Are You Relying on God’s Love?

We can’t rely on ourselves, and we can’t rely on others. We can only rely on God’s love. It is not enough to just simply know about God’s love intellectually. We have to have the kind of experience with God and his love where we rely upon it. That kind of experiential knowledge of God’s love will change our life, and the lives of those around us. Are you relying upon God’s love today?

The problem with the new revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

by MacLean Gander, Ed.D.
The Commons

Do you have a shopping addiction disorder? Perhaps an addiction to food? Maybe one of your kids has Internet addiction disorder, or video-game attachment syndrome.

Well, not quite yet, because these kinds of new mental diagnoses are only proposed, not final, for the new revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual […]

New Research Finds Doctors are Massively Overprescribing Drugs

by Dr. Mercola

A new report finds that U.S. doctors are too quick to prescribe drugs, and often give little thought to side effects and non-drug alternatives.

Overprescription is rampant, according to experts.  Nearly half of all Americans have used at least one prescription drug in the past month.  Many are being exposed to side effects, […]

You’ve Been Living A Lie: The Story Of Saturated Fat And Cholesterol

by Robert Nool
Let’s make one thing clear – when someone is going to lower carbohydrate content in their diet, they should replace it mostly with fat, not protein. Eating a lot of protein with little fat and carbs may be a short term strategy for initiating fat loss, but not a healthy way of […]