The Benefits of Fermentation: Whole Grain Sourdough Pancakes

Light but substantial, fluffy and tangy; sourdough works wonders on pancakes. Not only do sourdough pancakes have a flavor and texture that cannot be beat, they also won’t leave you feeling bogged down after breakfast. Sourdough starter can be used not only for those fabulous loaves of tangy artisan bread, but for any baked good or grain-based treat. Muffins, quick breads, bagels, yeasted loaves, and even pancakes can all be made better through the fermentation of sourdough. Furthermore, using sourdough with freshly ground whole grains is a wonderful means of creating nourishing versions of your family’s favorite foods by improving both the healthfulness and the flavor of pancakes.

Is Shaken Baby Syndrome Often Misdiagnosed and Caused by Vaccine-Induced Rickets?

Since the conventional medical system ignores vaccine injuries and even denies they exist, very few physicians today know how to diagnose injuries and illnesses caused by vaccines. Yet, this ignorance in the medical system does not mean there is not solid scientific evidence showing some of the harmful effects of vaccines. One of the truly tragic situations we are seeing today among infants suffering from vaccine damage is the prevalence of vaccine-induced rickets. The typical characteristics of an infant suffering from vaccine-induced rickets are often misdiagnosed as being caused by parents abusing their babies by shaking them too hard. In these cases, the family suffers twice: first by the damage to their child caused by vaccines, and then by the medical and social welfare systems who blame the parents and take away their children. Christina England highlights this growing problem in today's society.

Ozone Therapy Curing Ebola in Africa, but Government Banning it in Favor of Test Drugs

Dr. Robert Rowen, a leading expert on oxidative therapy, received an invitation by the President of Sierra Leone to bring his team there to teach health care workers how to treat Ebola using ozone therapy. After getting local doctors and the president himself to agree to using ozone therapy, Paolo Conte, the defense minister of Sierra Leone and newly appointed Ebola czar, prevented them from administering the treatment. However, they permitted the experimental drug ZMapp to be used on patients and they're also going to allow the use of Amiodarone—a highly toxic drug that, according to Dr. Rowen, has been proven ineffective. In the meantime, while ozone therapy is withheld from Ebola patients, two doctors who received ozone therapy treatment and training contacted Ebola, and recovered immediately.

Connecticut Teen Taken Away from Mother and Physically Forced to have Chemotherapy

Several local news media in Connecticut are reporting that a 17 year old girl who is refusing chemo therapy and seeking a second opinion has been taken into custody by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families and been physically forced to have chemo therapy against her desire. Cassandra's mother, Jackie Forton, supported her daughter's decision, and as a result of disagreeing with the doctors, lost custody of her daughter.

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage

Dr. Andrew Moulden recognized that every dose of vaccine given to a person produced microvascular damage whether or not the person was aware of the damage or had debilitating symptoms at the time the vaccines were given. He courageously stepped out of the conventional box of medical diagnosis and treatment, and gave us a new way to look at modern neurodevelopmental illnesses and syndromes. This article will discuss Zeta potential and colloidal chemistry. These concepts will help us understand how vaccines cause damage and illness.

How to Eat a Coconut-Rich Breakfast

The energy and nourishment needed for a productive day starts at the breakfast table; so why not start the day off right with the many benefits of coconut? Coconut can be eaten in both sweet and savory dishes, taking the place of many of the foods you may already be eating to break the fast. The forms of coconut are many. Using them individually or in combination with one another can produce health-giving, allergen-friendly versions of some of our favorite breakfast foods.

Could the Ineffective Flu Shot be Causing More Severe Flu Outbreaks, Including Deaths?

The CDC has already admitted that this year's influenza strain is not a good match for the current flu vaccine. And yet, as in previous years, the universal message given to the public from the government and mainstream media is to "get the flu shot anyway." But what if the flu shot itself is part of the problem? Is it possible that the financial investment into stockpiling flu vaccines each year creates a conflict of interest in this public health message encouraging everyone to get their flu shots, even when it is not a good match for the strains of flu currently making people sick? Could the flu shot itself be making people sick, and even causing deaths? Fox 4 News in Kansas City recently reported the story of a local woman who died from flu complications just after her 37th birthday. Her family reports that she was healthy, and that she was required to receive the flu shot because she was a nursing student.