Sarah Janbahan with her father Jason. Photo courtesy of family.
by Health Impact News
Yesterday we reported the story of Jason Janbahan and how he lost custody of his 5 year old son to LA County DCFS due to a charge of “medical neglect,” and then saw his son die from medical complications while staying in a foster care group home. Mr. Janbahan told his emotional story during an interview with the National Safe Child Show.
See the original story here:
Medically Kidnapped Child in LA County DCFS Care Dies – Father Vows to Expose Criminal Social Workers
On Monday September 28, 2015 Mr. Janbahan returned to dependency court in Los Angeles regarding the custody of his only remaining child, his daughter Sarah. Unfortunately for Mr. Janbahan, just months after the death of his son who died a tragic death while in DCFS care, he also lost his daughter when a judge in dependency court put his daughter into permanent placement.
Court Denies Father’s Petition Against DCFS

Sarah with Jason Jr. before Jason Jr.’s death, during happier days.
In California, a party has the right to oppose a decision the dependency or juvenile court makes. To do this they file a “JV-180” form. The party documents their opposition on this form and the court must consider if their arguments present a valid reason for the court to reconsider the court’s decision. Jason filed a “JV-180” on Friday, September 25, 2015. Jason clearly pointed out a multitude of erroneous allegations the DCFS made which had neither merit nor truth.
According to what Jason was told, the court didn’t consider his argument and it was denied.
Father Attempts to Arrest Social Workers in Court

Jason Janbahan explaining on the National Safe Child Show how social workers lied in court documents falsely accusing him.
On Monday, September 24, 2015, a hearing was scheduled at the Los Angeles dependency court.
Before the hearing, Jason went to the sheriff’s station to file charges against the social workers and county counsel alleging illegal conduct, fraud and collusion. He was told to call the local police and file a report and then return to the sheriff’s station with the police report.
He immediately returned to the dependency court in Monterey Park, California and called the local police agency. When they arrived, he showed them his documents, told the officers of his son’s death, the fraudulent misrepresentations of his having a DUI written in the SW’s reports, and went on to explain there were over 50 violations under the penalty of perjury that the agencies had falsified. (See: Medically Kidnapped Child in LA County DCFS Care Dies – Father Vows to Expose Criminal Social Workers)
The police couldn’t take a report without seeing court transcripts however. So it ended up being yet another barrier that Jason faces. He is ordering his transcripts today.
Judge Rules Against Father Over Daughter’s Permanent Placement

Sarah Janbahan – photo courtesy of family.
Later in the day Judge Julie Blackshaw presiding in Dept. 414 of dependency court issued her ruling. Mr. Janbahan’s daughter Sarah was put into permanent placement outside of his home, with Mr. Janbahan only able to see her twice a month in a supervised visitation setting.
Additionally, the court imposed two new restraining orders against Mr. Janbahan for telling one social worker “she will burn in hell for her actions.” When Jason spoke up in court asking the Judge the reason for issuing the two restraining orders, Jason told Health Impact News: “She simply shrugged her shoulders and offered no explanation.”
A Father is Devastated
Yesterday was a devastatingly sad day for Jason Janbahan. He recalls not so long ago laughing with his son and daughter, living a good life, and working hard to establish the family business. Now, everyone that mattered to him has been stolen by the Los Angeles DCFS.
“I can’t believe what they have done” he says with tears falling down his cheeks. “I can’t believe this illegal activity is happening and our communities are not outraged.”
He went on to say he had support in court from the National Safe Child Show’s director, Tammi Stefano, who stayed with him all day.
I am not giving up on my daughter, she knows how much I love her and she is counting on me.
An attorney familiar with Mr. Janbahan’s case said that his family got dealt a “bad hand” and it was very unfortunate. When Ms. Stefano asked him his opinion about the tragedy of this family, his response was somber as he said:
I have no words, I just don’t know what to say.
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