Tamika with her youngest twins. Photo provided by Seagraves family.
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
Almost a year after her youngest set of twins was taken by Child Protective Services, a Tennessee mother was arrested this week and charged with 2 counts of felony child neglect. Tamika Seagraves was blindsided by the arrest when she appeared for a child support hearing on Tuesday, October 24.
Friends are trying to raise money to get her out of jail. According to the Nashville and Davidson County court website, her bond is set at $20,000. Her arraignment is set for 9 am on November 8 at the Justice A.A. Birch Building Courthouse in Nashville, Tennessee.
Now, her biggest fear, according to her close friend who contacted Health Impact News, is that her babies will be vaccinated and her son circumcised without her consent.
Tamika has been fighting to get the twins back home since they were medically kidnapped in January 2017 by the Department of Children’s Services. They were taken based on allegations that the breastfeeding mother neglected the nutrition of her youngest set of twins.
However, Tamika asserts that she was working with medical professionals and following their advice.
She has always believed that their seizure by DCS had less to do with their weight and more to do with the unusual circumstances of their birth.
See the Seagraves family’s original story here:
Tennessee Mom Gives Birth to Premature Twins 3 Times – Surviving Babies Medically Kidnapped for Research?
Zaylen and Zaliyah were born on December 5, 2016. They were premature – born at 34 weeks. They were the third set of fraternal twins born to their mother, and all 3 sets of twin were a boy and girl pair. Their oldest brother Zayden died in the hospital at 13 days old. He and his twin Ziria were micro-preemies, born at just 24 weeks gestation.
Two years later, Tamika Seagraves gave birth to another set of twins – Jordan and Jaliyah, born at 35 weeks. Again, tragedy struck when little Jordan passed away in his sleep. He was almost 2 months old.
After she lost her first son, Tamika began researching vaccines. Based on what she found, she decided to limit the shots that her second set of twins received to solely the Vitamin K shot. It was not until after Jordan’s death that she learned that even the seemingly benign Vitamin K injection carried a black box warning label.

Since the routine Vitamin K shot carries a Black Box warning label, maybe it shouldn’t be so routine.
While she continued her research, DCS and doctors at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital began looking at her.
After Jordan’s autopsy came back saying that the coroner could not determine the cause of death, DCS blamed Tamika and the fact that she occasionally co-slept. According to court documents, DCS has accused Tamika of demonstrating “erratic behaviors” because she refuses vaccinations, stopped a medication for her child out of concerns for its side effects, “tried to have Jaliyah seen by a holistic chiropractor as opposed to a pediatrician.”
Soon after, DCS seized custody of Jaliyah.
While Tamika was fighting the state to get Jaliyah back, she gave birth to her third set of twins.
When they were born, Tamika determined not to take any chances with their health. She refused all vaccines, the Vitamin K shot, the eye ointment, and circumcision for her son. She chose to exclusively breastfeed.
Whistleblowers who are NICU nurses have confirmed that they have seen premature infants injured in the NICU by vaccines, and a 2015 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that there are adverse effects from vaccinating very low birth-weight infants.
Nurse Whistleblower Confirms NICU Pre-term Babies Being Injured by Vaccines
Like their sisters before them, the youngest twins were slow to gain weight. Tamika was working with a lactation consultant and a nurse-practitioner at the time. The lactation consultant noticed that the babies had a “tongue tie” or short frenulum, but she didn’t think it was cause for concern. She never suggested clipping it, a simple solution which almost always results in an increased milk supply, weight gain for babies, and decreased pain for mothers.
The nurse-practitioner was not very concerned about the twins’ weight at the 4 week appointment either, and set up an appointment for 2 weeks later for the babies to be weighed. If they still had weight issues, the plan was to then consider supplementation with formula.
Tamika followed all of their recommendations for feeding, so she was shocked when DCS showed up at her door when the babies were 5 weeks old. The allegations for removal at the time were more about Jaliyah than the new twins. It was not until a court hearing in early March that Tamika learned that doctors at Vanderbilt were alleging nutritional neglect.
Arrest Came as a Surprise
In an update on the Justice for Jaliyah Facebook page on June 15, Tamika wrote that the courts found her guilty of severe child abuse against the babies, citing allegations by Vanderbilt that she was starving her children. This was the juvenile court system that reportedly arrived at this finding, not a criminal court. However, to date, Tamika has reportedly not received a final report from the juvenile court.
According to Tamika’s friend who contacted Health Impact News, things have been fairly quiet lately with the case. Tamika has been able to have visitation with her children, and she has been working towards the hoped-for goal of getting her children back.
Tuesday’s arrest was unexpected. After the babies have been in state custody for almost 10 months, why are criminal charges just now being filed?
Now, her case moves to criminal court.
While she sits in jail she is not able to work, and her job is probably in jeopardy now.
How You Can Help
Supporters set up a Facebook page for the family after Jaliyah was taken, called Justice for Jaliyah.
Friends are trying to raise money to get her out of jail. According to the Nashville and Davidson County court website, her bond is set at $20,000. Her arraignment is set for 9 am on November 8 at the Justice A.A. Birch Building Courthouse in Nashville, Tennessee.
The Governor of the state of Tennessee is Bill Haslam. He may be reached at (615) 741-2001, or contacted here.
Senator Thelma Harper represents the Seagraves family’s district. She may be reached at (615) 741-2453, or contacted here.
Representative Carson W. (Bill) Beck is the Representative for the Seagraves’ district. He may be reached at (615) 741-3229, or contacted here.
Comment on this article at MedicalKidnap.com.
See other Medical Kidnap stories involving Vanderbilt Hospital:
Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula
Baby Found with Broken Bones – Parents Assumed Guilty of Abuse and Lose Custody
Tennessee Children with Brittle Bones Suffer in State Care as Mom Charged with SBS
Medically Kidnapped Toddlers of Tennessee Parents Returned After 2 Years
Kentucky Family Falsely Accused of Child Abuse – Children Medically Kidnapped to Cover Corruption
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