Pomegranate Found To Prevent Coronary Artery Disease Progression

A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may prevent and/or reverse the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty materials known as atherosclerosis.

New EU Plant Law Kills Off Seed Supply For Home Gardeners, Restricts Farmers’ Crops

On Monday May 6th a draconian new law was put before the European Commission, which creates new powers to classify and regulate all plant life anywhere in Europe. The "Plant Reproductive Material Law" will regulate all plants. It contains immediate restrictions on reproduction of vegetables and woodland trees, while creating powers to restrict all other plants of any other species at a later date. Under the new law, it will immediately be illegal to grow, reproduce or trade any vegetable seed or tree that has not been tested, approved and accepted by a new "EU Plant Variety Agency". Moreover, an annual fee must also be paid to the Agency if that particular variety is to be used by anyone.

NY Assembly Voting to Give Vaccines to Minors Without Parent’s Permission

A new bill before the New York State Assembly floor will allow licensed physicians to administer preventative medical care for sexually transmitted diseases, including vaccines to minors without their parent’s permission. This will include the vaccinations for hepatitis B and HPV.

Nearly All Turkey Is Contaminated with Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Turkeys are taking revenge for the horrendous treatment by Agribusiness. Most ground turkey tested by Consumer Reports was contaminated with drug-resistant bacteria.

Could Lack of Grounding Be an Underlying Factor in Most Chronic Disease?

The Earth is the natural antidote for electron deficiency and can provide you with an infinite flow of electrons through grounding, also known as “Earthing.” For thousands of years, Eastern civilizations have used forms of energy medicine to unblock and regulate energy channels in the body. For example, acupuncture has a long history of success in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The West has been slow to embrace energy medicine, holding a more biochemical view of the human body, as opposed to “the body electric.” Hold a stethoscope to your body and you’ll hear a lot of electrical chatter. Your nervous system communicates using electricity (i.e., movement of electrons), receiving and transmitting electrical signals throughout your body. Most of your biological processes are electrical. Most people in the medical world have no background whatsoever in the electrical world.

Could Bacterial Flagella Solve Global Environmental and Energy Issues?

The brain of a small fruit fly uses energy in the micro-watts for complex flight control and visual information processing to find and fly to food. I don't think a supercomputer could yet simulate what the fruit fly brain does even while using megawatts of energy. The difference of over ten orders of magnitude and the level of energy used is an indication of just how incredible biological systems are. It even exists in bacteria. The flagellar motor and protein export apparatus use proton motive force, or mechanisms that utilize the flow of protons at extremely small energy, close to the thermal noise level.

Health Benefits of Green Peas and Broccoli

A compound in broccoli, glucosinolate, produces a metabolite called sulforaphane that is responsible for many of broccoli’s health-promoting properties. Sulforaphane has been shown to have anti-diabetic and antimicrobial properties, and also kills cancer stem cells, which strikes to the heart of tumor malignancy. It can also significantly improve your blood pressure and kidney function, among other benefits.

Dietitians for Professional Integrity Expose Corporate Sponsorship of Nutrition Group by Processed Food Industry

If you are a professional Registered Dietitian and oppose the corporate processed food companies sponsorship of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), there is a group on Facebook you can join: Dietitians for Professional Integrity. The Facebook group is very active, exposing front groups and corporate sponsors that influence the AND, promoting junk food as nutritious. The AND and other policy groups influence nutrition advice in schools and hospitals across our the U.S., so it is important to understand how these groups have been taken over by companies that market processed foods, such as Coke, Pepsi, McDonald's, and others who want their products labeled as "nutritious."

10 Facts About Fluoride You Need to Know

If fluoride is really the panacea for dental disease that it’s been portrayed as, then why is it that the United States is one of the only developed countries that fluoridates their citizens’ drinking water? Hint: It’s not because the other countries aren’t aware of fluoride’s supposed “miracle” powers for your teeth … it’s because they fully realize that adding a known poison to your population’s water supply is probably not a good idea.

Are You Well-Grounded? Studies Show “Earthing” Improves Health

Have you heard of the concept of "grounding" or "earthing" and wondered if there were any facts to back up the health claims? Well two recent studies, one from last year and one here in 2013, suggest that there is some science behind the health claims surrounding the concepts of "grounding" or "earthing."