Stanley family children being removed from home during the night because the father allegedly used an unapproved mineral supplement. Photo from the Bringthestanleykidshome Facebook Page.
UPDATE 1/22/2015
Judge Refuses to Allow Stanley Family Children to Go Home – Issues Gag Order
UPDATE 1/21/2015
Michelle Stanley interviewed on talk radio (Video also):
Mom of 7 Homeschoolers in Arkansas Taken by Authorities Speaks Out
Hearing today continued tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.
by Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor
Relatives of the Stanley family in Garland County Arkansas have reached out to MedicalKidnap.com to notify the public that the 7 homeschool children of Hal and Michelle Stanley were removed during the night by DHS and fully armed sheriffs this past week, simply because they reportedly found a supplement in the home that was not approved by the FDA.
KARK4 in Hot Springs Arkansas has reported on the situation:
Some excerpts from the KARK4 report:
A “miracle” mineral treatment alleged to be a remedy for cancer and aids is at the center of an law enforcement search warrant. The investigation ended in the removal of seven children from their home in Garland County.
The family has cried foul, saying only the father has taken it and it’s mostly used for purifying water for their garden. Hal and his wife Michelle were kept outside for hours while officers searched the home with their seven children inside.
They avoid most contact with the government. The parents have home schooled their nine children, two of which have graduated and gone on to college. The Stanley’s keep to themselves, are generally self-sustained and consider themselves “preppers”.

Hal Stanley, the father. Photo by KARK7
Hal added, “There’s never been any beer, liquor.” They say they’ve never had a run-in with the law before. “I’ve never had a speeding ticket.” The Stanley’s say since the night they had their children taken, friends and relatives have called and shown support.
As the children were removed from the home Hal and his wife Michelle say they emotionally asked who made the decision. Hal said, “And finally a young man from the Sheriff’s department raised his hand, ‘I did it and I’m proud of the decision’.”
Michelle worries about her children, “They’ve never been away from us in any kind of setting like that.”
Read the Full Story here.
FDA Attacks MMS – An Apparent Threat to Pharmaceutical Drugs
Health Impact News has also reported on how the FDA has targeted the main distributor of MMS, who is facing 37 years in prison. This is in spite of the fact that the product has been used in Africa by the Red Cross to treat Malaria, and reportedly helped tens of thousands of people worldwide. The product is made from Sodium chlorite, which is a perfectly legal product and can be purchased online in such places as Amazon.com and eBay.
Daniel Smith has been embroiled in a legal battle with the FDA for almost 5 years, and has been confined to his home under house arrest wearing a government monitoring device around his ankle for over two years:
I’m attaching a photo of this clever device, which assures the government I am safe and sound in my home every night between 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. In the beginning, it insured that I never left home at all – not even to the grocery. Other than keeping me from going swimming with the kids, I hardly notice its there anymore. This device communicates with an alien-looking GPS-device that sits on top of our piano. (Source.)
While the FDA and other authorities are attacking both distributors and users of this “unapproved” product, several pharmaceutical companies have existing drug trials in place for similar products, according to the MMS Defense Fund site:
It was no surprise then when, in June of 2013 (after the arrests), sodium chlorite suddenly received “orphaned drug status” in the EU for the treatment of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). See Sodium Chlorite (NP001) Receives Orphaned “Drug” Status in the European Union.
It was also no surprise to find that clinical studies were already under way for the use of sodium chlorite (designated “NP001”) in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s.
Neither was it a surprise to find numerous patents – many based on clinical studies – for the use of acidified sodium chlorite in the safe and effective treatment of HIV, dermatologic and inflammatory diseases, infectious diseases, cancers, and diabetic ulcers, to name a few. See also, Immunokine designated “WF10“.
More recently, the U.S. military has turned to sodium chlorite to generate chlorine dioxide (ClO2) to fight the spread of dread Ebola.
Nobody has died from the many years of this product being used all around the world, but every year over 100,000 people die from FDA approved pharmaceutical products.
For more information on MMS and the FDA attacks, see: FDA Attacks Man for Selling Supplement that has Healed Tens of Thousands – Facing 37 Years in Prison
A Shocked Mother’s Email to Friends and Family

Michelle Stanley, mother. Photo from KARK7
Very concerned and troubled relatives have passed on to Health Impact News this email written by the mother of the children:
I did not have the strength to call after all that happened today. I still haven’t been able to fall asleep and I don’t have much hope that I will. The DHS has come and stolen our kids from us under the guise of “protecting our children.” For the first time since I gave birth to Madelyn I am away from all my bambinos. Only Hal and I are here alone in this wide house tonight.
The details are so many and I know you’ll want to know them all. I will try to give a short account in this email and then fill you in more over the phone tomorrow.
Last month the DHS sent someone out to investigate a call made on their hot line (by an anonymous caller.) The lady who called let us know that she was somewhat embarrassed at how silly the charge was against us but that it was her job to investigate it anyway. We welcomed her into our home and she immediately knew that the charges were frivolous. The charges were that our kids were always running around barefoot, “even in the snow” and that they were inadequately dressed. Also that Hal had struck Christina on the face.
We showed her some of the “200 and something” pair of shoes and told her (actually the kids told her) how it was their preference to go barefoot and that it was like a tradition to briefly run out in the snow barefoot and take a picture of the footprints. We assured her that when they played in the snow they all liked to wear multiple layers of clothing and bags over their feet to keep their shoes from getting wet and that they wore plastic gloves over their winter gloves to keep them from getting wet and cold too. Everyone in the family knew Hal had never hit Christina so they all eagerly told her that wasn’t true. She wrote her report and a couple of days ago we got it in the mail and it said that the charge was not valid or false (I don’t remember the exact wording but the report was that the charge was not true.)
Then today we had plans for company to eat supper with us in the evening and we got a call in the morning from the DHS saying they got another phone call and that they had to come out just to ask us some questions again. We planned it for the morning at 11:00 so it wouldn’t interfere with our evening plans. Then he called back and said he had been called into a meeting with his supervisor and that he would probably be later.
DHS and armed sheriff removing homeschool children from their home. Photo courtesy KARK7.
Well, he never called back and never came. Then around 4:30 several people showed up at our door, all obviously here for the investigation and we welcomed them in. However they desired us to step outside in order to speak privately with Hal and I and not in front of the kids. I tried to tell them it was much warmer inside and that it was nothing for the kids to go to the back of the house for us to have privacy talking. They refused and insisted on us stepping outside.
It was freezing cold and neither Hal or I had on coats. After stepping outside they issued us a search warrant and said we could not enter our house or talk to our kids until the search and the investigation was through.
You can only imagine how hard it was to play it cool and not blow up at the injustice that started to unfold.
We could not go get a coat, we could not call a lawyer, we could not retrieve anything inside like a phone or a camera to record anything or call anyone.
They offered to let us sit in one of the 12 vehicles that ended up being in our driveway to keep warm. I blatantly refused saying I was not going to sit somewhere I couldn’t have a view of my children and what all was going on so I sat on a chair on the porch facing our front window and driveway, freezing cold.
It was almost 30 minutes later before they retrieved our coats for us to put on.
They said the charge was that we had a poisonous substance in our house and that the kids were being exposed to it and it endangered their welfare. The substance named in the report was MMS and we would have gladly given it to them without a search warrant because we knew nothing of the dangers of it from all our research. It is sold on line as a water purifier and we are “preppers” so there is nothing unusual about us having it in our house.
Never has it been used it in any way to “poison” our kids or even expose them in such a way as to endanger their lives. Nor did we feel we were endangering them to have it in our house.
They said they still had to have all the kids checked out by a doctor and be tested for MMS exposure. Of the 12 emergency, state, county, federal, etc. vehicles, one was and ambulance and there happened to be a doctor on board that could check them out with out having to take them to the hospital.
Each of the kids had to be interviewed and our house was thoroughly searched everywhere for over 2 hours! Such invasion of privacy. Meanwhile everyone we talked to at this point tried to be nice and answer our questions as best they could.
We asked who made the charge and if anyone could just make any accusation and they have to act on the call regardless of it’s validity. They said it could be a hateful neighbor, a prank caller, someone with malicious intent and they still would have to act on the call.
The call was anonymous and therefore the caller was protected while all our rights were taken away.
I questioned what the possibility of our kids being taken away were if they deemed the charge true, knowing that they would find the MMS which was not hidden since we didn’t know of any danger it presented. They talked like the investigation would be drawn out over a 45 day period of time and that it would just involve the kids going to the Little Rock hospital for the test to be done (hair follicle test, blood work etc.) and that there would be interviews and visits etc.
We of course expressed all our concerns as to what this would do to the kids since they’ve never been to the doctor for sickness or health issues and they’ve never been away from us in that type of setting.
I insisted if we had to tolerate such an order that I or we as their parents at least be present with them while the procedures were done.
All our neighbors that passed by stopped and tried to find out what in the world was going on and they were all sent away with no explanation. Our guest who when they arrived tried to approach us on the porch did not get far onto our property before she was approach forcefully with a “in your face” insistence that they leave.
I yelled to her to take pictures of all the vehicles with her phone since we were not allowed to do anything to protect our own innocence at what they were doing to us.
It was about 2 hours before we were let back into our house and yet we still could not have any concerned neighbors come in and be witnesses on our side. They were back and forth all over our house, inside and outside, on the phone and talking to us.
There were over 13 (I couldn’t keep track how many) different authorities here. Our phone rang like crazy and no one was allowed to answer it.
Finally one neighbor was able to come in and our phone became ours again. During the times they weren’t talking to us I made calls to the guest we were expecting and then some of our neighbors called to see what was going on. I couldn’t tell them how it would end but that I’d call them back after they left and let them know what all happened. Our guest still planned to come after they left (they were just driving around waiting for them to leave and the whole time they were here which ended up being around 5 hours) they kept saying “just a few more minutes” or “I’m just waiting for one more phone call.”
There was never any hint that they would take our kids from us.
They waited till 15 minutes before it was all over to come in from outside, 6 intimidating brute looking males and 1 DHS female all lined up in our den to tell us they would be taking our kids into their custody for 72 hours.
DHS and sheriff removing children from home. Photo from Bringthestanleykidshome Facebook Page.
All my niceties left me. I flipped out and told them that what they were going to do to our kids was way worse than what they were accusing us of. They were totally unjust and didn’t love our kids like we do….. on and on crying at my helplessness to protect my kids from total strangers who where going to take them away from us under the guise of “protecting” them.
All the little kids were upset and Hal and I and the girls were all crying and in shock.
They started packing stuff for our kids to have clothes and things while they were gone and my head was spinning in a nightmarish state. They tried to calm me down and I said I had every right to be upset with them because they were taking my babies from me.
When I did calm down for the kids sake, and try to comfort them they ripped them away from us saying that we had already taken too much time and that they had to go.
I grabbed my camera and started following them to take pictures. The pictures did not come out very good because my mind couldn’t function on how to operate the camera in such a frenzied state. It was on glitter mode which makes all the bright lit stuff sparkle. I’m very disappointed I didn’t get any pictures of all the people and vehicles that were there while it was still day light.
I still can’t believe they are gone. I have no idea what will happen tomorrow or what comes next.
Do We Now Live in a Police State? Take Action!
The family has requested that the public call the following people:
- State Police Headquarters: 501-767-8836
- Kathy Finnegan 501-767-8550 (head investigator at State police department of our case.)
- DHS Department 501-321-2583 on menu choose Dept. of Children and Family
- Garland County Sheriff office Main Office Phone: (501) 622-3660 ask why did Mike Write (Wright?) make the decision to hold these kids.
- Judge Wade Naramore, (501) 622-3770 who is presiding over the case in Juvenile Court and ruled that the children must remain in state custody. (Email address listed here – Circuit Court Division II .)
Asa Hutchinson is the Governor, and can be contacted here. His Facebook Page is here. Phone number is 501-682-2345.

BringTheStanleyKidsHome Facebook Page.
The Stanley Family has setup a Facebook Page: BringTheStanleyKidsHome
Comment on this story at MedicalKidnap.com
See Also:
FDA Attacks Man for Selling Supplement that has Healed Tens of Thousands – Facing 37 Years in Prison
Global Censorship of Health Information
The Politics of Controlling Therapeutic Information to Protect State-Sponsored Drug Monopolies
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
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