by Charmaine Leah Cianciullo

We all love beauty and skincare products. They keep our skin looking great but have you ever taken time to read what’s in your favorite products? Far too often they contain all kinds of harmful synthetic chemicals and preservatives. The good news is that you can reduce the amount of chemicals you are exposed to and still look fantastic by making easy substitutions.

Consider making some of these natural beauty swaps!

Face Cleanser
The cleanser is the foundation of all beauty routines that keeps us clean and clear. In an effort to manufacture products cheaper and have a longer shelf life, many cleansers contain all kinds of harsh chemicals like BHAPEGParabensSalicylic Acid, and Triclosan. Consider swapping out your conventional face wash for safer chemical-free cleansers or simply dab a cotton ball with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and massage gently over your face; it’s is a very good natural cleanser to eliminate dirt and oil.

Face & Body Moisturizer
Moisturizers are vital to keep our skin soft, happy and balanced. One wonders then why so many contain all kinds of eyebrow raising ingredients like HydroquinoneTriethanolamineDMDM HydantoinFragrance, and Alumina. Keep yourself healthy and hydrated by applying a little jojoba or coconut oil to your face and body after showering; these oils are light, absorb fast and won’t clog your pores.

Eye Makeup Remover
While working great to remove waterproof mascara after a long day of work or a late night partying; most conventional pads or gel eye makeup remover is full of synthetic chemicals like Benzyl AlcoholPropylene Glycol, and Tetrasodium EDTA. Next time put a few drop of coconut or olive oil on a cotton ball and smooth over closed eyes to clean them without irritation.

Cuticle Softener
Hydrated cuticles are important for healthy hands and nails. Unfortunately, many cuticle creams and gels contain stuff like LinaloolLimonenePropylparaben, and Ethanol. You can achieve soft cuticles naturally by simply placing your fingers in a bowl of warm olive oil for a few minutes a few times a week.

Eye Cream
Hydrating the delicate skin around the eyes is important to prevent fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles. It’s a shame that so many anti-age eye creams and serums are made with harmful ingredients like CoumarinOxybenzonePEG, and Methylparaben. Try swapping the expensive creams for sweet almond or argan oil, just massage a little around the eyes each night before bed.

Got your own secret beauty substitutions? Visit my blog at leave a comment!

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