Study: Sleep Cleanses the Brain of Toxic Waste Products Accumulated During the Day

An insidious kind of brainwashing goes on without your awareness. It continues surreptitiously every hour of the day and night. But not to worry; this brainwashing is intelligently designed, and it’s good for you. In fact, you couldn’t live without it!

Quality of Sleep More Important than Number of Hours Spent Sleeping for Immune System and Cellular Repair

Few are aware of the importance of good sleep, not necessarily measured by hours in bed, but the quality of sleep. This has been indicated by sleep polls over the past few years. The National Sleep Foundation's 2018 poll or survey was up slightly in hours of sleep, but still low in quality of sleep. Sleep quality is important for more-than-quality daytime or waking hours performance. It is a vital part of our immune system and efficient cellular repair that may slow down the body’s aging process. It doesn’t matter much if you’re in bed during sleep time for eight hours if your sleep is not deep, or if it’s not cycled through the five stages of sleep with proper duration for each cycle, there is some measure of sleep deprivation.

Food-Sourced Melatonin Provides Natural Way to Help Sleep

Studies on melatonin have documented that the body's own melatonin production helps us fall asleep, yet research on synthetic melatonin pills has been disappointing. What many have missed is that certain foods provide natural forms of melatonin, which have been shown to raise melatonin blood levels naturally and significantly aid sleep.

Get Better Sleep: The Truth Behind Your Insomnia!

Insomnia is no laughing matter! If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, it’s time to look to your gut health to reduce inflammation in your body so that you can finally get the rest you need.
If you frequently have trouble falling asleep or find that you wake up in the middle of the night […]