Now that the young mother is with family again, perhaps her smile will return. Photo source: Juda Myers.
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
Baby Braelon and his young mother have been released to the custody of a family member, according to a source close to the Prince family. The mother’s twin brother remains in a group home, but the source, who asked not to be named, reports that the judge in the case, Judge Corey Moore, appears to finally be listening to the evidence in the case. If this continues to happen, there is hope that the brother will be returned to his grandparents’ home soon.
The Princes are not disclosing any information at this time, under advice from an attorney. The source told Health Impact News that they know that many people have been advocating and praying for the family, and they believe they have a right to know the latest news. They believe that prayer has made a difference.
The twins and baby Braelon were removed by Child Protective Services (DHR) from their family in June without a court order, warrant, or exigent circumstances. Up until the hearing on Thursday, much of the court proceedings have allegedly focused on the fact that the story has remained in the media, something that the judge and DHR appeared to adamantly oppose. That focus has meant that the court was not looking at the evidence, or lack thereof, in the case.
See original story:
Alabama Child Protective Services Steals New-born Breast-feeding Baby from Rape Victim While Still at the Hospital
The family has maintained all along that if the courts would look at the evidence and if the law were followed, there would be no case. They never asked for special favors, only for those involved to do the right thing. This is the case for every family whose story has been covered by Health Impact News. Truth stands for itself, but in order for that to happen, the truth has to be presented in court, and a judge must be willing to make just decisions. Too few families find this to be the case in family court.

Prince twins with their grandfather, when they were all still together. Photo source: Facebook
Our own investigation into stacks of documents and years of DHR involvement revealed a pattern of apparent harassment of the Prince family, with countless unsubstantiated allegations over the years. The only substantiated allegation was one in which a confession was illegally coerced from a scared 12 year old boy who popped the bra strap of his sister. (Source) That case was dismissed in 2013.
It appears that Judge Moore is, at last, looking at the facts of the case over all of the smoke and mirrors by DHR. After seeing evidence that DHR presented false information to the court, the unnamed source reports that the judge ordered that the young mother and baby Braelon be released from the Childhaven group home and be returned that afternoon to a family member.
No more will she be under the watchful guard of the 24 hour sitters. No more will she be isolated from her support system and everyone she cares about. When she attends church, she will be able to sit with family and friends instead of social workers. She won’t be followed into the bathroom. She will be living in a much cleaner environment. Her phone conversations with family members will not be monitored. She will be able to breastfeed her baby on demand and meet his needs, without being coerced to follow poor decisions for his care made by sitters, social workers, and group home mothers. If he needs to go to the doctor, she will be able to get him seen without having to beg for days.
In short, the young mother will no longer be treated like a prisoner.
Her twin brother remains in a group home in Montgomery, but the family is reportedly guardedly optimistic that the judge may now look objectively at the evidence in his case.
Since evidence of DHR’s deception against this family is now being brought to light, there is hope that Judge Corey Moore will be open to hearing the evidence in the defense of the twins’ older sister Haly, whose children were taken from her without real grounds.

Haly with her newborn in May, before DHR seized the baby without a court order or warrant. Photo source: family
See Haly’s story:
Alabama DHR Seizes Newborn Baby with No Court Order, No Trial, and No Evidence
It is apparent that the judge in this case, just like family court judges all over the country, has been presented with inaccurate information from social workers. Many families have brought evidence to Health Impact News of social workers lying about them and their case, and this family is no exception. One of our investigative reporters was present for some of the events which have transpired, and she witnessed the deception of DHR firsthand.
It is hoped that family court judges across the country will reevaluate the practice of accepting the word of social workers without evidence. Child Protective Services is a government entity funded by taxpayers. As such, it needs to be accountable to the people. This story has demonstrated that DHR can and does abuse its power and needs to be held in check.
The twins turned 15 on August 17. They have communicated time and again that they want to be home with their family and that they never should have been taken away. The young mother is now reunited with family members. How much longer will her twin brother or Haly’s children have to wait before they come home?
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