Bavarian mother sitting with children in cowhouse on hay bale drinking fresh milk
Health Impact News Editor Comments
More research continues to come in from Europe showing the many health benefits of consuming milk fresh from the animal in its raw state. Such information is vigorously opposed here in the U.S. to protect the large, subsidized processed milk industry. Raw milk is so popular in Europe that many countries allow you to buy it from refrigerated vending machines that are stocked fresh each morning.
A study from 2014 appeared in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The study followed 983 infants from rural areas in Austria, Finland, France, Germany, and Switzerland, for the first year of life, covering 37,306 person-weeks. Acknowledging that breast milk is the best way to build a child’s immune system in the first year of life, the study looked at cow’s milk consumption from both processed milk and fresh raw milk.
They concluded:
Early life consumption of raw cow’s milk reduced the risk of manifest respiratory infections and fever by about 30%.
Read the Full Study abstract here.
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