46 Year Old Texas Man Fighting Against Hospital to Stay Alive

Chris Dunn, a 46 year old former EMT and Homeland Security officer, is fighting to stay alive at Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas. But he isn’t just fighting for his life, he’s fighting against the hospital’s plans to terminate his life. Literally fighting a death panel for the right to be alive. In this shocking video, Chris is asked by his family’s attorneys whether or not he wishes to stay alive. He nods his head and places his hands together, as if he is pleading and praying for their help.

Christian Family Loses 5 Children to CPS for “Radicalizing and Indoctrinating” Children with Christianity

Child welfare services in Norway have reportedly removed five Christian children from their parents' home and placed them into foster care after the parents were accused of radicalizing and indoctrinating their children with Christianity. According to the British-based Christian Institute, Norway's child protection services, known as the Barnevernet, seized the three sons and two daughters of Ruth and Marius Bodnariu in mid-November. Although the family wasn't quite sure at the time why their children were being taken away from them, their lawyer discovered that the parents were being charged with Christian indoctrination. The Bodnariu's lawyer obtained a copy of the government document that lists the charges against Marius and Ruth, which includes being listed as "radical Christians who were indoctrinating their children."

Getting Yearly Flu Shots Decreases Effectiveness, Increases Adverse Event Risks

There is evidence indicating that getting flu shots year after year could actually lower your immune system’s effectiveness. Recently, Dr. Edward Belongia of Wisconsin’s Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation discussed findings that children who had been vaccinated annually over a number of years were more likely to contract the flu than kids who were only vaccinated in the season in which they were studied. Belongia, an epidemiologist, stated in a recent interview: "The vaccine was significantly more effective … if they had not been vaccinated in the previous five years."

Combating Vaccine Extremism in America

For more than 20 years I have been warning that the day would come when vaccine extremists and profiteers would move to legally force Americans to buy and use all government mandated vaccines and punish those who refuse. Still, it was a shock to see it happen in California this year, even as I know that preparations are being made by vaccine extremists to attack the religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions in more states next year. What would the people do? Would they bow down and cower before their oppressors, or would they stand up and defend their natural rights and civil liberties? Why are we seeing this unprecedented gutting of informed consent rights and vaccine licensing standards in America?

Will the Government “BRAIN Initiative” Improve Mental Health or Increase Medical Tyranny?

In 2013, President Obama established a 12 year research goal to find cures for brain related illnesses. Expenditures for this project from public and private sources are estimated to reach 4.5 billion dollars by its culmination in 2025. This article will look at the research priorities of the government agencies that are leading the BRAIN Initiative. Based on this information, and actual objectives of funded studies, it is clear that the BRAIN Initiative is ignoring the cutting edge science about multiple brain centers in the human body that comes to us through alternative medicine. Instead, it is focusing on a limited view of the brain that fits in with the agenda of conventional medicine and Big Pharma. In later years of the BRAIN Initiative, there will be a high need for large numbers of human research subjects with impaired brain functioning. These people will be needed for clinical trials of new devices and drugs. This need opens the door to recruitment abuse in a group of people who may not be able to give true informed consent. Even though the tools that will be developed by the Brain Initiative promise to help control a wide range of illnesses with emotional, memory, and cognitive symptoms, the new technology could be used for other purposes. A long list of benefits are being touted by researchers as they discuss their plans to freely activate and deactivate brain cells and multiple sets of cells. One must wonder whether these same tools could eventually be used for other purposes. Could they become tools for aggressive interrogation or mind control?

Trans-Pacific Partnership Undermines Safety of Food Supply – Gives Power to Biotech Monopoly

A few weeks ago, the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal was finally released after many years of closed-door negotiations between officials from the US and eleven other countries, all of whom border the Pacific Ocean. Its provisions were apparently kept secret from all but the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Details of the long-secret Trans-Pacific Partnership are public at last: it will undermine the safety of our food supply, make medicine more expensive, and give power to the biotech monopoly.

Dr. Burzynski on Trial Again – Will His Life-saving Cancer Treatments Ever be Available to the Public?

After several years of FDA trial restrictions and medical bureaucratic harassment by the Texas Medical Board (TMB) through the courts system, it appeared that Dr. Burzynski was completely cleared in 2012 of all charges brought against him. The final court decisions that favored Burzynski were upheld in higher courts despite TMB appeals. It was a long, costly and bitter battle, with many former cancer free patients coming to testify on behalf of Dr. Burzynski's treatment authenticity and efficacy. The charges are different this time. Instead of attacking his ingenious new antineoplaston approach, they're charging him and his immediate staff of personal misconduct within various medical guidelines with the intention of removing their medical licenses. The central issue appears to be that Dr. Burzynski is not affiliated with a pharmaceutical company, but he owns the patents for his antineoplastons. In 1982, Dr. Richard Crout, Director of the FDA's Bureau of Drugs openly asserted: "I never have and never will approve a new drug to an individual, but only to a large pharmaceutical firm with unlimited finances."

“Agent Orange” Herbicide Pulled by EPA

After initially receiving the agency’s rubber stamp, a dangerous pesticide has been removed, at least temporarily, from the market. Following a lawsuit filed by a coalition of groups led by the Center for Food Safety and Earthjustice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that it is revoking the registration of Enlist Duo, a combination of glyphosate and 2,4-D. Approved a year ago by the agency, Enlist Duo was created by Dow Agrosciences for use on the next generation of GMO crops. The basis of the legal challenge was that, in approving Enlist Duo, the EPA had failed to consider the impact of the herbicide on threatened and endangered plants and animals protected under the Endangered Species Act, which requires that agencies consider the impact their actions will have on endangered species.

Study Dispels Myth that Better Diagnosis is Responsible for Increase in Autism

In October 2015, researchers David Geier, Janet Kern, Brian Hooker, Lisa Sykes, and Mark Geier published a paper titled A Prospective Longitudinal Assessment of Medical Records for Diagnostic Substitution among Subjects Diagnosed with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder in the United States. The aim of their study, supported by the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, was to investigate whether or not better diagnostic testing was responsible for the ever-increasing numbers of children being diagnosed with persuasive developmental disorder (PDD), autism, cerebral palsy (CP) and mental retardation (MR). For many years, governments around the world have claimed that better diagnosis of autism is responsible for the rise in the condition. However, many professionals disagree and have stated that the increase directly corresponds to the rise in the number of vaccinations being added to the vaccine schedule. To discover whether or not better diagnosis could be responsible for the increase, David Geier and his team investigated the theory by using StatsDirect software and examining medical records for subjects within the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD).

Report: Illinois DCFS Needs Total Overhaul

Beset by failures in leadership and in treatment of the state's most vulnerable children, Illinois' Department of Children and Family Services is hammering out a reform plan after a panel of court-appointed experts determined the agency needs a top-to-bottom overhaul if it hopes to improve the safety and well-being of the thousands of youths in its care. The report concluded that too many children who are wards of the state are shuffled from placement to placement and forced to wait months for services. The result, the experts wrote, was an erosion of the children's "already pronounced distrust in the system." The beleaguered agency also suffers from an "absence of responsibility and accountability" when it comes to ensuring the children receive the help they need, according to the report.