by Diet Heart Publishing

Emphasizing healthy natural fat and complete protein is the best way to start you day. We need – on average – 30 grams of protein before noon each day. If there is a perfect protein food, eggs would top the list. Eggs contain all eight essential amino acids and are a good source of the sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine, cysteine and cystine) important for antioxidant protection and detoxification.

Eggs are our best dietary source of phosphatidylcholine (lecithin). Lecithin is a protector of every cell in the body and provides choline, a B-vitamin like nutrient that helps keep cholesterol suspended in the blood and helps remove elevated homocysteine. Egg yolk provides the best highest biological quality lecithin

Eggs are a concentrated source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin form a yellowish deposit in the macula, the sensitive light-gathering area at the back of the eye. Without these antioxidants, blue and ultraviolet light will cause free radical damage to the eye. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness among people over fifty.

Eggs also provide folic acid, B-6 and B-12, vitamins that help prevent homocysteine buildup in the blood. People have been told not to eat the yolk which contains two-thirds of an egg’s B-12 and is rich in calcium. Other nutrients in eggs include “heme’ iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, trace minerals and vitamins A, D, E and K.

Decades ago, the Cereal Institute, members of the National Cholesterol Education Program, sponsored a trial in which they gave volunteers “dry egg powder.” No one should consume dry egg power. Dry egg powder contains oxidized cholesterol – the only form of cholesterol that is harmful. Can you believe this is the only study that condemned eggs decades ago? And, in spite of the threat they pose to our health, the big food companies have no problem putting dry egg powder into most processed, packaged foods.

What do highly processed boxed cereals have to offer? Do they contain any naturally occurring lutein, zeaxanthin, choline, methionine, cysteine, cystine, vitamin B-6 or vitamin B-12? Hardly any – but most contain a lot of sugar. When you pour skim milk on high glycemic boxed cereals you are adding milk sugar to refined sugar to grain sugar. You’ll get your sugar all right – in the form of high fasting glucose and you’ll get none of the premier antioxidants and sulfur-bearing amino acids found in eggs.

Boycott highly processed heat damaged Puffs, Charms, Circles, Flakes and Pops. Instead, eat fresh brown eggs for breakfast – as many as you like – poached, scrambled, or fried slowly in butter, lard, coconut or olive oil. Free range small producer eggs are best – rich in fat-soluble vitamins A and D plus the special omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Most important, fresh brown eggs from pasture fed chickens contain a 1:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Foraging chickens eat worms, seeds, bugs and grass and lay nutritious salmonella-resistant eggs. Large producer battery chickens are force-fed grains, soybean mash, antibiotics and even bakery waste. Overcrowded production methods jeopardize the safety and nutritional value of large producer eggs.

High quality eggs are health promoting. They’re especially important for growing children. If you’ve been afraid of eggs – you better get crackin!

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