Nurses are required to wear face masks for refusing the flu vaccine.
Photo from Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines Facebook Page.
![]() This nurse took a 4 day suspension without pay for refusing the flu vaccine, then was forced to wear a mask when she returned to work. |
![]() Many of these nurses are required to wear masks from November 1 through March 31, all the while being harassed by doctors and co-workers. |
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In spite of harassments for not compromising, these nurses keep a professional attitude and make the best of difficult circumstances for the sake of the patients. Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines |
Health Impact News
As 2014 begins to unfold, it is becoming clear that the medical care industry is facing a crisis.
We have already reported about how many doctors are refusing to participate in the new Obamacare health insurance exchanges (See: Seven out of every 10 Physicians in California are Rebelling against Obamacare). But another unintended consequence of new medical care legislation is the refusal of nurses to comply with new mandatory flu vaccination requirements. With a nation-wide shortage in nurses already problematic long before Obamacare was implemented, things are only going to get worse.
Experienced nurses across the United States are choosing to lose their jobs rather than submit to forced mandatory flu vaccinations. This began last flu season, in 2012, and we reported many stories of brave nurses standing up for their rights and refusing to submit to mandatory flu vaccinations as a requirement to keeping their jobs. (See: Brave Nurses Lose Jobs to Stand on Principle and Refuse Forced Vaccinations)
Unfortunately, many of our nation’s best nurses were already lost at the beginning of the 2012-2013 flu season as new mandates in Obamacare kicked in, requiring medical care facilities to have a 90% compliance to the flu vaccine as a requirement to receive full reimbursements for Medicare and Medicaid. (See: Are Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Healthcare Workers part of Obamacare and Linked to Financial Reimbursement to Healthcare Facilities?)
The trend towards losing nurses over the mandatory flu vaccine has continued this flu season, in 2013-2014.

Dreonna Breton lost her job in December 2013 for refusing to receive the flu vaccine while she was pregnant, even though she had a doctor’s exemption.
For example, Dreonna Breton, a registered nurse in Pennsylvania, lost her job recently due to refusing the vaccine based on medical reasons. She is pregnant, and has a history of miscarriages. Her doctor advised her NOT to get the flu vaccine, but her hospital refused her exemption and fired her. (See also: Flu Vaccines NOT Tested on Pregnant Women)
For those nurses who are granted exemptions to avoid the flu vaccine, they are forced to wear masks while at work, for the entire flu season. Since studies show that even those who are vaccinated can still pass on the influenza virus, and since the requirement to vaccinate 90% of medical care workers with the flu vaccine is a financial consideration for getting the full federal funds available for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements, this requirement to single out those refusing vaccines is a clear case of discrimination and harassment.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny recently stated in a T.V. interview that she has received letters from hospital workers that have no contact whatsoever with patients complaining that they too are being forced to receive the flu vaccination as a condition of employment. She reported that one such letter was from someone working in a hospital IT (Information technology) department four blocks away from any building housing patients.

This woman is a pharmaceutical buyer and never comes into contact with patients, but when she refused to receive a flu vaccination she also was required to wear a mask.
Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines
Nurses across the country are gathering together on the Internet, such as the Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines Facebook Page, and proudly displaying their masks as badges of honor in not giving in to intimidation and medical tyranny. They are some of the few honorable people left in the corrupt medical system.
See Also:
Student Who Refused to Lie About Vaccines and was Kicked out of Nursing School Fights Back with Lawsuit
CDC Study: Mandatory Flu Vaccinations of Health Care Workers Offer NO Protection to Patients
Vaccine Rights – Alan Phillips, J.D., Attorney and Counselor at Law
Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines Facebook Page
National Vaccine Information Center
Sign a petition at Change.org against mandatory flu vaccines.
Flu and Flu Vaccines:
What’s Coming Through That Needle – DVD
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