by Lois Rain

health freedom alliance

If we’re not laughing, we’re crying right? It’s hard to find humor when reports constantly assault our psyches by depicting the blatant trampling of our rights.

But being a “rebel” today means different types of battles and fronts than in the days of our founding fathers, although the inspiration is the same. The following are just a few ways you can really live it up this independence day.

We want you to add your own in the comments!

Drink raw milk. Better yet, meet your Amish “dealer” at a state line and drink your illegal public health safety risk with one foot in each state.

If you’re self employed and send quarterly taxes to the IRS, use an invisible envelope with invisible money – same difference.

Visit a rebel naturopathic doctor before they’re completely outlawed. Get your nutrition advice from an illegal consultant, the ones who are not state certified ADA drones.

Dig up a genetically modified crop – it’s the biggest new thing in Europe and we can’t let those blokes show us up when it comes to revolution.

Get arrested for the following: sit on a park bench and eat donuts, hand out juror rights before a trial, record a police shoot out with your cell phone, dance at the Jefferson Memorial, ask a cop a question.

Smile for your police profile.

Weave some clothing from industrialized hemp.

Vote third party or for whoever floats your boat – heavens no, what  a waste!

Or don’t vote if you feel you shouldn’t. And when someone tells you, “If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain,” express your right to complain even louder!

Deliver your freedom baby at home. Refuse vaccination even while told you may not take exemption.

Eat lots of calories, you devil you! Eat potatoes! The latest media diet buzz pushes small portions, potatoes are bad, eat few calories, and NO snacking – who’s hungry?

Throw a party and serve grassfed burgers and raw milk shakes. Treat your vegetarian and vegan friends to your organically grown garden – soon to be illegal. Serve up your organic cucumbers, bean sprouts, and alfalfa – they know there’s no e.coli on them, right?

The vegans might enjoy some FDA-seized elderberry juice concentrate in sparkling mineral water.

Or make iced tea with non-fluoridated water.

Let your kids have a lemonade stand…until the cops shut them down.

Visit the TSA wearing a diaper on the outside of your pants. During the search throw the diaper in the air!

If TSA doesn’t confiscate your diaper, give it to a cow. They won’t be allowed to fart outdoors anymore.

If you feel like celebrating what’s left of your freedom this year, shoot off fireworks a few decibels above the allowable city ordinance  sound levels. Don’t use guns, you’d be wasting precious ammo, hard to come by.

Plus, people might mistake you for the blockhead who thinks freedom is a country song about eagles flying.

Buy some precious metals. You won’t be allowed to purchase gold and silver very soon – you outlaw!

Go to a fast food drive-thru window and do one of the following: try to order with gold, or rap your order. They won’t take the gold and, as some teens found out, rapping your order is cause for arrest.

READ THE CONSTITUTION…so you can remember it when it’s completely erased.

Read it by the light of an incandescent bulb.

Better yet, out in the bright sun with no sunscreen!

That’s right, getting your vitamin D and not slathering on the toxic white goop is radical!

The most rebellious act? Know, really know, that you are free because you exist…


~Happy Independence Day from Health Freedoms

Read the full article here:

Global Censorship of Health Information
The Politics of Controlling Therapeutic Information to Protect State-Sponsored Drug Monopolies
by Jonathan Emord, Esq.

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