
Health Impact News Editor Comments

The mainstream media’s top “expert” on vaccines is unquestionably Dr. Paul Offit. Dr. Paul Offit is infamously known among vaccine safety advocates as the doctor who has gone on record stating that he believes a baby can handle as many as 10,000 vaccines during infancy.

Dr. Offit is a dangerous man. If he gets his way, he will make all vaccines mandatory for every single child in America. He wants to take away parental choice when it comes to the issue of vaccines.

And for good reason. He holds a patent on a vaccine he developed with Merck, and has earned millions of dollars on royalties. That income will increase in the future with the sale of more vaccines. When Sharyl Attkisson still worked for CBS, she ran a story with then anchor Katie Couric about this massive conflict of interest:

Today, however, influential mainstream news sources like the Wall Street Journal give Dr. Offit a free pass on promoting his vaccine agenda without revealing his massive conflict of interest.

So just who is Dr. Paul Offit? He is a professor of pediatrics and a director of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. His hospital made headline news last year when they became the first hospital in the nation to disallow the use of dietary supplements. Paul Offit is the inventor of the rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq, which is now recommended for universal use among infants by the CDC.

For more information regarding Paul Offit, we bring you two recently published articles about him. The first one is from the Alliance for Natural Health, and the second one is by Sayer Ji, founder of This is background information about America’s top vaccine evangelist you will not likely read in the mainstream media anymore.

Wall Street Journal Apparently Doesn’t Care About Blatant Medical Conflicts of Interest

by Alliance for Natural Health

Dr. Paul Offit has written another pro-vaccine screed for this powerful publication without one word about all the money he has made as a vaccine developer. Action Alert!

The opinion piece, published this week, talks about respiratory infections “making a comeback” (had they really gone away?) and lays the problem at the feet of “low vaccination rates”—as discussed by a most prestigious journal: the Hollywood Reporter! That’s right, Paul A. Offit, MD, professor of pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases and director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, reaches for a magazine dedicated to Hollywood news and entertainment gossip for his medical statistics.

What the mini-bio at the bottom of the WSJ article doesn’t disclose is Dr. Offit’s massive conflict of interest. Paul Offit is the inventor of the rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq, which is now recommended for universal use among infants by the CDC. He makes untold amounts of money from vaccines. He is entitled to his opinion, but it is shameful that the prestigious Wall Street Journal has not insisted on a full disclosure of his financial interest. Did the paper not know? Did it not care? This does not speak well for current journalistic practice or ethics.

Offit also mentions the rise of whooping cough, mumps, and measles infections, which he attributes to inadequate vaccination. But the mumps vaccine is proving to be ineffective, and an even bigger problem, as we reported last year, is that the DTaP vaccine—for diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), and pertussis (whooping cough)—has uncertain risks. One element of the vaccine, for whooping cough, can be dangerous, potentially causing inflammation throughout the body. Moreover, it also may not be very effective: Dr. Mercola cites a study showing that whooping cough outbreaks were in fact higher among vaccinated children rather than unvaccinated! Naturally Dr. Offit does not mention the failure of the government to study vaccinated children, to see what actually is and isn’t working. It simply assumes that the vaccines are effective and that any cases are in unvaccinated children, when it is possible that many are in vaccinated children.

As might be expected, Offit also denounces any possible autism–vaccine link. But neither he—nor the WSJ in any of their other articles, for that matter—make any reference to the recent CDC whistleblower story that revealed the government’s deliberate concealment of the link between the MMR vaccine (for measles, mumps, and rubella) and a dramatically increased risk of autism, particularly in African American boys.

Why is the mainstream media refusing to cover this dramatic story? We don’t know. But we do know that much of the mainstream media would collapse without PHARMA advertising. Could there be a connection?

Action Alert! Write to the Wall Street Journal and tell them they should have disclosed Dr. Offit’s financial tie to vaccines!

Millions of Children Infected with ‘Vaccine Safety Experts’ Rotateq Vaccine: Dr. Paul Offit

Paul Offit says you can safely administer 10,000 vaccines to infants at once. But he also profits from the patent he holds for the Rotateq vaccine. What’s wrong with this picture?

By: Sayer Ji, Founder

Dr. Paul Offit is a pediatrician who co-invented a rotavirus vaccine (trade name Rotateq), who once stated in interview that a child can be administered 100,000 vaccines safely at once (later revised to 10,000). A professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, he is the darling of the mainstream media and a widely cited self-appointed ‘vaccine safety expert,’ despite the glaring conflict of interest implied by such a designation.

Unfortunately for Dr. Offit (not so affectionately named Dr. Profit), a 2010 study published in Journal of Virology revealed that his multi-million dollar grossing patent on the Rotateq vaccine contains a live simian retrovirus (with a 96% match of certainty) that has likely infected millions of children over the past few years with a virus that causes great harm.  Retrovirus infections are permanent, and can carry on indefinitely into future generations. In other words, once they are inserted into the human genome they can not be removed. View the entire PDF here.

Moreover, a 2014  study published in Advances in Virology found Dr. Offit’s vaccine contains a “a baboon endogenous virus strain M7…likely due to the monkey cell line in which RotaTeq was produced from.” View the entire PDF here.

In order to grasp the dire significance of these findings, you might want to familiarize yourself with the history of adventitious viruses in so-called attenuated or live vaccines. These contain the actual disease vector they are supposed to prevent. While considered “weakened,” their process of manufacture often make them more adaptable to the host within which they are injected. Many rounds of passage through human and animal cells often makes these vaccines far more dangerous than the natural ‘wild-type’ infections that we encounter naturally. You only have to look to oral polio vaccine to understand the dangers of the vaccine model. In 2011, the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics published a study revealing that vaccine strain polio is twice as lethal as wild-type, and has been identified to cause over 47,000 cases of polio-associated paralysis in 2011 alone. This was the vaccine launched by the Dali Lama himself, who apparently has no clue as to the harm caused by these interventions.

The theory is that by infecting healthy bodies with them you generate an immune response – validated by elevated antibody titers, regardless of their affinity to the pathogen – that results (in theory) in increased protection.  Regardless of the justification for using monkey cells for vaccine production, monkey retroviruses contaminate the vaccines nonetheless. By unintentionally infecting healthy infants with these viruses you are making them sick. Retroviruses use reverse transcriptase – a viral enzyme – to insert pathogenic genetic information into healthy cells, effectively converting them into virus-manufacturing factories. And no matter what your medical philosophy is, monkey viruses have no justifiable place in a healthy human body.

For context, consider the deleterious role of a previous monkey virus – simian virus 40 (SV40) – in the polio vaccination campaigns. This ‘hidden’ cancer-causing virus infected millions of unsuspecting polio vaccine recipients during the initial polio eradication campaigns.  Not only is it cancer-causing, but it is passed down transgenerationally. Merck’s senior vaccine scientist confessed in interview as to the damage these SV-40 contaminated vaccines did to millions of unsuspecting victims, including causing cancer. These vaccines did untold damage to the following infected generations, leaving a legacy of untold pain and suffering in millions of offspring whose parents unwittingly succumbed to one of the most dangerous biological experiments in human history. Watch this video to learn the horrific truth about the unintended, adverse effects of polio vaccination.

Retroviruses are just as serious. HIV for instance, is a retrovirus whose phylogenetic lineage also comes from a monkey virus: simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Offit’s Rotateq vaccine should be pulled from the market, considering it contains live viruses that are capable of infecting the bodies of those within which they are injected.  For information on the exploding epidemic caused by hidden viruses in vaccines, read Judy Mikovits’ incredible new book “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism and Other Diseases.” It’s a must read!

The significance of these findings cannot be underestimated. Rotavirus infections are a natural rite of passage for the developing immune system. In developed nations, where nutrition, hygiene and sanitation are up to par, infection from childhood pathogens normally proceed without morbidity or mortality – lest the infant/child is already immunocompromised. In fact, rotavirus challenges result in lasting immunity and provide the justification ultimately for the vaccinology model, which draws from the normal …. experience of overcoming infection, constructing a model of vaccine-induced immunity upon this natural fact.

Paul Offit, the patent holder of the Rotateq vaccine is morally obligated to call for an immediate halt of the use of his vaccine in infants and children. Unless he wishes to be responsible for the harms associated with injecting them with live monkey viruses, he must step forward now to ask for a review of the safety of these vaccines.

Failing to do so makes him culpable in the harm of millions of children that he personally profits from infecting with retroviruses.

Enough is enough. The facts are clearly available for anyone with an ‘evidence-based’ bent to ascertain. The credibility of the entire vaccination schedule is on the line. Dr. Offit is likely uneducated about the iatrogenic risks associated with this pharmaceutical product, but new research clearly shows that the unintended, adverse effects may outweight the purported benefits. It is time to take a closer look at what if any benefit vaccines have, given their clearly documented risks.

Read the Full Article here.


Saying NO To Vaccines
By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
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Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk


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