Virgin Coconut Oil Beats Drugs in Treating Alzheimer's book cover

by Carolyn 
User submitted testimony to Health Impact News

Coconut Oil Lowers Blood Sugars Through Rubbing on Skin

I brought my 88 year old mother out of 7 years of nursing home neglect/abuse on February 14, 2016. I’ve been studying the effects of coconut oil and Alzheimer’s disease.

She was taking 4 units Novolog insulin at meals and 10 units Lantas at night. After applying coconut oil all over her buttocks, vaginal area, feet and body, I noticed her sugars were continuing to lower without insulin shots. The first 2 days, I saturated her skin and added 1 teaspoon in protein shakes. Her sugars went from 300’s to 140.

Mother’s Health Makes Dramatic Improvement in 5 days

I am using it on her body after bathing in the morning and before bedtime only. I have not given her any oil in her drink other than first two days. Her sugar reading are running 118 – 140 without any shots now for 5 days.

I gave her an ice cream with 22 grams of sugar, this morning her cranberry juice has 36 grams sugar per 8oz. She ate scrambled eggs, sausage, 1 waffle with syrup and I checked her sugars again at noon – now after all that sugar and no insulin for 4 days, her reading was 121. I can only attribute this to the coconut oil rub down as this is the only thing I’ve done.

“She is Remembering People and Things that Have not Been Spoken of for Years”

My mother is diagnosed with stage 6 Alzheimer’s. She is speaking better and I gave her a Bible story book to read me yesterday and she could read it through with exception of a few words. My mother could not do this one week ago or for the last two years.

She is remembering people and things that have not been spoken of for years. I can now show her pictures and she can name people, even her children now. I’m thrilled!

The only question I have is that she is prescribed a statin drug every night before bed and I wonder if this statin drug can be harmful on top of all the coconut oil I rub into her skin? Can anyone advise any information regarding reactions using statin drugs and coconut oil together?

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Learn about statin drugs by clicking here.

Virgin Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s DiseaseVirgin Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease
A Holistic Guide to Geriatric Care – eBook

In this book we look at the problems and causes of Alzheimer’s as they are related to an epidemic of prescription drugs being marketed to seniors, and we look at the strong evidence for dietary intervention, starting with coconut oil.

We bring you the stories of 10 different families who saw Alzheimer’s lessened or reversed by adding coconut oil to their diet, which is representative of thousands of others who are experiencing similar results. We offer guidelines on usage and types of coconut oil to consider, as well as other non-drug tips for holistic geriatric care.

Our target audience is the millions of caregivers out there loving caring for our senior population who will find it difficult to get this information from their doctors or medical professionals not trained in these areas.





Virgin Coconut Oil:
How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours!

Includes 85 recipes – Free shipping available!
