Doctor or Nurse Explaining Prescription Medicine to Attentive Se

UPDATE:  Since publishing this story earlier in the year, more than 1000 lawsuits have been filed against Pfizer, manufacturer of the top-selling statin drug Lipitor.  See: 1162 Lawsuits Filed Against Pfizer for Damages due to Lipitor

By Dr. David Brownstein

Why do one in seven women in the U.S. have breast cancer?  Unfortunately, the Powers-That-Be are too busy prescribing chemotherapy, surgery and radiation instead of searching for the underlying reasons why so many U.S. women are suffering and dying with breast cancer.  Unless we stop the flow of money to the Powers-That-Be, which includes the American Cancer Society and the Koman Foundation, there will never be progress made in this terrible illness.

Why do one in seven women have breast cancer?  One reason is the use of synthetic hormones fed to animals and other synthetic hormones prescribed to women such as medroxyprogesterone including Provera.  Another reason is statin medications.

A study found that current users of statins for ten years or longer had  an 83% increased risk of invasive ductal carcinoma and a 97% increased risk of invasive lobular carcinoma, when compared to never-users of statins.  Among women diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia, current users of statins for ten years or longer had a 104% increased risk of invasive ductal carcinoma and a 143% increased risk of invasive lobular carcinoma.(1)

In fact, the increased risk of cancer with statin use has been reported in other studies.  All the cholesterol medications, older and newer ones, have been associated with an increased rate of cancer.(2)   In rodents, statins have been shown to cause cancer in multiple studies. (2)  Multiple studies have shown a link between low cholesterol levels and the development of cancer. (3)

Some of you may be shocked by the above numbers.  I am not.  The connection between statins and cancer is hard to pin down since most studies do not last for long periods of time and, to be properly diagnosed, cancer takes a long time to grow.  When you look at the mechanism of action of statins, and the resultant depletion of cholesterol and CoQ10, I believe long-term statin use will inevitably lead to increased risk of cancer.

Why do one in seven women have breast cancer?  Breast cancer is affecting so many women, in large part, due to conventional medicine’s rabid promotion of synthetic hormone replacement therapy (29% increased risk of invasive breast cancer) and statin medications. The American public has been terribly deceived and harmed by these toxic therapies.  Studying the biochemical action of statins would lead one to conclude that an increased risk of cancer (as well as diabetes, infection, memory loss, muscle deterioration and other adverse effects) is likely.  Even more appalling is the fact that statins have never been shown, in women and most men, to prevent heart attacks and strokes.  Nor have statins been shown to significantly prolong a woman or a man’s life.  Perhaps women just need to say “No” to a statin prescription.

What can you do?  Educate yourself about the mechanism of action of a drug.  Search for ways to support the body’s biochemistry instead of poisoning enzymes (this is how statins work) and blocking receptors.  Most drugs–over 98%– work by poisoning enzymes or blocking receptors. We were not designed to have our enzymes poisoned or our receptors blocked.  More information about the problems with statins and other drugs can be found in my book, Drugs That Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do, 2nd Edition.

Read the full article here:


(1) Cancer Epidem. Biomarkers Prev.  22(9): 1529-37.  2013

(2)  JAMA.  1.3.1996. VOl. 275, N1.

(3)  QJM.  Doi:  10.1093/qjmed/hcr243.  December 8, 2011


We Lost the War on Cancer – Review of Alternative Cancer Therapies

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We have lost the war on cancer. At the beginning of the last century, one person in twenty would get cancer. In the 1940s it was one out of every sixteen people. In the 1970s it was one person out of ten. Today one person out of three gets cancer in the course of their life.

The cancer industry is probably the most prosperous business in the United States. In 2014, there will be an estimated 1,665,540 new cancer cases diagnosed and 585,720 cancer deaths in the US. $6 billion of tax-payer funds are cycled through various federal agencies for cancer research, such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The NCI states that the medical costs of cancer care are $125 billion, with a projected 39 percent increase to $173 billion by 2020.

The simple fact is that the cancer industry employs too many people and produces too much income to allow a cure to be found. All of the current research on cancer drugs is based on the premise that the cancer market will grow, not shrink.

John Thomas explains to us why the current cancer industry prospers while treating cancer, but cannot afford to cure it in Part I. In Part II, he surveys the various alternative cancer therapies that have been proven effective, but that are not approved by the FDA.

Read We Lost the War on Cancer – Review of Alternative Cancer Therapies on your mobile device!

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