Study: Saturated Fat Not Associated with Risk of Coronary Artery Disease, Coconut Oil and Dairy Fat Healthy

The lipid theory of heart disease linking saturated fat to coronary heart disease continues to crumble. Of course there never was any real solid science linking traditional saturated fats and cholesterol to heart disease, but that didn't stop the pharmaceutical companies from making billions of dollars from the sale of cholesterol-lowering drugs. Before the patent expired, Lipitor was the best selling drug of all time, nearly equaling the sales of all other drugs combined. An excellent study analyzing the existing medical literature regarding dietary fats and heart disease was just published in Advances in Nutrition by Glen D. Lawrence, PhD, from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Long Island University in Brooklyn, NY - Dietary Fats and Health: Dietary Recommendations in the Context of Scientific Evidence. This analysis is significant because it not only looks at the differences of dietary oils classified as saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MFA) or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), but also the ratios of Omega 3 (ω3) to Omega 6 (ω6) fatty acids contained within PUFAs. Older research had suggested that PUFAs had a lower risk of heart disease. But the science actually points to only Omega 3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish oils, as being heart healthy, and not Omega 6 fatty acids, such as those found in corn and soybean oil, which comprise more than 90% of the dietary oil market in the U.S. The study also correctly vindicates the negative bias against saturated fat found in coconut oil and dairy products: "Several recent analyses indicate that SFAs, particularly in dairy products and coconut oil, can improve health."

Is Raw Grass-Fed Milk Safer Than Pasteurized? Wisconsin Raw Milk Farmer Acquitted on 3 Charges

As you're probably aware of by now, there's a war being waged against raw milk. While raw milk sales or distribution are legal in many US states, and progress has been made toward improving access, there’s strong opposition to this trend. Each victory is hard-won. Our federal health agencies claim to be protecting us from this 'dangerous' product. As you walk down the aisles of junk food at your local grocery store, pass by the liquor section, and watch individuals buying cartons of cigarettes - you have to wonder is this really about our personal safety or the safety of the milk industry. In the just concluded trial of Wisconsin raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger, a jury found him not guilty of operating a retail store without a license, allowing him to continue selling food to his private club members.

Raw Milk Farmer Acquitted on 3 of 4 Charges

Things are heating up in Baraboo, Wisconsin as a long awaited food rights trial approaches. Raw milk drinkers are outraged that Wisconsin DATCP is bringing criminal charges against a farmer who serves a private buying club. Do citizens have a right to contract with a producer and grow food to their own standards?

Maine Food Sovereignty Local Ordinances Get Boost from State

Small-farm advocates in Augusta celebrated a key political victory after a legislative committee gave the green light to several bills that would relax state oversight and open local markets to unlicensed farmers and raw milk producers.

Judge Rules Against Maine Food Sovereignty Ordinance in First Test Case

Maine’s food sovereignty movement took a hit when a state judge ruled earlier this week that farmer Dan Brown must have a license to sell raw milk, despite his town’s ordinance exempting local farmers from state food regulations. The State of Maine has spent considerable time prosecuting a farmer with only 2 cows for over 2 years for selling raw milk without a license, even though nobody ever complained or suffered from his milk. This ruling puts Farmer Dan out of business.

Trial of Raw Milk Farmer in Wisconsin Seen as Pivotal Case for Food Rights

Now that a Wisconsin judge has rejected raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger's religious freedom arguments to justify having a witness testify on his behalf, his trial looks likely to go forward as scheduled beginning May 20. The reason the case is so important politically is that it isn’t just about whether Hershberger has the right to distribute food privately, it is about whether all of us have this right on either end of the equation--to distribute food privately or to contract with producers to obtain food privately.

FDA Wants to Ban Artisanal Raw Cheese

FDA simply ignores the lack of a single documented illness in twenty-three years. Between 1986 and 2008, there is not a single documented illness in the US from listeriosis due to tainted brie or camembert (soft cheeses).

National Farmers Union Endorses Raw Milk

The National Farmers Union, an organization that has long been representative of family farms, and is more than 100 years old, decided at long last that there was something to the raw milk thing, as in: Maybe there really is a sustainable business model for smaller dairies.

Will You Still Allow the FDA to Control What You Eat?

By Pete Kennedy, Esq

People’s access to raw milk is determined by state law, and there are many differences among the states. Raw milk sales or distribution are legal in a majority of the states, and there has been a trend towards improving access in recent years.

Two major holdouts to this trend are Minnesota and Wisconsin; […]

No one has died from drinking raw milk in the United States in 50 years

by Vince Hundt


If raw milk is so dangerous, why is it that you can buy raw milk anywhere, including out of vending machines within two blocks of the United Nations World Health Organization headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland? And why can you buy it everywhere else in Switzerland? Don’t those Swiss know they are putting […]