October 15, 2024
American Christians Want a New Jewish King to Become Slaves Instead of Serving Jesus Christ in FreedomRead More
Recent News

American Christians Want a New Jewish King to Become Slaves Instead of Serving Jesus Christ in Freedom

I have received several angry and critical emails from Trump supporters after my last article published yesterday, Trump Wants to Use the U.S. Military Against American Citizens who are “Sick Radical Left Lunatics”, warning me to stop publishing such articles. They are afraid that I might sway some people not to ...

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Trump Wants to Use the U.S. Military Against American Citizens who are Sick Radical Left Lunatics

Former President Donald Trump was interviewed on Fox News today where he made the shocking statement that "sick, radical left lunatic" American citizens in the U.S. were a greater threat than the Chinese, terrorists, murderers, rapists, and migrants coming across the border, and that the U.S. military should be deployed ...

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Side view of line of call centre employees are smiling and working on computers.
** Note: Shallow depth of field

We NOT Robot Elon Musk Tries to Continue Deceiving America and the Rest of the World that Robots will Replace Humans

Elon Musk hosted a Tesla show in Hollywood this week called “We, Robot”, attended by invitation-only spectators, mostly Tesla stockholders and enthusiasts. I am not the one calling it a "show", as Elon Musk himself told the audience "I hope you enjoy the show". Many in the media had said prior to ...

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Man wearing smart glasses behind the virtual scanning technology in glitch effect

Two Harvard Students Hack Smart Glasses to Use Facial Recognition and Identify People Almost Instantaneously

Two Harvard students have made headlines after converting Meta’s smart glasses into a device that automatically captures people’s faces with facial recognition, and then runs them through face search engines so that they can identify them and look up their personal information, including addresses, almost instantaneously. There are two lessons to ...

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The One Who Controls the Storms

What once used to be referred to as "acts of nature" or "acts of God", terms still used by insurance companies today, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc., are today being politicized and blamed on alleged evil actors in the opposing political party, based on who is placing the blame ...

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  • American Christians Want Trump to be King

    American Christians Want a New Jewish King to Become Slaves Instead of Serving Jesus Christ in Freedom

    I have received several angry and critical emails from Trump supporters after my last article published yesterday, Trump Wants to Use the U.S. Military Against American Citizens who are “Sick Radical Left Lunatics”, warning me to stop publishing such articles.

    They are afraid that I might sway some people not to vote for him, or to not vote at all.

    So let me be perfectly clear here on this private news site that is free to the public to read, so there can be no doubt as to where I stand on these criticisms and desires to censor me.

    I do NOT think that Americans should vote to choose which servant of Satan the Globalists want us to choose, because I made my choice a long time ago, and that choice is to serve my King and Savior, Jesus Christ, who offers me REAL freedom that leads to true liberty, and I refuse to participate in fake elections that are rigged anyway.

    By supporting and choosing one of Satan’s servants instead, you are making the same choice that the Jewish people made thousands of years ago, where they stopped serving God as their King, and instead chose to have an earthly, human king, which led to their slavery.

    • President Trump with members of the U.S. military

      Trump Wants to Use the U.S. Military Against American Citizens who are "Sick Radical Left Lunatics"

      Former President Donald Trump was interviewed on Fox News today where he made the shocking statement that “sick, radical left lunatic” American citizens in the U.S. were a greater threat than the Chinese, terrorists, murderers, rapists, and migrants coming across the border, and that the U.S. military should be deployed against those American citizens if he loses the election.

      So the stage is now set for a second American Civil War, in what appears to be a carefully planned script that has even been made into a movie, before it even happened, earlier this year.

      If this civil war breaks out after the U.S. national elections on November 5th, and before the inauguration in January 2025, however, Joe Biden will still presumably be President of the United States and the Commander in Chief of the U.S. military.

      And it appears that Joe Biden has the same mindset as Donald Trump, because his Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, just updated and reissued DoD Directive 5240.01 a few weeks ago, giving the U.S. military the authority to assist in domestic law enforcement activities against American citizens.


      I would like to believe that the America I love, the America I grew up in and raised a family in, which consists of REAL Americans and not Wall Street and Silicon Valley Billionaires along with their puppet politicians, would NEVER turn their fellow Americans, no matter what their political views are.

      • Call Center

        "We NOT Robot" Elon Musk Tries to Continue Deceiving America and the Rest of the World that Robots will Replace Humans

        Elon Musk hosted a Tesla show in Hollywood this week called “We, Robot”, attended by invitation-only spectators, mostly Tesla stockholders and enthusiasts.

        I am not the one calling it a “show”, as Elon Musk himself told the audience “I hope you enjoy the show”.

        Many in the media had said prior to this show that this was the most important event in the history of Tesla, because Elon Musk has been promising a “driverless” car and Robotaxi since 2016, with promise after promise of its release being delayed for about 8 years now.

        And while you can read what the media is reporting that Elon Musk said about the roll-out of a true driverless Robot Car, sometimes it is best to hear it directly from the horse’s mouth. So I have put together a 1-minute segment where he announces when these RoboTaxis will be available.

        The facts are that many of Musk’s competitors already have Robotaxis on the road, including Alphabet Google’s Waymo “driverless” taxis, which Google has been developing for over 15 years now, and are still only in San Francisco, Phoenix, and Los Angeles.

        And even in these cities, these Robotaxis are very limited in where they can drive, and are not allowed on freeways or other busy places like airports.

        But do these “driverless” taxis that have been in development for a decade and a half truly operate without human beings?

        No. If the car gets into trouble or the passenger is in distress, they are immediately connected to a REAL human being.

        So that begs the question: how many human beings are required to operate a “driverless” automobile?

        According to reports in the media that looked at Zoox, a “self-driving” car company owned by Amazon.com, it takes about 1.5 people behind the scenes to operate a single driverless car.

        So where is the evidence that robots are going to replace humans?

        • Man wearing smart glasses behind the virtual scanning technology

          Two Harvard Students Hack Smart Glasses to Use Facial Recognition and Identify People Almost Instantaneously

          Two Harvard students have made headlines after converting Meta’s smart glasses into a device that automatically captures people’s faces with facial recognition, and then runs them through face search engines so that they can identify them and look up their personal information, including addresses, almost instantaneously.

          There are two lessons to learn here.

          First, be aware of people in the public wearing eye glasses, as they may be recording you.

          Secondly, don’t put photos of yourself or your children online on social media sites, or anywhere else online.

          Also, start using old fashioned cameras that are just “cameras” and are not connected to the Internet, and stop taking pictures of yourself and your family with cell phones.

          Cover up the camera lens on your cell phone when you are not using it.

          • Calming the Storm by Jan Brueghel the Elder 1596 Who Controls the Weather

            The One Who Controls the Storms

            What once used to be referred to as “acts of nature” or “acts of God”, terms still used by insurance companies today, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc., are today being politicized and blamed on alleged evil actors in the opposing political party, based on who is placing the blame on these (formerly known as) “natural disasters”, and their political affiliation.

            We saw this back in 2005, when hurricane Katrina had a direct hit on New Orleans, and is one of the worst disasters to ever occur in U.S. history.

            Then President Republican George Bush was blamed by the Democrats and the Left for the hurricane, for not taking more action to fight climate change, and because he was on vacation at the time and was late to provide national help to the survivors.

            Fast forward to today, and the current Democrat President and Vice President are being blamed by Republicans and the Right for Hurricane Helene, and I am sure they will also be blamed for Hurricane Milton that just ripped through Central Florida last night, at the time of my writing this.

            They are being blamed for “weaponizing” hurricanes, and preventing FEMA from responding quickly enough.

            I, for one, am getting tired of reading daily news events through the glasses of political ideology.

            I am more interested in discovering the Truth, so whether you believe these hurricanes are being weaponized to destroy only Republicans, or that these hurricanes are caused by man-made climate change, I am going to present a third, non-political alternative:

            Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe, controls the weather.

            • Elon Musk Zionist Billionaire Epstein Associate

              Zionist Billionaire Elon Musk's Desperate Attempt to Purchase a Trump Presidency and Remain in Power

              Elon Musk is campaigning hard for Donald Trump to take over the White House again, with assurances from Donald Trump that Musk will have a place in his Presidency should he win.

              Of course Musk had a place in Trump’s first Presidency, before their relationship turned sour, leading Musk to Tweet: “It’s time for Trump to hang up his hat and sail into the sunset.”

              Fast forward to today, and Musk is now suddenly Trump’s main supporter.

              He did an interview with Tucker Carlson this week where he allegedly said (I didn’t waste my time watching this so I am just reporting what others said) that the billionaires backing Vice President Kamala Harris were afraid of Trump because Trump was going to reveal Jeffrey Epstein’s client list and “black book.”

              Well the problem with this narrative is that Epstein’s “black book”, at least one of them, has already been leaked to the public years ago, and a simple Internet search will lead one to dozens, if not hundreds, of websites that list all of the names in Epstein’s contact book.

              And while you will find Donald Trump and most of his family in that book, Elon Musk is not. But that doesn’t mean Elon Musk never had any contact or never did any business with Jeffrey Epstein.

              One of Elon’s wives, actress Talulah Riley, was allegedly supplied to Musk through Epstein and his handler Ghislaine Maxwell. Riley denied it, but admitted to knowing Epstein and Maxwell along with Elon.

              Last year (2023), Musk was reportedly issued a subpoena by the US Virgin Islands in their JP Morgan Chase Epstein lawsuit, that Musk tried to avoid.

              According to investigative reporter Whitney Webb, Epstein provided business contacts to Musk helping him start Tesla and SpaceX.

              Elon’s brother, Kimbal Musk, sits on the board for Tesla and SpaceX, and also dated one of Epstein’s girlfriends.

              Is this sudden support for Donald Trump to become president again a “Hail Mary” attempt for Musk to stay in power?

              • Displaced Palestinians flee areas in northern Gaza Strip following an Israeli evacuation order, in Gaza

                One Year Later Israelis Again Bomb Northern Gaza Signaling Start of Ethnic Cleansing Plan

                Returning to northern Gaza almost exactly 1 year from the start of the Hamas-Israel war on October 7, 2023, the IDF is again attacking Palestinians and forcing all the remaining Palestinians to leave northern Gaza.

                Dave DeCamp, writing for AntiWar.com, writes that this is part of the “general’s plan” to complete ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from areas in Gaza north of the Netzarim Corridor, paving the way for Jewish settlements in the area.

                • American Zionists Killing Women Children and Christians in Lebanon

                  2000 Killed Over 1 Million Homeless in Lebanon by American Bombs as U.S. Gets Ready to Attack Iran - Are Americans Ready for WW III?

                  Bombing and acts of terrorism (exploding pagers and cell phones) have now killed over 2,000 people and made over 1 million people homeless in Lebanon in the past couple of weeks, including innocent women, children, and Christians.

                  It’s time to stop giving Israel all the credit for these acts of terrorism and genocide, and face the fact that without America’s weapons, approval, and participation, none of this would be possible.

                  America and Israel are One Nation Under Zionism, and Israel might as well be the 51st State in the U.S.

                  When Iran sent hundreds of missiles and drones into Israel earlier this week, which killed ZERO people, whose intelligence warned the people in Israel that the bombing was imminent?

                  It was not Mossad or Israeli intelligence, it was U.S. intelligence.

                  This should not be surprising, because as famous as Israeli intelligence is, it cannot even come close to comparing to U.S. Intelligence and their use of Big Tech.

                  Much of the defense contractor military budgets today go to Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon.com, and Elon Musk with his vast satellite network, and so there is no Intelligence Organization anywhere in the world that can compete with the United States today.

                  I suspect that this is the primary reason why every time Lebanon names a new head of their military apparatus in Hezbollah, that they are almost immediately assassinated.

                  It would seem that those in Lebanon, a very poor country, have not learned how to avoid using Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Starlink, and thousands of free apps and software programs provided by these Big Tech companies so that the Zionist regime in the U.S. knows what they are going to do next before even Hezbollah does.

                  So the next time you read a story in the news about some amazing Israeli military or terrorist operation, like exploding lithium batteries in personal devices, bunker-busting bombs dropped on apartment buildings killing whole families, etc., please don’t give Israel and the IDF all the credit.

                  They’re just playing their part as pawns in these Satanic, Zionist acts of terrorism that are contrived and executed by their mother country, The United States of America.

                  If America does attack Iran and WW III begins its last stages, will Americans be ready?

                  • Melania Trump and Sex Trafficking

                    Trump's Epstein-Provided Wife Throws him Under the Bus - Melania Releases Creepy Video Supporting Full Abortion "Rights"

                    In an unexpected “October Surprise”, Donald Trump’s current wife, Melania, is releasing a newly published book that, according to The Guardian, states that the sole choice to terminate an “unwanted pregnancy” rests with the mother carrying that child.

                    She further states that she has had this belief her “whole life,” which would have included the years she lived in the White House as the First Lady.

                    The timing of this new “revelation” about Melania Trump is quite curious, given the fact that her husband is running for the office of the President of the United States, running a campaign that she has mostly been absent from, and knowing full well that this “revelation” of her view that supports the murder of unborn children at all times will hurt Trump’s Christian base.

                    For those who look beyond just how the media has portrayed Melania since she was the First Lady, this view should not be surprising at all, because “freedom” to terminate a human life whenever one wishes is just another way to promote free sex, and sex trafficking.

                    As Whitney Webb has written in her 2-volume book, One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein, Melania was part of the Jeffrey Epstein network, and she was introduced to Donald Trump by Jeffrey Epstein.

                    If Melania was looking forward to another residency at the White House as First Lady, this October surprise makes no sense at all as it throws her husband under the bus, as he brags to Conservatives that he overturned Roe vs. Wade.

                    What might she know about the future of her husband, that the public may not know yet?

                    While I don’t think a Melania vs. Kamala election is possible if something happened to Donald, due to the fact that Melania was not born in the U.S., stranger things have happened recently, such as the 2020 COVID Scam where the Constitution was summarily set aside to enact COVID “emergency protocols” under the PREP Act that Trump enacted.

                    Whatever future political aspirations Melania might be aiming for, her statement that “Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safe guard”, and that all woman have this “freedom” from birth, can only be understood based on one’s definition of “freedom” or “liberty.”

                    For the Satanic Jewish Freemasons this definition of “freedom” is defined to be “free from morality and free to serve Satan.”

                    • Jennifer Guskin sues Child Kidnappers

                      Mother who was Trafficked in the Jeffrey Epstein Network as a Child Sues Baltimore County CPS for Medically Kidnapping her Child

                      Jennifer Guskin was adopted as a baby and spent her childhood being sexually trafficked, enduring Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) in the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking system throughout her childhood. Jennifer was sexually trafficked among the rich and powerful, mainly around New York City and Washington D.C.

                      She went public in 2017 with her story, and she named names of the rich and powerful that she saw as a child who were blackmailed into sexually abusing children.

                      This included politicians from both side of the aisle, as she has named people like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, showing how sexual blackmail and sexually trafficking children is a non-partisan issue among the rich and powerful.

                      As punishment for going public with her story in 2018, the Baltimore County Child Protective Services (CPS) medically kidnapped her daughter, demanding that she take down her story from social media.

                      Jennifer refused, and ended up being arrested and incarcerated for over a year in a psych ward.

                      Last year (2023), Jennifer filed a civil lawsuit against Baltimore County and the agencies who participated in medically kidnapping her daughter.

                      Jennifer is suing Pro Se, because she could not find an attorney to take her case, and despite multiple attempts by Baltimore County to dismiss this case, it is still proceeding, with the next court date scheduled on October 16, 2024.

                      • Panic Buying Starts with Port Closures

                        Panic Buying has Already Started with First Day of Dockworkers Strike Closing Down Half of the U.S. Ports

                        With the United States already suffering major loss of lives and farmland due to Hurricane Helene, and as the war in the Middle East now escalates with Iran starting to bomb Israel today, perhaps the most significant news that affects you RIGHT NOW, is the first day, today, of the dockworkers strike in the eastern and southern United States that has now closed down HALF of the ports in the U.S.

                        The strike at half of the nation’s ports that started today will cost the U.S. economy about $5 billion a day.

                        With stores and gas stations still closed in North Carolina and Tennessee due to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene, it is being reported that panic buying is now beginning in stores in other parts of the U.S. today.

                        This is also going to affect my own store, Healthy Traditions, as we have two containers scheduled to arrive from Chile within the next 30 days, our world-class raw Andes Mountain honeys, and our Chilean Extra Virgin Olive oil, which we bring through the Port of Houston from Chile, in route to our warehouse in Texas.

                        With more bad weather on the way that could affect the same areas still searching for survivors in the Appalachians, and with the war escalating not only in the Middle East, but also in Ukraine and potentially soon in the Pacific, with the very real possibility that there could be attacks on U.S. soil, you don’t need me to warn you that NOW is the time to stock up on water and food and try to have an alternative energy source.

                        • Appalachia After Hurricane Helene What the Media Won't Tell You

                          Hundreds Dead Thousands Missing in Appalachia from Hurricane Helene While National Guard is Deployed to Israel Instead

                          This report from Grace of ReallyGraceful, who lives in Georgia, shows how the media is not reporting on the severity of the devastation in the Appalachia Mountains where over a hundred people are already confirmed dead, with thousands still missing.

                          The National Guard in these states have been massively deployed to Israel instead of serving their communities where devastation now reigns.

                          • The Way of Christ Leads OUT of Jerusalem - Road to Calvary

                            The Way of Jesus Christ Leads OUT of Jerusalem and the Temple - No Going Back

                            This is my third article resulting from my recent deep dive into the New Testament book of Hebrews.

                            The Book of Hebrews in the New Testament section of the Bible was written to Jewish believers in Jesus Christ teaching them how to deal with the Satanic Jews who opposed them.

                            The book of Hebrews is like a discourse and training manual about how to refute the Satanic Jews, which today are usually referred to as “Zionists”, and include those who, as it was during New Testament times in the First Century, claim to believe in and follow Jesus Christ, but encourage or even demand that believers return to the Jewish Old Covenant ways.

                            This article then is the third one in this series on Hebrews, and it is based on the last chapter in Hebrews, Chapter 13.

                            Having already established the superiority of the New Covenant which replaced the Old Covenant, Paul concludes this treatise on Satanic Judaism in Hebrews by showing how The Way, which was the designation used to refer to the true believers in Jesus Christ in the First Century, leads believers OUT of Jerusalem and the Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans just a few years after this was written.

                            The believers were then to “seek the city that is to come”, which is not the earthly Jerusalem, but the heavenly one.

                            Paul makes it very clear that The Way of Jesus is OUT of Jerusalem, where Jesus himself was executed OUTSIDE of the city and the temple, and that to follow this Way is to also share in the abuse that Jesus suffered, which led to his execution.

                            Those who follow the Zionists and look for the restoration of Jerusalem and a new temple there, are following Satan and the same fate that awaits him, just the same as the false believers during Jesus’s day.

                            Nothing has changed.

                            Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13)

                            • Trumps Sean Combs Maxwell Epstein

                              Zionism and Child Sex Trafficking are the Biggest Dangers to Americans Heading into the 2024 Elections

                              Jeffrey Epstein’s Mossad-linked handler, Ghislaine Maxwell, was back in court recently seeking to overturn her December, 2021 conviction for having recruited and groomed four underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein.

                              The Manhattan-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied her appeal to overturn her conviction, and Maxwell’s attorney stated that they will appeal to the Supreme Court now to get her conviction overturned.

                              Ghislaine Maxwell’s conviction back in 2021 did not reveal who all was involved in running Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual blackmail market, of course, nor did the case deal with the far more serious issue of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency’s connection to the worldwide child sex trafficking network used to blackmail the rich and powerful.

                              Also earlier this month (September, 2024), Sean Combs (P. Diddy) was arrested and held without bail in Manhattan for “Racketeering conspiracy, Sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion, and Transportation for prostitution.”

                              This has been an inconvenience for many politicians and entertainment industry leaders, so extensive is Combs network of influential people.

                              As I reported in April, Sean Combs also has strong ties to Zionism.

                              As I have previously reported, all the choices that have been put forth to the public in the United States for the office of President, have previous ties to the Jeffrey Epstein network that controls America’s banking system.

                              They also all support Zionist extremism, while most Jews in the U.S. and many in Israel do NOT support Zionism.

                              Child sex trafficking and sexual blackmail both work hand in hand with Zionism.

                              It was widely reported during Trump’s first presidency that he had become a converted Jew, but this information was suppressed in the corporate media and even in most of the alternative media.

                              In the meantime, Israel’s Zionist goals push forward murdering tens of thousands of people in the Middle East, with most of them being innocent civilians and tens of thousands of women and children being murdered, as the Zionists view these people as less than human (Goyim, worthless eaters).

                              The genocide has now moved into Lebanon, a county whose population is over 30% CHRISTIAN.

                              • Prescription to kill at home approved by FDA

                                FDA Approves Parents to Attempt to Murder Their Children at Home with the Deadly FluMist Vaccine - Doctors No Longer Needed

                                With the current shortages of nurses and doctors in the U.S. medical system today, following COVID when so many medical professionals lost their jobs or quit over the deadly COVID-19 “vaccines,” the FDA has just come up with a brilliantly evil way to get the deadly nasal flu vaccine into the nostrils of more children, by authorizing parents and any adult over the age of 18 to be able to give out these vaccines right in the comfort of one’s home, with no medical professional required to be present.

                                These nasal flu vaccines have a history of being ineffective in preventing the flu, while killing and injuring thousands of people, mostly children, who have taken them.

                                I actually covered this deadly nasal vaccine back in 2018.

                                At the time of publication of this article, the official U.S. Government database, run by the CDC and FDA, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which the Government’s own studies admit contains less than 1% of all vaccine-related deaths and injuries, is reporting 48 deaths and 11,065 injuries following the nasal FluMist vaccines.

                                • Beheading_of_John_the_Baptist

                                  "Free" Speech is Cheap - "Forbidden" or "Banned" Speech is Expensive, and May Cost You Your Life

                                  The battle in public speech always has been, and always will be, a battle between the Truth and Satanic lies.

                                  “Free” speech is “free” for a reason, because it is cheap to publish Satan’s lies. He presents them to you in usually two different flavors, to keep the publishers of lies fighting each other, rather than fighting The Truth.

                                  If one wants to publish the Truth, which is usually forbidden or banned, that is far more costly, and could even cost you your life.

                                  Jesus Christ, before he himself was executed for speaking the truth, had much to say about how costly it was to speak the truth, as he commissioned his disciples to preach the truth about the Good News concerning him.

                                  He warned that we who take a stand for the truth will usually lose our families, who will become our enemies.

                                  He warned that religious leaders would also try to kill us for speaking the Truth.

                                  And of course, in the end they executed Jesus Christ, because he testified to the truth against them.

                                  “Free” speech given to you by permission of your government is worthless. Satan’s lies are cheap.

                                  Truth speech is expensive, and could cost you your life in this world.

                                  • mesa-arizona-mormon-temple-child-sex-trafficking

                                    Neal Sutz Documentary: How a Powerful Mormon Family in Arizona Escapes Justice and Controls Politicians to Cover-Up Child Sex Trafficking

                                    When I first met and talked with Neal Sutz in the summer of 2019, and learned about this story, I had already published dozens of stories on the corruption in Arizona regarding their Child Protection Services, and even exposing some of the key politicians who allowed these things to happen in Arizona.

                                    Arizona has always been one of the worst states in the U.S. to allow child trafficking, and that includes children being trafficked at the border.

                                    So when this desperate father from Arizona contacted me from Switzerland, while I was horrified by his story, it did not surprise me at all.

                                    His story supplied some new pieces of the puzzle in child trafficking in Arizona that I had not known about previously, so it was an easy decision for me to learn about his story, and then publish it.

                                    I am publishing a 1-hour documentary that Neal Sutz produced about his family, showing all the media personalities and politicians who knew about his case, but in the end refused to help him, and stopped covering his story.

                                    I also want to publicly state that I was active in trying to get political help for Neal Sutz in 2019, so I personally know some of the details of this case, and I can absolutely state that Donald Trump and his family knew about Neal Sutz and his case in 2019.

                                    I had a friend who was a business associate of the Trump family, specifically Eric Trump, and I used his connection to the Trumps to bring Neal’s story to them.

                                    In 2019 we also bought radio air time from a local radio station based in Phoenix, KFNX, to bring Neal’s story and others from Arizona directly to the public, and we produced and broadcast 6 shows in 2019 that aired live in the evening hours.

                                    After we produced the first show, “What is Medical Kidnapping?”, my friend told me he had sent the show to the Trump family, as well as other influential contacts that he had, including Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, who were married at the time.

                                    Kanye was doing musical tours that year venturing into the venue of Christian music, and I was told that he and Kim had listened to the show and were going to promote it on Social Media.

                                    I was also told that Lara Trump, Eric Trump’s wife, knew about the show and was requesting that I consider joining their campaign for re-election (Lara Trump was running the campaign that year).

                                    I had no interest in politics, of course, but there were great expectations that finally, the horrible child sex trafficking problem in Arizona, and with Neal’s story revealing how far this stretched worldwide, was finally going to be exposed.

                                    But it didn’t.

                                    Today, nothing has changed, other than the fact that some of those who covered this up are now being put forth in the media again as those who will “save” this country, while the entire Jeffrey Epstein U.S. system of banking and business that fuels the child sex trafficking network worldwide continues even greater than before.

                                    • President Trump with Ed McMullen at Davos World Economic Forum 2020

                                      The Neal Sutz Story: How Donald Trump Covered Up The Largest Child Trafficking Story in Switzerland and Arizona During His First Presidency

                                      I have been covering the child trafficking problem in the United States through government-funded child welfare agencies such as CPS (child protective services), foster care, and adoption for over a decade now.

                                      In 2014 I started an entire website, MedicalKidnap.com, to document just how frequently the government kidnaps and trafficks children, usually with the help of medical doctors and psychiatrists.

                                      The parents who lose their children to this evil, Satanic system, go through tremendous stress when they lose their children. Most of the ones who come to us to tell their story, have pretty much given up hope that they will ever get their children back, and are therefore ready to take their stories public.

                                      We do warn them that by going public and exposing the government-funded people who were involved in kidnapping their children, which in most stories include corrupt social workers, corrupt medical doctors, corrupt attorneys, and corrupt judges, that they risk retaliation and possibly even being arrested, or worse.

                                      Many of these parents do end up in jail or prison, and many have committed suicide.

                                      On some occasions, they come back and attack me also, especially if a judge or attorney orders them to have us take down their stories.

                                      But I have never done that, not even when ordered to do so by attorneys and judges.

                                      Because what I publish on this topic is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and it is documentation of just how corrupt this “legal” child trafficking system is.

                                      It is an integral part of American history, a part of American history that you will probably never read in history books, especially Christian ones, and it is a history that few others will dare to expose.

                                      Only once has any of those parents ever come back to me later, and apologized to me and admitted that they were wrong to pressure me to take down their story.

                                      That sole case happened just recently with Neal Sutz, an Arizona father who fled to Switzerland to try and protect his two children and wife, but ended up in an international child trafficking criminal organization who took his children, and still has not given them back.

                                      Neal Sutz was convinced in 2019-2020 that President Donald Trump and his administration would intervene in Switzerland and rescue his children, since he is an American citizen.

                                      Neal just recently contacted me after not having any communication for about 4 years, and admitted that I was right all along not to remove his story, and that Donald Trump was not only just as corrupt as any other politician, but was in fact complicit with the authorities in Switzerland to keep his children in the Swiss system, similar to the group foster homes here in the U.S., where Neal relates his children have been abused.

                                      What I want to do with the rest of this article is report on what Neal has been doing since 2020 until today, while he still is fighting to get his children back.

                                      Neal’s story is a stark reminder of what happens to people who trust in Donald Trump, and believe his lies that he is going to help families who have lost their children to child trafficking, and put the criminals away.

                                      Today, Neal Sutz has filed a criminal complaint at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, and is a U.S. Vice President candidate on an Independent ticket, where he is trying to get his story out to the public.

                                      • The many dangers of mobile devices

                                        Modern Cyber Warfare Takes a Deadly Turn as Pagers in Lebanon and Syria Blow up Killing and Harming Thousands of People

                                        September 17, 2024 may go down as one of the most infamous days in history, as an unprecedented cyberattack was carried out against people in Lebanon and Syria earlier today, by simultaneously detonating thousands of pagers that blew up remotely killing several people, and injuring thousands.

                                        Most of the victims targeted were members of Hezbollah, but many innocent people were also attacked.

                                        At the time of this writing, there are two main theories about how Israel was able to pull off this historic attack.

                                        One theory is that there was a cybersecurity breach, causing the pagers’ lithium batteries to overheat and detonate.

                                        Another is that this was a “supply chain attack,” where the pagers were tampered with during the manufacturing and shipping process.

                                        While the most likely explanation of how this happened is that these pagers were altered before people started using them, and that it is not possible to remotely hack existing mobile devices and just blow them up, that doesn’t mean that this event today is unlikely to happen again, or that this could not happen in the United States.

                                        First of all, lithium ion batteries are notorious for blowing up and burning. This has been happening accidentally for at least 20 years now.

                                        • Biblical Moses Leads The Isrealites Through The Desert Sinai Dur

                                          Is Modern-Day Israel Really the "Promised Land" According to the Bible?

                                          In a previous article that I published last week, I wrote about how the Book of Hebrews in the New Testament section of the Bible is a book written specifically to the Hebrew people living during the First Century when Jesus walked the earth, and that it was the best book to define the New Covenant, which has now replaced the Old Covenant.

                                          Hebrews shows how Jesus Christ has now become the High Priest, replacing the Old Covenant Levitical priesthood and the temple worship from the Old Covenant.

                                          In this article, I want to look at chapter 11 in Hebrews, which clearly explains how the “Promised Land” is no longer a place on earth called “Israel”, and in fact never really was.

                                          Many Zionist Christians today believe that when modern-day Israel became a nation again after WWII in 1948, that this was a fulfillment of prophecy.

                                          But it was most certainly not a fulfillment of any prophecy in the New Testament portion of the Bible, and in fact it was an act of war and genocide against the people who already lived there.

                                          In most Christian groups the 11th chapter of Hebrews is known as the “Faith Chapter”, as many heroes of The Faith are referenced in this chapter.

                                          And while it is certainly a chapter that defines and illustrates “faith,” in its context within the book of Hebrews, it is much more than just that.

                                          This chapter in Hebrews clearly explains that the “Promised Land” never was about the physical land of Israel, but about the ultimate fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham, which are spiritual, available to everyone through Jesus Christ, regardless of ethnicity or religion, and that our final resting place in the “Promised Land” is our permanent home in Heaven.

                                          • Ancient Grain All Purpose Flours

                                            Restoring Wheat Flour to the Category of "Healthy": Introducing Ancient Grain All-Purpose Flours Tested for Glyphosate!

                                            Wheat has received a bad rap in modern times, being blamed for the cause of many diseases and illnesses.

                                            Many in the alternative health field show their belief in Darwinian biological evolution bias by claiming that wheat was never a plant that was good for human consumption, stating that human ancestors who evolved over millions of years were “hunters and gatherers”, and never planted crops.

                                            However, even the evidence from archaeology clearly shows that ancient cultures were much more advanced than the evolutionists would have us believe, and were much more than simply “hunters and gatherers.”

                                            When we read the historical records of the Bible, the most widely distributed collection of writings from antiquity, we read that man’s first job as entrusted to him by his Creator, was as an agriculturist to cultivate the earth.

                                            For most of human history, until just recently in the “age of technology”, grains were considered the “staff of life,” and the most consumed food on the planet.

                                            So how did grains and food made from them become so unhealthy in modern times? Because most people who cut out wheat from their diet today become much healthier, and that is a fact that cannot be denied.

                                            The answer to this mystery lies in how grains are grown in the U.S. today, and then how they are processed after they are harvested and end up in the food chain as processed foods.

                                            Today we are introducing to the public own new Ancient Grain All-Purpose flours!

                                            For me personally, today marks the culmination of a 10-year journey, starting the day we tested our “organic” flours in 2014 that tested positive for glyphosate, to the sourcing of clean, ancient grains over the years, and now, all-purpose flours that are clean, and genetically purer as heirloom, ancient grains, than anything else you will probably find on the market.

                                            Let’s reclaim grains as HEALTHY again!

                                            • Babies kidnapped from parents by Drug Tests

                                              The State Can Steal Your Baby Anytime They Want with a False Drug Test -The Criminal Drug Testing Market

                                              The Marshall Project, a “nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the U.S. criminal justice system,” just published an investigative report about a topic I have written about for the past decade, which is that States can take your baby away from you anytime they want based simply on a drug test, even if that drug test is false.

                                              The Marshall Project investigation does a good job showing how widespread and common this problem is of taking babies away from parents on false drug tests.

                                              In 2016, Congress mandated states to submit the number of “substance-affected” infants to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Not all states track every case, but from fiscal years 2018 through 2022, medical professionals reported at least 170,000 infants to child welfare agencies for exposure to substances, according to an analysis by The Marshall Project.

                                              In 2022 alone, more than 35,000 such cases were reported, and authorities removed more than 6,000 infants from their families, their analysis found.

                                              The harms of drug testing fall disproportionately on low-income, Black, Hispanic and Native American women, who studies have found are more likely to be tested when they give birth, more likely to be investigated, and less likely to reunite with their children after they’ve been removed.

                                              But the false-positive cases The Marshall Project identified include parents of all socioeconomic classes and occupations — from a lawyer to a school librarian to a nurse who drug tests other people for a living.

                                              “People should be concerned,” said Dr. Stephen Patrick, a leading neonatal researcher who chairs the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta.

                                              “This could happen to any one of us.”

                                              Indeed, not only “could” this happen to any one of us, it DOES happen, all the time, and we have documented numerous cases where this has happened over the past decade.

                                              • people have smoked tobacco for thousands of years

                                                Another Government Lie? The Overwhelming Evidence that Tobacco does NOT Cause Cancer

                                                One medical “fact” that the majority of people living in western countries today accept as “true”, is that smoking cigarettes leads to lung cancer, and that tobacco is a toxic substance.

                                                But is it true? Can we trust our government when it comes to health advice? Have they ever lied to us in the past about health or diseases?

                                                First, think about it logically. People have smoked tobacco for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

                                                U.S. Government “experts” figured out only in 1964 that cigarettes caused cancer and were bad for health, as the Surgeon General put out a warning declaring that cigarettes were bad for one’s health.

                                                Was there actually any evidence or credible science to back this up, or were other interests in play behind this warning?

                                                Fortunately, if one decides to search out the evidence themselves, there is plenty of evidence and research to show the opposite, that tobacco does not cause cancer, and that as a natural plant, it actually has some therapeutic properties, which at one time seemed to be well-known.

                                                • Coconut Oil Health Benefits v2-1

                                                  Virgin Coconut Oil: The Dietary Oil the Government Does Not Want You Know About because it is a Threat to Pharmaceutical Products

                                                  In 2001, while living in the Philippines with my family, I became the first person to export a “Virgin Coconut Oil” from the Philippines to the United States.

                                                  The product wasn’t known as “Virgin Coconut Oil” in the Philippines. It was just known as common “coconut oil” that the poor people made by hand, using traditional methods, because it was cheaper to make this kind of coconut oil from fresh coconuts, than it was to buy the mass-produced machine-made refined coconut oil sold in the grocery stores.

                                                  We had spent the previous two years developing our Philippine Herb company in the Philippines, and exporting some of these herbs to the U.S. for the herbal supplement industry.

                                                  Handmade coconut oil using traditional methods, was an afterthought for us, but because it was the dietary oil our family was now consuming in the Philippines at that time, we decided to offer it for sale in the U.S. also.

                                                  The rest is history, as it quickly became our #1 product, changing so many people’s lives that powerful forces tried to destroy us to stop the sale of this simple dietary oil that had nourished tropical populations for thousands of years, with tremendous health benefits.

                                                  Those health benefits threatened market share of other products in the U.S., including pharmaceutical drugs and the “newer” polyunsaturated oils that technology made possible after WW II, and today are normally referred to as “vegetable oils” made from corn and soybeans, which today are more than 90% genetically modified (GMO).

                                                  I was very fortunate to utilize the emerging technology in 2001, and the growing use of the Internet, to educate the American public about the truth regarding the edible oil industry, and show how the U.S. Government’s dietary recommendations through the USDA were faulty, and served the interests of big corporations and had nothing to do with Americans’ health.

                                                  This was long before Google, Facebook, or Twitter were around filtering information, and when Amazon.com still mostly sold only books.

                                                  By 2003, there was strong market demand for Virgin Coconut Oil, and book publishers were contacting me about writing a book, as I had published so much information on coconut oil, including peer-reviewed research on its health benefits, some of which had been around since the 1960s.

                                                  I ended up self-publishing our own book in 2004, gathering together 100 of the best testimonies from our customers and readers, and we also hired a professional chef to create some recipes on how to use coconut oil, which were also published in the book.

                                                  Today there are hundreds of thousands of copies of this book printed, although most now buy the eBook version. Much of the contents of the book are also published on CoconutOil.com, but if you would like to have a hard copy that will not disappear if the Internet goes down, we are currently offering it for free for a limited time.

                                                  • Levitical Office of High Priest Ended with the death of Jesus Christ 2

                                                    Rabbi Jesus is the New Jewish High Priest Ushering in the New World Order

                                                    The book of Hebrews in the New Testament section of the Bible, is perhaps the best treatise on the full meaning of the New Covenant, and all of its implications in Jesus Christ.

                                                    It was written to “Hebrews” in general, the Jewish believers in Jesus Christ living during the First Century, as opposed to the Gentile believers.

                                                    The purpose of Hebrews is to more fully explain the differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.

                                                    It is therefore, the best section of the New Testament portion of the Bible to refute the cultist beliefs of Zionism, because Paul and the other Jewish believers were dealing with many of the same issues facing us today by the Satanic Jews, who wanted to keep the Jewish religion of the Old Covenant going, even though it ended with Jesus Christ, and his death and subsequent resurrection from the dead.

                                                    One of the things that the book of Hebrews makes abundantly clear, is that the Levitical priesthood and the Levitical office of High Priest has ended, and been replaced by Jesus Christ, who is now our eternal High Priest.

                                                    If the Old Covenant is now obsolete and has been replaced with the New Covenant with a new priesthood and a new office of High Priest, fulfilled by the blood of Jesus and his death on the cross, then why in the world would anyone want to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem today?

                                                    The New Temple is in heaven, as is the new High Priest and King, Jesus Christ!

                                                    • Gulten Saruhan

                                                      Trust Your Elders NOT Your Doctor! 108-Year-Old Turkish Woman Who Survived COVID Takes NO Medications

                                                      Last week I published a report about an article that The Guardian did about the death of the world’s oldest recorded person, where they wrote:

                                                      “Scientists still trying to work out why some people live beyond 100, but agree it is best to avoid taking advice from centenarians themselves.”

                                                      So I am going to start publishing records of Centenarians who have lived over 100 years, in spite of, and probably in most cases in defiance against, the medical system.

                                                      I am going to label these articles: Trust Your Elders NOT Your Doctors!

                                                      This week’s report comes from Turkey, where a 108-year-old woman has no serious illnesses, and takes no medications (which is probably why she also has no illnesses).

                                                      • Using Bitcoin and Stablecoins to Expand Dollar Dominance

                                                        Exposing the Silicon Valley Cartel Bankers' Next Move into Digital Currencies

                                                        We are living in very precarious times where the U.S. financial system stands on the brink of collapse, for a variety of reasons, and one of the biggest ones being the national debt that everyone probably admits could never be paid down.

                                                        A financial “reset” has been talked about and predicted since 2020 and the COVID Scam. There is also a worldwide movement now with the BRICS alliance to dethrone the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

                                                        There has been a lot of talk for the past few years about Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which became a political issue in 2023 where leading Republican politicians, including most Republican Governors, came out AGAINST CBDCs.

                                                        As I wrote last year, this was a sure sign that this was a psyop, with fear over CBDCs being a “trojan horse” to get the public against them, while the plan to use programmable and controllable digital currencies without CBDCs was probably going full speed ahead.

                                                        Here in 2024, Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin have been two of the leading voices to expose how CBDCs are, in fact, a trojan horse, because the private banking sector already has in place digital currencies that can do everything people are afraid of with Government CBDCs.

                                                        Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin have done a lot, and I mean a LOT, of research into just who is behind today’s digital currencies, such as Bitcoin.

                                                        Last week the two of them were interviewed by Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report to discuss their research. I just finished watching this interview today, and I highly recommend watching this very excellent interview where they clearly reveal the motives of the Silicon Valley mafia that is attempting to take over the banking system.

                                                        Mark Goodwin refers to them as the “Cartel Bankers”, and they support both political parties, so that their efforts will not be stopped by politicians who are in Washington D.C., regardless of what political party they belong to.

                                                        • Kaya_centeno presumed dead

                                                          California Foster Father Sentenced to 6 Life Terms in Child Sex Trafficking Case: Hid Children for 10 Years Where They Were Chained, Raped, Tortured, and Starved

                                                          Jose Centeno of Rohnert Park, in Sonoma County, California, was sentenced to six consecutive life sentences last week for torturing, starving, raping and sodomizing his three foster children, whom he kept hidden from the public in cages for 10 years.

                                                          I have covered a lot of these kinds of stories for more than a decade, and this one is vying for First Place in the most horrific and demonic stories that I have ever encountered.

                                                          Jose Centeno and his wife Gina Centeno were both arrested in August of 2020, but Gina died in jail earlier this year while awaiting trial.

                                                          When their arrest was made in 2020, it drew national attention, especially after it was discovered that one of the foster children had not been seen in about 10 years, Kaya Centeno, who is the only one that I could find a photo of online.

                                                          The jury trial of Jose Centeno was conducted in July of this year (2024), and the details and testimonies that were presented in the courtroom literally traumatized the jury, as is to be expected, and as I have personally also experienced over the years from covering these types of cases.

                                                          What these corporate media sources failed to report, however, was the back story about how this horror could have continued for so long with a state-licensed foster care family. A situation like this does not just happen by a rogue, rare exception to the foster care system.

                                                          To get away with a child sex trafficking operation like this, there has to be complicity from local law enforcement, to the social service agencies that allow this to happen, and none of the corporate media reports even bothered to look into that. Nor did they bother to investigate why these children were taken away from their biological family in the first place.

                                                          One of the articles I read while researching this story from Sonoma County today mentioned that there had also been a federal lawsuit filed in this case, but that it had been settled.

                                                          It took me some time, but I found the lawsuit, and it has NOT been settled, but is still ongoing.

                                                          This lawsuit provides a LOT more details, including suing all the people and government employees who were complicit with this child sex trafficking ring, and providing details that are even more horrible than what the corporate media is reporting.

                                                          • nwo-network-of-secret-societies

                                                            The Five Child Trafficking Networks as Revealed by a Woman Who was Chosen to Succeed the "Queen Mother of Darkness" but was Rescued by Jesus Christ

                                                            This is probably not an article for everyone, as it reveals some of the very dark and evil spiritual forces that rule this world, which some may not care to read, and others will have no interest as it is a topic they either don’t believe in, or don’t want to know about.

                                                            I am not a stranger to this topic, which involves Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), and if you want to see some of the other articles I have published in the past that deal with similar content, I have provided a short list that you can check out.

                                                            The information I am publishing today was written by an investigative reporter named Cathy Fox, who has reported on this topic of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking for years now.

                                                            I am highlighting an article today from Cathy Fox that she published regarding an interview with Jessie Czebotar, who claims she was born and raised in an Illuminati family, and was chosen as a child to succeed her grandmother as a “Mother of Darkness”.

                                                            Jessie claims that she was saved from this planned course for her life in her family by the power of Jesus Christ. She has served as a Military Chaplain and has her own ministry today.

                                                            What Cathy Fox did with this interview, is pool her own knowledge of this topic over the years to write the following article, “The FIVE Child Trafficking Networks and Structure of the Illuminati.”

                                                            It is obvious that Cathy put a lot of work into this article, and it was very educational for me, so I am sharing it with the Health Impact News readership for all who want to know more about this very dark, and very evil topic, and who really controls the people who run the world today.

                                                            After this article, I am also including some research she has done on Elon Musk, and his past.

                                                            • Big Tech Billionaires promote free speech or child sex trafficking 2

                                                              Do Big Tech Billionaires Promote "Free Speech" or Child Sex Trafficking? What is "Free Speech"?

                                                              With the constant flow of articles I continue to see in my news feed each day with Americans bemoaning the loss of what they call “free speech” as they idolize their favorite Big Tech Billionaires, I want to highlight some facts in this article about these Big Tech billionaires that so many Americans now adore, and give a basic civics lesson on just what exactly is “free speech.”

                                                              Is Pavel Durov truly a “righteous Billionaire” who out of the kindness of his heart wanted to provide the world with a truly “free speech” platform as his main motivation, or is he linked into and funded by child sex trafficking networks just the same as his fellow Big Tech Billionaires, who are also connected to the Satanic Jewish cults which promote Zionism and child sex trafficking?

                                                              If Donald Trump is (s)elected as President in November, maybe he can work out a deal with France and bring Durov here to serve in his administration together with Elon Musk, keeping the memory and legacy of Jeffrey Epstein who built our financial system going strong, and finally passing that “antisemitism” bill into law which will make belief in the New Testament and Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, illegal.

                                                              • 6 Hamas Hostages Dead Protests Against Netanyahu

                                                                Massive Protests in Israel Against Netanyahu After 6 Hostages Found Dead

                                                                The war in the Middle East continues to escalate, as Israelis took to the streets Sunday (September 1, 2024) after the bodies of six hostages who were being detained by Hamas were found dead.

                                                                Netanyahu claims they were “brutally murdered” while Hamas released a statement claiming Israeli airstrikes killed them.

                                                                There were calls for a general strike on Monday (September 2, 2024) from Israel’s labor groups. September 2, 2024 is, ironically, “Labor Day” in the United States.

                                                                Meanwhile, the war in the West Bank entered its 5th day Sunday, with many Palestinian “resistance forces” called the “Axis of Resistance” now participating, including the Pakistani Al-Mujahideen Resistance movement, now engaging the Israeli military forces.

                                                                Three Israeli police officers were reportedly killed in the West Bank on Sunday.

                                                                We are most definitely in the beginning stages of World War III now, as the Middle East is not the only region where tensions are escalating.

                                                                The war between Russia and Ukraine is also escalating, as Russia has reported this weekend that they shot down over 150 Ukrainian drones inside Russia today, and the Chinese Navy is actively patrolling disputed islands near the Philippines in the South China Sea where clashes happened last week.

                                                                Meanwhile, it was also reported this past week that the U.S. Navy does not have any aircraft carriers in the Indo-Pacific for the first time in “decades” due to deployments to the Middle East.

                                                                • forced pakistan-oral-polio-vaccine

                                                                  Muslims and Jews Finally Agree on Something to Cause a Ceasefire in Gaza: Mass Vaccine Campaign Against Children in Fake Polio Outbreak

                                                                  Hamas and Israeli forces have finally found mutual ground to order a ceasefire in the Gaza strip: a mass vaccination campaign against children to force them to receive the deadly oral polio vaccine that is banned in most Western countries, for a fake polio outbreak that is admittedly based on evidence of vaccine-induced polio found in sewage samples.

                                                                  There is still only 1 report of an actual case of someone having polio based on a laboratory PCR test, and no one has died.

                                                                  Deaths due to the new oral polio vaccine, however, which was given “emergency use authorization” (EUA), are currently about 25% of all vaccine injuries caused by the new oral polio vaccine, according to the U.S. government database of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

                                                                  Sadly, in the weeks and months ahead we will see babies and children die and become crippled in Gaza, not only due to the war, but also because of this mass vaccination campaign with the new Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV).

                                                                  In addition, vaccine-induced polio will spread, including throughout Israel where the OPV has been banned for years, and this will result in even MORE vaccines being distributed as they will claim that there is now a full-blown “Polio epidemic”, that possibly they will claim is spreading worldwide.

                                                                  Where have we seen this script play out before??

                                                                  • Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem

                                                                    Israel Attacks Refugee Camps in the West Bank - Threatens Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem as Tensions Escalate

                                                                    Israel has broadened the war against Palestinians by attacking refugee camps in the West Bank territories for the second day, as the corporate media headlines continue to focus on politics, while many in the alternative media continue to publish bizarre interpretations on “free speech” as they protect their Big Tech Billionaire idols.

                                                                    The West Bank is, of course, where the city of Jerusalem lies, and Muslim nations were outraged today when Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir stated that he wanted to put an Israeli flag and build a synagogue at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Islam’s third most holy site.

                                                                    To put up a synagogue, or rebuild the temple, would of course be impossible without first destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

                                                                    Leaders from Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, and Iran were quick to respond and condemn these threats today, as the outbreak of a full blown World War III now draws closer.

                                                                    • SSID router

                                                                      Is Your Home Wifi Revealing Your Location to be Stored in Big Tech Databases? Tips for Staying Anonymous on the Internet

                                                                      With online data at a premium today for the Big Tech oligarchs who want to build their huge AI databases with your information, along with very concerning increases in cyber hacking where anything you share online can be hacked in somebody’s database, one needs to take special care to protect their personal data and privacy.

                                                                      I have found PC Magazine to be a great resource in giving advice on how to protect your data and privacy. And all of their articles are for free, with no paywall.

                                                                      In an article recently published by PCMag.com, Neil J. Rubenking reported how anyone with a cell phone passing by your home can pick up your router’s Wifi ID, revealing your location, which can then be stored in Big Tech databases at companies such as Google and Apple.

                                                                      Of course if you find their instructions on how to configure your router’s Wifi too difficult, you can just turn it off altogether and only connect via an Ethernet cable (which is what I do). That will also reduce EMF radiation pollution in your home.

                                                                      PCMag.com also just recently published an article about how to use the Internet more anonymously: “How to Completely Disappear From the Internet.”

                                                                      • Russias city killer submarine - Belgorod

                                                                        "If World War III Breaks out, it Wouldn’t be Contained in Europe" - Russia

                                                                        Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Tuesday that the US would face “much harsher” consequences for backing Ukraine’s offensive in Russia’s Kursk Oblast.

                                                                        “The impression is that our colleagues [in Washington] have discarded the remnants of common sense and believe that they can do anything,” Ryabkov said, according to TASS.

                                                                        The US claims it was not involved in the planning of the Kursk offensive, but it has allowed Ukraine to use US-provided armored vehicles, missiles, and bombs in the attack on Russian territory.

                                                                        The New York Times reported that the US and the UK have also provided Ukraine with satellite imagery and other information about the Kursk region. Ryabkov said that US involvement in the Kursk offensive is an “obvious fact.”

                                                                        Ukraine is now pushing hard for the US to allow it to launch long-range strikes inside Russia using US-provided missiles. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov strongly warned against this potential escalation and said the US should understand that if World War III breaks out, it wouldn’t be contained in Europe.

                                                                        “Americans unequivocally associate conversations about Third World War as something that, God forbid, if it happens, will affect Europe exclusively,” Lavrov said.

                                                                        • Pavel Durov Telegram Child Sex Trafficking

                                                                          "Free Speech" Issue? Telegram Founder with More Than 100 Biological Children Accused of Protecting Child Sex Traffickers

                                                                          The term “free speech” is used today, particularly in the mostly “right-wing” alternative media, as if its definition is universally understood.

                                                                          However, the term “free speech” is anything but understood the same way by everyone who uses it.

                                                                          The first thing to understand about “free speech” is that in its absolute form, it doesn’t exist.

                                                                          Absolute and total “free speech” is not allowed by any country of the world today, and every country in the world today has laws that regulate and prohibit total “free speech.”

                                                                          In the U.S., for example, as well as in most countries around the world, one does not have “free speech” to publish what is considered “pornography”, or various types of sex crimes. There is no “free speech”, for example, to publish a video of a pedophile raping a baby or young child.

                                                                          Imagine a world where there was unregulated, total “free speech” such as this.

                                                                          Likewise, lying in public or on a publicly accessible Internet platform where someone lies about another person, or even just gives false information, that results in that person suffering harm, is also illegal according to the laws of slander and libel speech, and the victim can sue the person practicing their “free speech” that caused them harm.

                                                                          When it was announced this past weekend that the tech billionaire Pavel Durov, the Telegram founder and CEO, was arrested in France, almost everyone in the alternative media, mainly on the Right, was quick to come to his defense and claim that this was an attack on “free speech”.

                                                                          This was seen as a political move by France to squelch the speech of all those who had been kicked off social media platforms such as YouTube and found refuge on Telegram.

                                                                          But as we look at the allegations against Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, while it is true that one of his “crimes” mentioned is not restricting the “dangerous” speech of “far-right” extremists, that is hardly the only charge being made against him.

                                                                          Here is a report from cybernews.com: “As the founder of Telegram, Durov is accused of not cooperating with law enforcement regarding crimes such as child sexual abuse, drug trafficking, and fraud. The investigation reportedly also related to insufficient moderation, with Durov allegedly failing to take steps to limit criminal uses of Telegram.”

                                                                          I, for one, am highly skeptical about the motives and actions of Big Tech Billionaires.

                                                                          • Wisdom vs. Knowledge Science

                                                                            Western Culture has Abandoned Wisdom and Replaced it with "Science" - Ignore the Advice of "Scientists" if you Want to Live Long!

                                                                            Being in my mid-60s now, I am entering into a phase of life that Western culture generally refers to as my “senior years.”

                                                                            Outside of Western culture, especially in many Asian and Middle Eastern cultures, this is the phase of life that is equated with “wisdom,” recognizing that people who have lived on this earth the longest, have generally accumulated the most wisdom, and such people are to be respected for having reached this age.

                                                                            In Western culture, however, older people are looked upon as feeble and senile. They are considered mostly by the group they belong to in Western culture, the “seniors”, which is a group that is a goldmine for the medical scientists and their drugs.

                                                                            In what is pure insanity for most other cultures around the world, American seniors are taught to “retire” around the age of 65, and take life easy, when in fact they are usually smarter and wiser in their senior years than the younger people running the world, and should just do anything BUT retire.

                                                                            There is one caveat to this principle, however, and that caveat is that you have to reach your senior years without being dependent upon the pharmaceutical industry, which will do everything they can to render your life mostly meaningless as they attempt to make you a life-long consumer of their toxic products.

                                                                            Seniors are seen as a burden to society, and especially to the medical system, as the drugs and surgeries that are marketed to them generally prevent them from participating in the workforce, dependent upon Government subsidies such as Medicare and social security.

                                                                            Understanding this western mindset, it is easy to understand the insanity of an article that was published yesterday in The Guardian that attacked the wisdom and sound advice that came from the oldest recorded person in the world who just died at the age of 117, and commanded people to listen to scientists instead.

                                                                            • who owns organic foods

                                                                              Big Food has Taken Over the USDA National Organic Program - Why I am no Longer Importing Certified Organic Food

                                                                              Since the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed standards for organic foods to be certified as “organic” by the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) in 2002, the quality of organic food sold in the U.S. has been rapidly declining, as the major food corporations that control most of the nation’s food supply have continually applied pressure to the USDA to lower those organic standards so that they could capitalize on consumer demand for “certified organic” food, while still mass producing their food the same way they produce conventional (non-organic) foods.

                                                                              Unfortunately, things have only become worse here in 2024 for the USDA certified organic program, in terms of consolidating power for the industry for Corporate Big Food.

                                                                              When the United States was founded back in the 1700s, about 90% of the population was employed in agriculture.

                                                                              By the time of the Civil War under President Lincoln, that number had fallen to about 50%.

                                                                              Today, just a handful of companies produce our food, with less than 2% of the population employed in agriculture.

                                                                              In short, we are just one disaster away from our entire food chain collapsing.

                                                                              If you are among the tens of millions of people in the U.S. who rely on grocery store chains to purchase your food, and have never considered what you would do if the shelves of those stores went bare, then it is time you change your thinking and buying habits when it comes to food.

                                                                              • Two-year-old Antonio Suarez-Ware

                                                                                Innocent Children Continue to Die in the Nation's Evil Foster Care Child Trafficking System

                                                                                A tragic story was published this week in Albany, New York, where a 2-year-old child was forcibly removed from his family by the family police force known as “Child Protection Services” (CPS), even though there was no record or claims that the child and his brother, who was also removed, were ever abused.

                                                                                The 2-year-old child along with his brother were then placed into a State-licensed foster home, where one of the members of that home had formerly been investigated for child abuse.

                                                                                That member of the licensed foster home was Sarah Carter, the adult daughter of the licensed foster mother, who subsequently left the young toddler, 2-year-old Antonio, in a hot car for 4 hours where he died of hyperthermia, or overheating.

                                                                                What makes this story, which happens all too frequently, so tragic, is that Antonio had parents who loved him, and observed how he was being mistreated in the foster home he was placed in during the supervised visitation times with their son, who often showed up with bruises and cuts, and smelled like he had not been bathed for some time.

                                                                                This was reported to the caseworker, and other family members tried to gain custody of young Antonio, but to no avail.

                                                                                A caseworker assistant who transported Antonio and his brother back and forth between the foster home and the biological parents for visitation, noticed what was happening to Antonio in the foster home, and reported it to her superiors.

                                                                                As a result of her trying to step in and advocate for these two children, she was fired.

                                                                                • epstein and maxwell with presidential candidates

                                                                                  Whoever is (S)Elected as the Next U.S. President, Jeffrey Epstein will be the Real Winner

                                                                                  With political campaigns in full swing now as the Democrats are currently holding their convention in Chicago, it is important to remember that national politics in the United States is a closely scripted arm of the entertainment industry, and has almost no bearing on real life, and the issues facing Americans every day.

                                                                                  The fact that more Americans don’t recognize this yet, especially after the Great Coup of 2020 and the COVID Scam, shows how a powerful demonic enchantment still holds the minds and emotions of most Americans today, who foolishly believe that they can somehow change the fate of our nation by simply voting their favorite candidate into office, even while admitting that they are voting for the “lesser of two evils”, and acknowledge that the elections are rigged.

                                                                                  So if there is a winner declared in the November national elections in the United States, with the illusion that the winner was “chosen” by the “will of the people,” the real winner will undoubtedly be Jeffery Epstein, the man who built today’s political system by using blackmail, primarily through child sex trafficking, to control the richest people in the world who really run America.

                                                                                  All three current major candidates (at the time of this writing) running for the office of the President of the United States, have strong connections to Epstein, and undoubtedly would not be in a position to take over the most powerful political office in the U.S. without those connections to Jeffrey Epstein.

                                                                                  Limiting the public’s choice to only being able to vote for those who were connected to and empowered by the Epstein child sex trafficking financial system, of course ensures that this Satanic system will continue.

                                                                                  Epstein of course was a Satanic Jew, and linked to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, which also ensures that only those who support the Zionist cause can be elected to the office of the President of the United States.

                                                                                  • Gaza Family murdered

                                                                                    Infanticide in Gaza: UN to Vaccinate Over Half a Million Children with Deadly Polio Vaccine Over Fake Polio "Outbreak"

                                                                                    In addition to the almost daily news of children being murdered in Gaza, such as an entire family, including six children, who were killed in Gaza over the weekend, this past week scary headlines appeared in both the corporate media as well as in the alternative media stating that there was a new outbreak of the polio virus among children in Gaza, after polio had been eradicated there for 25 years.

                                                                                    When we view scary “news” stories like this that call for mass-vaccination campaigns among children, the first thing to do is examine the actual facts that are being reported over this “outbreak.”

                                                                                    So I went to the source of this reporting, which is the UN, and specifically UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), the largest purchaser and distributor of vaccines for children worldwide.

                                                                                    Here’s a summary of the facts from these two official news reports from the UN.

                                                                                    In July, a total of 6 cases of a positive polio PCR test were found in sewage samples (fecal matter) at 6 locations. It was admitted that these cases were “vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2”.

                                                                                    This was the beginning of the “polio outbreak” that is now being reported, even though at the time these tests were conducted, there was not a single person being treated for polio, nor anyone showing any symptoms of polio.

                                                                                    Nevertheless, it was declared an “outbreak” and plans were immediately put into effect to produce hundreds of thousands of doses of the oral polio vaccines.

                                                                                    One month later, in August, “three children presenting with suspected acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), a common symptom of polio” was reported.

                                                                                    That’s it, 3 children, who did not even have a positive polio diagnosis, but only “symptoms” of polio, was all that was needed to determine that this was a deadly “outbreak” of polio and kick into gear the production of 1.6 million doses of the oral polio vaccine to give to children in Gaza.

                                                                                    What the media fails to report, however, is that these “cases” of polio came from the oral polio vaccines themselves!

                                                                                    • Man Walking Forest Lane In Winter

                                                                                      The Way of Salvation has ALWAYS been by Faith and Obedience - Not by a "Chosen" Nation or Religion

                                                                                      I have previously reported that the New Testament portion of the Bible did not start a new religion called “Christianity.”

                                                                                      I have also recently written on the Biblical term “the Faith” to show that the Bible also does not endorse a specific religion.

                                                                                      In another article I recently published, I explained how there are differences between the Old Covenant (“Old Testament”) and the New Covenant (“New Testament”).

                                                                                      What I want to report in this article, is that there is one thing that did not change between the Old Testament and the New Testament, and that is the fact that salvation by God has always been by faith, and not through a “chosen people” or a “religion”, and that this has always been true.

                                                                                      It was true before the Old Covenant (the Law given to Moses), during the Old Covenant, and it is true today during the New Covenant period of time.

                                                                                      • Trever Frodsham Murdered

                                                                                        Arizona Man Sexually Abused by Foster Parents as a Child is Murdered at Age 21 - Pedophiles Continue to be Licensed Foster Parents Across the U.S.

                                                                                        We have some sad news to report to our Health Impact News readers who have followed our reporting on the hundreds of Medical Kidnapping stories we published between 2014 through 2019.

                                                                                        One of the most horrific stories we have ever published and have been following since 2017, is the case of David Frodsham, who was arrested and convicted of running a child pornography and child sex trafficking operation out of his Arizona, State-licensed foster home in 2017.

                                                                                        Most of our original articles centered around then 2-year-old Devani, who was repeatedly raped and trafficked in the Frodsham foster home, and then after David Frodsham was arrested by federal agents, she was placed into another foster home by a Christian agency, where her body was scalded by hot water in a bathtub, resulting in her losing two of her toes.

                                                                                        That foster mother is also now serving a prison term.

                                                                                        After David Frodsham’s conviction, two of his adopted sons aged out of the system, and proceeded to sue the State of Arizona, as well as the Christian adoption agencies that allowed this house of horrors to operate for years, even after they tried to report the abuses that were happening in this State-approved foster home.

                                                                                        Both boys, as well as others, were repeatedly raped and trafficked as they grew up in this foster home.

                                                                                        One of those boys was Trevor Frodsham, who apparently was fostered or adopted by another couple for a while after he left the Frodsham home, as he apparently took on the name “Trevor Williams.”

                                                                                        Last year (2023), we reported how the State of Arizona and the Catholic Adoption agency who were both defendants, were petitioning the court to dismiss the case, claiming that they had “qualified immunity” in the case that prevented them from being tried in court.

                                                                                        I looked up Trevor’s case today in preparing to write this article, and it was settled in November of 2023, although the terms of the settlement were sealed by the court, and I was not able to see what the terms of the settlement were.

                                                                                        But it doesn’t matter, as several weeks ago (June 17th) Trevor was shot and murdered in Tucson while reportedly sitting in his car at an intersection. The alleged murderer, Jose K. Chavez, was arrested a few weeks later on July 8, 2024.

                                                                                        No motive or details of the murder have been made known to public at this time.

                                                                                        But the real tragedy of Trevor Frodsham’s story and the house of horrors that raped and trafficked children while being sanctioned and licensed by the State and by Christian adoption agencies, is that the exact same thing is happening right now all across the nation, where Christians and the State conspire together to kidnap and traffick children.

                                                                                        • civilians in Kursk

                                                                                          Ukrainian Mercenary NATO Forces Invade Russia Targeting Civilian Populations - Russia Labels Invasion as "Terrorist Attack"

                                                                                          While most of the world has been holding their breath and waiting for an Iranian response to Israel’s recent assassinations in Tehran and Beirut, a Ukrainian military group reported to consist of NATO mercenaries invaded Russia and drove into the Kursk region of Russia, where there were no military bases or military operations, and attacked civilian neighborhoods who obviously offered little to no resistance.

                                                                                          Russia responded quickly to the surprise attacks, but apparently this was a carefully planned invasion with highly trained NATO para-military personnel.

                                                                                          Russia is calling this a terrorist attack since the NATO armed forces only attacked civilians where there were initially no Russian troops or military operations.

                                                                                          It is being reported that the mercenaries are mainly from Poland and Georgia.

                                                                                          Russian forces reportedly captured one of the Ukrainian soldiers who stated that the mercenaries were communicating in English and Polish on military radios, and that his brigade was “made up of those who used to be in jail”.

                                                                                          The captured soldier also claimed that his commander ordered them to shoot civilians, both those unarmed and those armed, and then loot their homes.

                                                                                          U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal traveled to Ukraine and praised the surprise attacks on civilians in Kursk, and called for the U.S. to give Ukraine more weapons, including calling for retired F-16 pilots from NATO countries to join in and train these mercenaries on how to fly the recent arrival of U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets.

                                                                                          Senator Graham also admitted that these forces are using American-made weapons that are providing jobs in the U.S.

                                                                                          Russia has issued stern warnings about retaliation.

                                                                                          As the leading member of BRICS this year, Russia may soon have more than just military options to strike back against NATO countries, as it was just announced a few weeks ago that BRICS will soon have a financial system similar to SWIFT, which would cut off financial transactions among BRICS nations, which includes China and Iran, from the U.S.-led SWIFT banking system.

                                                                                          This could be the last straw in collapsing the U.S. and western financial systems.

                                                                                          • Palestinian detainees stripped naked

                                                                                            U.S. is Sending America's Children to Die in the Middle East Fighting a Religious War Defending Israeli Forces Who Proudly Rape Their Prisoners

                                                                                            World War III is now expanding in the Middle East, with a full blown battle all but certain in the days ahead, as the U.S. is deploying National Guard troops and rapidly deploying America’s young men and women to the Middle East, where many of them are sure to die fighting a religious war as they defend Israel.

                                                                                            States have been training and deploying National Guard troops to the Middle East since the beginning of this year, with the latest deployments this past week occurring in Oregon and Pennsylvania.

                                                                                            Many of these National Guard members have never even been outside the U.S. before.

                                                                                            In Oregon, the part-time soldiers are being told that deployment to the Middle East will enhance their careers.

                                                                                            Americans are sending their children, or in some cases leaving their children behind, to fight a religious war that is based on the belief that Israel and the Jews are the “chosen people” and more valuable than people from other countries.

                                                                                            America did not even start this war, but it has now developed into a full blown Middle Eastern war that far exceeds Israel fighting the Palestinian Hamas group, as the Israeli Zionists have continually provoked Iran to draw the U.S. into this conflict.

                                                                                            And for this, Americans are willing to send their children, or leave their children, to potentially die defending an Israeli military that rapes and abuses their prisoners, and is proud about it.

                                                                                            Israel has admitted to sodomizing Palestinian prisoners, and riots have occurred in Israel, not in protest of these demonic actions, but in defense of them, and in protest for punishing the criminals.

                                                                                            Many in the West have tried to distance themselves from the actions of these Satanic Jews, but this is not anything new, as these actions have been happening for years, and are actually routine and part of their military policy.

                                                                                            • R2D2-3-23

                                                                                              There's Just One Problem: AI Isn't Intelligent, and That's a Systemic Risk

                                                                                              The mythology of Technology has a special altar for AI, artificial intelligence, which is reverently worshiped as the source of astonishing cost reductions (as human labor is replaced by AI) and the limitless expansion of consumption and profits. AI is the blissful perfection of technology’s natural advance to ever greater powers.

                                                                                              The consensus holds that the advance of AI will lead to a utopia of essentially limitless control of Nature and a cornucopia of leisure and abundance.

                                                                                              If we pull aside the mythology’s curtain, we find that AI mimics human intelligence, and this mimicry is so enthralling that we take it as evidence of actual intelligence. But mimicry of intelligence isn’t intelligence, and so while AI mimicry is a powerful tool, it isn’t intelligent.

                                                                                              If we boil off the mythology and hyperbole, we’re left with another neofeudal structure: the wealthy will be served by humans, and the rest of us will be stuck with low-quality, error-prone AI service with no recourse.

                                                                                              The promoters claim the mass culling of jobs will magically be offset by entire new industries created by AI, echoing the transition from farm labor to factory jobs. But the AI dragon will eat its own tail, for it creates few jobs or profits that can be taxed to pay people for not working (Universal Basic Income).

                                                                                              Perhaps the most consequential limit to AI is that it will do nothing to reverse humanity’s most pressing problems. It can’t clean up the Great Pacific Trash Gyre, or limit the 450 million tons of mostly unrecycled plastic spewed every year, or reverse climate change, or clean low-Earth orbits of the thousands of high-velocity bits of dangerous detritus, or remake the highly profitable waste is growth Landfill Economy into a sustainable global system, or eliminate all the sources of what I term Anti-Progress.

                                                                                              It will simply add new sources of systemic risk, waste and neofeudal exploitation.

                                                                                              • Curtis Yarvin by Clark Miller

                                                                                                Big Tech "Far-Right" Billionaires want to Eliminate Politicians and "Democracy" as They Believe They can Run the World Better by Themselves

                                                                                                I have frequently reported in my articles that politicians are not the main people who run the U.S., but that Wall St. billionaires and Silicon Valley billionaires do.

                                                                                                Unlike publicly visible politicians who at least have the illusion of accountability, the billionaires who fund them usually do not.

                                                                                                So it is a rare treat when I find an article like the one that The Information published in their Weekend publication that does just that, and exposes where a lot of the new “Far Right” ideology originates from that many Silicon Valley billionaires subscribe to.

                                                                                                The article was written by Julia Black, and titled: “The Far-Right Guru Who Has Befriended Silicon Valley’s Extreme Factions”.

                                                                                                Judging by the comments submitted to the article so far, it appears that this article is sending shock waves among those in Tech.

                                                                                                Featured in the article is one of Big Tech’s own, J.D. Vance, who recently became Trump’s Vice President choice, and how he has been influenced by Peter Thiel, who for years has followed the teachings of Curtis Yarvin, who believes “democracy” in the U.S. should be replaced by a “monarchy” instead.

                                                                                                These new Big Tech “conservatives” use familiar terms with the Right, but with completely different meanings. So while “limited government” is a traditional, conservative and libertarian value, they take it even further by advocating NO government.

                                                                                                Curtis Yarvin’s idea of running America like a corporation began to influence Peter Thiel around 2007-2009. They began to see CEOs of Big Tech as “all-powerful rulers,” even suggesting that Apple co-founder Steve Jobs should have been given “absolute power over the state of California.”

                                                                                                These ideas may seem outrageous and even “fringe”, but they have made inroads into American politics for years now, including Steve Bannon, who served in Trump’s first term.

                                                                                                • The Faith Banner

                                                                                                  There is Only "One Faith" - Who will "Fight the Good Fight" for "The Faith" in these Evil Last Days?

                                                                                                  What does the Bible teach about Christianity?

                                                                                                  The Bible doesn’t teach anything at all about Christianity.

                                                                                                  As I have previously written, the Christian Religion was defined and adopted in the 4th Century by the Roman State, under the Emperor Constantine. The Romans were mostly a polytheistic culture believing in most of the named Greek gods, until they made Christianity the official State Religion, and converted all of their Greek, “pagan” gods and holidays, into “Christian” ones.

                                                                                                  What the New Testament writers referred to, instead of the misconception and false belief that they were referring to a new religion called “Christianity,” is what they referred to as “The Faith.”

                                                                                                  What is “The faith”?

                                                                                                  • Russian anti aircraft defense

                                                                                                    Moscow Rushes Air Defenses To Iran In Payback For America Arming Ukraine

                                                                                                    Russia has significantly stepped up its military cooperation with Iran amid the Islamic Republic’s showdown with Israel. Many days have passed since Israel’s assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, with the region still on edge awaiting a likely major Iranian response.

                                                                                                    The NY Times and others confirmed this week that Russia has begun delivering radars and air defense equipment, possibly including S-400 anti-air missile components, to the Iranians.

                                                                                                    This can be seen as Moscow’s ‘payback’ for America arming Ukraine. Now, Russia is arming America’s (and Israel’s) chief enemy in the Middle East.

                                                                                                    • daily mail cyberattack

                                                                                                      Daily Mail Shows How Easy it is to Cripple America via a Cyber Attack Almost Ensuring that it Will Happen

                                                                                                      After the recent Microsoft Windows failed update by CrowdStrike that crippled computers worldwide, cyber security experts have been in high demand for journalists worldwide to report on just how serious and how likely it is that a cyber attack could cripple our society.

                                                                                                      For those criminal elements who earn their living from cyber attacks and ransoms, this must be cyber heaven for them, because the corporate media is doing their jobs for them, for free!

                                                                                                      The Daily Mail is a recent example, where they have almost literally published a blueprint on how to destroy America through a cyber attack.

                                                                                                      Since similar warnings were also reported in Congress last week, this information is obviously not seen as a threat to national security, as it is obviously common knowledge.

                                                                                                      In fact, just type in “cyber attack” into your favorite news search, and you will see that cyber attacks are already a daily occurrence, and gaining in frequency.

                                                                                                      The fact that America can easily be crippled by cyber attacks is not a theory, but a fact. A “cyber pandemic” will happen.

                                                                                                      • Big Tech Crimes Against Humanity

                                                                                                        American Big Tech Companies Identified as Complicit with War Crimes of Israeli Zionist Extremists as Their Stock Market Value Continues to Crumble

                                                                                                        More bad news for America’s Big Tech industry, at the worst time possible, as the AI bubble continues to burst.

                                                                                                        While most of us living in the U.S. are fully aware that America’s Big Tech companies, such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have become the new industry leaders in obtaining military contracts to support America’s many wars, people in the Middle East have just recently learned this fact this week with a recent report showing how the Israeli military depends upon these American companies to bomb and kill Palestinians in Gaza, and they were probably involved in the recent high-level assassinations in Iran and Lebanon as well.

                                                                                                        While this recent news that American Big Tech companies are providing military assistance to Israel may seem insignificant to those of us living in the West, I can assure you that this is very significant news in the Middle East, and for the future of American Big Tech companies.

                                                                                                        As I write this on Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) just ended a couple of hours ago in Saudi Arabia, to discuss how to deal with Israel, whom they claim has now become a rogue terrorist state.

                                                                                                        As this war in the Middle East proceeds, there will be a lot of pressure for Middle Eastern countries to divest their investments into companies who support Israel, which has already been happening in the U.S. at American colleges and universities since earlier this year.

                                                                                                        This spells trouble for the rich Muslim Gulf States who are heavily invested in Big Tech and Silicon Valley, especially Saudi Arabia, who owns significant stock in Musk’s X, and has a Venture Capital firm that invests $billions in American Big Tech.

                                                                                                        Saudi Arabia has been increasing their investments in American Big Tech companies for the past several years in their desire to diversify their national assets beyond just petroleum and petroleum products.

                                                                                                        How much longer will they keep those investments in place, as it becomes more and more obvious that they are overpriced due to this AI bubble that is crashing, and that now the entire Muslim world associates these Big Tech companies with Zionist Israel and the genocide currently happening there?

                                                                                                        Oh yes, this is a VERY BIG deal, and the safe bet here is that the wealthy Arab states, beginning with Saudi Arabia, will be compelled to divest their interests in American Big Tech.

                                                                                                        • Pakistan offers support to Iran over Assassination by Israel

                                                                                                          Pakistan Parliament Condemns Israeli Assassination in Tehran and Offers Military Support to Iran as Protests Erupt

                                                                                                          As the world waits anxiously for the Iranian response to Israel’s assassination of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh while he was visiting Tehran last week, Iran is very quickly rallying the Muslim world to its side, as an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is scheduled to convene in Saudi Arabia tomorrow (Wed. August 7th).

                                                                                                          The OIC represents 57 Islamic countries, and sees itself as the voice of the Muslim world. Unlike the smaller Arab League, it also includes influential non-Arab countries, including Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey.

                                                                                                          Pakistan has joined Iran in requesting the emergency meeting, and earlier today the Pakistani Parliament convened to condemn Israel’s attack on Tehran.

                                                                                                          The Jerusalem Post and other Middle Eastern news agencies are reporting that Pakistan is offering to supply Iran with Shaheen-III medium-range ballistic missiles, which reportedly can carry nuclear warheads, which Pakistan possesses.

                                                                                                          What Israel has done by violating what Muslims see as a violation of International Law on the sovereignty of Iran, not to mention the Muslim value of “hospitality” which requires that one protects a visiting guest at any cost once they come under your protection, has done more to rally the Muslim world than anything else probably ever could.

                                                                                                          It is uniting Sunni and Shia Muslim countries for what they believe is a moral and just cause, which is stopping the genocide of the Palestinian people, and punishing Israel and the U.S. for what they see as acts of savagery and barbarism by assassinating an unarmed, peaceful politician while visiting another country peacefully, as he attended the swearing-in ceremony of Iran’s new President last week.

                                                                                                          Years of bitter fighting between Sunni and Shia countries has seen some progress in the past year as China has reached out to these countries in an effort to end conflicts between them, and many now are also members of BRICS.

                                                                                                          But what Israel did in their assassinations of key Muslim leaders this past week, did far more to unite the Muslim world than any diplomacy could ever accomplish.

                                                                                                          The Zionist extremists in Israel are leading the U.S. into a war it will never be able win, especially with Russia now also sharing intelligence, and possibly weapons, with Iran also.

                                                                                                          • Street Atm Teller Machine With Current Operation. Blank Screen F

                                                                                                            The U.S. Financial System Built upon a Foundation of Lies is Crashing - Beware of the Coming Bank Bail-Ins

                                                                                                            The Big Tech crash that I have been warning about since the last quarter of 2022, has now arrived, and it is crashing our entire economy.

                                                                                                            It started in 2022 with the blowup of the Cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme called FTX, whose CEO now sits in prison serving a 25-year sentence for fraud and conspiracy.

                                                                                                            This started massive Big Tech layoffs that have continued through this year, and in March of 2023, some of the largest Big Tech Silicon Valley banks failed.

                                                                                                            But a total collapse of the U.S. financial system was averted by a new Ponzi scheme, the AI bubble that I have been warning about for over a year and a half.

                                                                                                            Now everyone is admitting that it has been a bubble all along as investors look to dump their technology stocks as quickly as possible, as the “Magnificent 7” companies (Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Tesla) have now lost a combined $1.28 TRILLION in market cap over three sessions.

                                                                                                            Anyway, the purpose of this article is not to gloat and say “I told you so” for warning about this for almost 2 years while we are seeing it happen today in real time as Big Tech crashes, but to warn you what is inevitably going to happen next, so you can be prepared before it happens: Bank Bail-ins!

                                                                                                            • Chinese Aircraft Carrier 2

                                                                                                              U.S. Military Report: U.S. Cannot Defeat China, U.S. Public Unaware of Dangers and Unprepared for Societal Breakdown

                                                                                                              A truly historic event was held in Washington D.C. this week that barely broke into the news cycle, when Eric Edelman and Jane Harman, from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy, presented their findings to members of Congress based on a RAND Corporation published report that came out this week explaining that the U.S. could not win a war against China, and that Americans are totally unaware of the danger they are in and totally unprepared for the consequences of such a war, such as a Cyber Attack that would bring down our ports and much of our network services infrastructure.

                                                                                                              It’s one thing to read an article in the Alternative Media warning about the imminent collapse of society we are facing due to current world events, but it ceases to be a “conspiracy theory” when the exact same thing is said by a DoD military think tank before members of Congress.

                                                                                                              I am posting the entire 2-hour video of this Congressional report, as well as a link to the actual study published by the RAND Corporation, but here are a couple of clips that together are under 5 minutes long that show how serious of an issue this is that most Americans are totally oblivious to, and that was barely even mentioned in the news this week.

                                                                                                              • Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun

                                                                                                                Turkish Intelligence Agency Brokers Largest Prisoner Swap with Russia in Modern Times

                                                                                                                Most of the headline news yesterday was about the largest prisoner swap with Russia since the end of the Cold War period, giving a brief moment of positive news among a steady stream of negative headline news that comes across our screens day after day.

                                                                                                                And yet among all the reports about this prisoner swap as reported in the U.S. news, there was barely a mention about who made all of this possible, which was the country of Turkey, and their national intelligence agency, MIT.

                                                                                                                The prisoner swaps happened in Ankara, Turkey, the nation’s political capital, a city that I once called my “home” back in the 1980s, when I was studying Turkish at Ankara University and living in the city.

                                                                                                                Turkey is a country that is constantly portrayed negatively in the U.S. media, including the alternative media, mainly due to American prejudices against Muslim people.

                                                                                                                Turkey is the only Muslim nation that is part of NATO, and it has maintained strong, friendly ties to Russia, a country it borders, for decades now.

                                                                                                                This event has now thrown Turkey into the international spotlight, showing that the country has serious diplomatic clout and perhaps an intelligence agency that has been very underrated in the West.

                                                                                                                I am going to reprint here something I wrote and published last year about my first trip to Turkey as a young man, and how my views and understanding of this country were radically changed after meeting people who lived there, and then living there for several years and learning their language.

                                                                                                                The point I am trying to make in sharing this experience with the public, is that we should never judge people from another country based on what the media tells us, or based on the politicians and politics of that country.

                                                                                                                And most importantly, we should never judge people based on whatever religious group they belong to.

                                                                                                                • elon musk diablo CIA Space Force Coups

                                                                                                                  Elon Musk and the CIA try to Overthrow the New Democratically Elected Government in Venezuela

                                                                                                                  The people of Venezuela just recently completed their national elections, voting to keep the incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro, in power for a 3rd term.

                                                                                                                  Because the U.S. did not back Maduro during the elections, but instead his opponent, Edmundo González Urrutia, the U.S. did what it usually does when their favorite candidate did not win, and employed the U.S. Mocking Bird media to run smear campaigns against the winner, while the CIA has allegedly taken measures to try and depose him, which has now caused riots in Venezuela.

                                                                                                                  This is how “democracy” is defined in the United States today. It means regardless of what the people want as voting citizens in their own country, if they do not choose the candidate that the U.S. and the CIA want in power, then they will do everything they can to cause a coup, and getting the U.S. Media to print their lies, which of course today also includes Elon Musk’s X platform.

                                                                                                                  So with almost one voice, both on the Left and on the Right, the U.S. Media has declared that the elections in Venezuela were “not fair”, as they claim that “other countries” also agree with them that the elections were “corrupt.”

                                                                                                                  Of course many “other countries” have also congratulated Maduro and accepted the election results, such as Russia and China.

                                                                                                                  What is the U.S. basing their claim on that the election results were not accurate?

                                                                                                                  They are basing their claims on exit polls done in Venezuela by the US government-linked firm out of New Jersey named “Edison Research,” which has reported links to the CIA.

                                                                                                                  • Lies used to justifiy assassinations

                                                                                                                    Lie that Israeli Children Died in Golan Heights used by Zionist Israel to Assassinate Top Hamas Politician Who was Negotiating Peace

                                                                                                                    Yesterday, Western media sources continued to publish the lie that Hezbollah forces bombed northern Israel killing 12 Israeli children, when in fact the children were not Israeli at all, but Syrian, while local residents claim it was Israel’s bomb that killed their children.

                                                                                                                    The voices of these Syrians who just tragically lost 12 children are not being reported in the Western media, and they came out with their own statement yesterday condemning Israel’s response using their own tragic losses as an excuse to bomb Lebanon.

                                                                                                                    In a statement, Majdal Shams residents object the shedding of a ‘single drop of blood’ in the names of the 12 children killed in weekend attack.

                                                                                                                    Using this lie as a pretext, the Zionist Israeli forces then bombed a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah military leader Fuad Shukr, while also killing two innocent children.

                                                                                                                    The big news event being reported today, also using the lie of Israeli children being killed in northern Israel as justification, is the assassination of a Hamas political leader who was not even living in Gaza, and had never served in the military, Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh, who was visiting Tehran for the peaceful swearing in ceremonies of the new Iranian President, Massoud Pezeshkian.

                                                                                                                    Whatever comes next in this conflict, as the Zionist factions in Israel and the U.S. now take on not only Iran but Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and the resistance forces in Iraq, Turkey will undoubtedly play a key roll.

                                                                                                                    Neither side apparently wants a military escalation which will prove very costly, and deadly.

                                                                                                                    These Zionist assassinations are undoubtedly coordinated with some of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world such as the CIA, Mossad, and MI6. They bring psychological warfare without the cost of huge military battles, where Zionist Israeli and American forces have had serious set-backs in recent days, especially in the Red Sea.

                                                                                                                    Will Turkey and perhaps other BRICS nations such as Russia and China now also get involved and share intelligence with Iran and the others?

                                                                                                                    Turkey has a long history of fighting back against Mossad agents in its own country and has its own intelligence network, and has successfully resisted coups by the CIA to topple their government.

                                                                                                                    If these nations do share intelligence, who might Iran and their allies target for high profile counter assassinations?

                                                                                                                    Netanyahu and Trump have to be the top two Zionist world leaders on their list, with Netanyahu having an existing criminal arrest warrant active at the International Court in the Hague, while Trump has an existing criminal arrest warrant in Iran.

                                                                                                                    • War Criminal Netanyahu Not Wecome

                                                                                                                      Golan Heights Arabs Tell Netanyahu he is Not Welcome but he Sneaks in Anyway as China Backs Palestinian Solidarity

                                                                                                                      The Western media narrative today continued to portray the bombing and murder of Arab children in the occupied territory of the Golan Heights over the weekend as a “terrorist attack” by Hezbollah against Israeli citizens, while the voices of the Arabs who actually live there and experienced these horrible deaths are not being reported.

                                                                                                                      Fox News is an example of this media charade that completely ignores the voices of the victims:

                                                                                                                      “Israel set to counter Hezbollah following terror attack: ‘response will be swift, harsh and painful’

                                                                                                                      The looming Israeli reaction against the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist movement in Lebanon is said to be imminent in response to the group’s rocket attack on a children’s soccer field on Saturday, resulting in the murders of 12 young people.

                                                                                                                      On Monday, Netanyahu visited Majdal Shams and announced on X that Israel’s response to the massacre of children at the location “will come and it will be severe.” Netanyahu told the Druze Israeli community: ‘We are brothers. We have a covenant of life but, I regret that it is also a covenant of bereavement and sorrow. We embrace you.'”

                                                                                                                      “We are brothers”?? Seriously?

                                                                                                                      How are these Syrian Arabs in the occupied Golan Heights any different from the Arabs in occupied Gaza and the occupied West Bank? Has he ever called them “brothers”?

                                                                                                                      What is not being reported in most Western media outlets is that the local people protested his coming, and even tried to stop him, calling him a war criminal. The families of the children who were murdered refused to meet with Netanyahu.

                                                                                                                      As I publish this early on Monday, 7/29/24, Israel’s Security Cabinet has allegedly approved an all out war against Lebanon and escalated the war in the Middle East, and it is based on a lie that Lebanon bombed and killed Israeli children, when in fact the children who died were children of Syrian parents who maintain their Syrian identity in the occupied Golan Heights.

                                                                                                                      They are no more Netanyahu’s “brothers” than the Palestinians are, but most Americans will trust Netanyahu anyway, as is evidenced by the numerous standing ovations he received last week in the U.S. Congress celebrating his lies.

                                                                                                                      • hidden-hand trump netanyahu

                                                                                                                        Did Trump Admit He is NOT a Christian? Did Trump Just Predict the Fulfillment of the Noahide Laws and Mass Murder of Christians?

                                                                                                                        Former President Donald Trump caused a lot of controversy this week when he stated that if Christians turned out to vote him into office this year, that they would not have to vote anymore.

                                                                                                                        And that is in fact what most media outlets are reporting.

                                                                                                                        But here is a short clip, 26 seconds long, on the Wall Street Journal YouTube channel.

                                                                                                                        Slow the speed down as low as it gets, 0.25 (it will make Trump sound like he is drunk), and turn on the subtitles (cc).

                                                                                                                        The subtitles claim he said: “I’m not Christian”. To be fair, I checked some other copies of this speech on YouTube and did the same thing, and some of the subtitles claim he said “I’m a Christian”, while others are like the WSJ clip and claim he said “I’m not Christian.”

                                                                                                                        However, Trump is moving his head in the negative (back and forth) when he says this, which means negative, and not up and down, which means affirmation, and he uses the second person plural in the English language (repeatedly), “you” or “you all”, when referring to “Christians”, and not the first person plural “we” where he would include himself in the group of Christians.

                                                                                                                        Trump has made it very clear in the past that his family is Jewish. While his son-in-law and daughter Ivanka are openly Jewish, many Jews claim that Donald Trump cannot come out into the open and declare that he is Jewish because of “antisemitism” backlash.

                                                                                                                        Trump has done more to promote the Zionist agenda than any other President in U.S. history, and that includes endorsing the Noahide Laws, which makes believing in the New Testament and that Jesus Christ was the historical Jewish Messiah, illegal, and punishable by decapitation.

                                                                                                                        Could this be the reason why Trump is stating that if he gets back into office this year, that Christians will no longer be able to vote, because they will either be dead or it will be illegal for them to vote anymore due to the Noahide Laws?

                                                                                                                        • 12 Syrian Children Dead in Israeli Attack

                                                                                                                          Israel Bombs Syrian Arabs in Occupied Golan Heights and Blames it on Hezbollah in False Flag Attack

                                                                                                                          While the U.S. Media is echoing the claims of Benjamin Netanyahu and others in his cabinet that Lebanon shot a rocket into the Israeli occupied territory of the Golan Heights which killed 12 children, which were Syrian Arab children and NOT Jewish children, Syria and other nations in the region are reporting that this tragedy was a false flag attack by Israel itself.

                                                                                                                          Hezbollah has obviously denied attacking their fellow Arabs, which doesn’t even make any sense, especially because Hezbollah has not shied away from taking responsibility for REAL attacks they have made into Israel, as it makes them a hero in eyes of the people in the Middle East.

                                                                                                                          This obvious false flag attack by Israel is apparently being used to justify an all-out war against Lebanon, even though this particular incident killed NO JEWS, only Arabs, no matter which side’s version is true.