Ozone Therapy Curing Ebola in Africa, but Government Banning it in Favor of Test Drugs

Dr. Robert Rowen, a leading expert on oxidative therapy, received an invitation by the President of Sierra Leone to bring his team there to teach health care workers how to treat Ebola using ozone therapy. After getting local doctors and the president himself to agree to using ozone therapy, Paolo Conte, the defense minister of Sierra Leone and newly appointed Ebola czar, prevented them from administering the treatment. However, they permitted the experimental drug ZMapp to be used on patients and they're also going to allow the use of Amiodarone—a highly toxic drug that, according to Dr. Rowen, has been proven ineffective. In the meantime, while ozone therapy is withheld from Ebola patients, two doctors who received ozone therapy treatment and training contacted Ebola, and recovered immediately.