexperienced and Poorly Trained Social Workers Given Authority to Remove Children from their Homes?

Child Protective Services (CPS) is an agency of government that has been charged with protecting children. Public perception of the role of CPS is that the social workers involved are highly trained professionals who have a lot of education and experience about child welfare. Unfortunately, as we have discovered in our extensive investigation at Health Impact News, those involved in the system frequently are not even parents, and often have little or no experience or training to understand child welfare and safety. Angelia Borths is a mom and an advocate who has been involved with helping families for many years. She recently shared her perspective on the lack of professionalism in child social workers in a Facebook post on New Years Eve 2017. Angelia is a researcher, blogger, and former foster child, whose own children were medically kidnapped from her in 2015 because a doctor said that her 6 year old daughter was "too short."

Iodine Supplements Used Successfully for Diabetes and Other Diseases at Higher Doses

The importance of iodine supplementation is a topic found in the alternative health media, mostly to regulate thyroid activity. But the importance of iodine for other organs and its function as a disease fighter and preventive are not well known. The fact is that all our cells use iodine for optimum functioning. While more are beginning to realize the importance of iodine for proper thyroid function and protecting the thyroid against radioactive iodine-131 from nuclear bomb testing and nuclear plant disasters such as the most recent Fukushima catastrophe, the importance of iodine supplementation is underestimated nutritionally and medically, while iodine fears, are greatly exaggerated. Dr. Guy Abraham, the national father of higher dosage iodine calls such fears about iodine “idophobia”.

Study: Roundup Weed Control Causes Changes in Gut Microbiome

An environmentally relevant concentration of Roundup caused changes in the gut microbiome of rats, according to a new study published by the group of Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini at the University of Caen, France.

America’s Vaccine Civil War: Will Negative News on Gardasil Turn the Tide in 2018?

In December of 2017 Slate magazine published a report on Gardasil from a Danish reporter titled: What the Gardasil Testing May Have Missed. Slate is part of the corporate mainstream media. Like other corporate media groups, Slate is religiously pro-vaccine, and spouts the mantra that "the science is settled" when it comes to vaccines, an obvious anti-science statement in itself which resembles religious belief more than anything "scientific." Here is an example of what you will read about vaccines on Slate: "There are two sides to almost every story, and sometimes we publish both of them. That’s true even for science. But three areas of science are beyond scientific debate even though they are still debated by a lot of people. Evolution and climate change are two. The other is vaccines." So if Slate has publicly stated in the past that the science of vaccines is settled and beyond debate, what was the purpose of this report published last month about Gardasil criticizing safety studies conducted during the approval process?