Did 80,000 People Really Die from the Flu Last Year? Inflating Flu Death Estimates to Sell Flu Shots

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that the 2017-2018 flu season killed 80,000 and hospitalized 900,000 Americans. Of course, the mainstream media reported this as fact. Deaths from flu are always estimates because if the Powers-That-Be reported the true numbers of deaths from actual influenza infections, the numbers would be much lower and people would not be so inclined to receive a flu shot. How does the CDC overestimate the number of flu deaths? The CDC accomplishes this by reporting a combined pneumonia and influenza death rate. For example, in 2001 the CDC reported that 62,034 died from influenza and pneumonia. After a painful hour of searching the CDCs database, I found the true 2001 numbers: 257 died from influenza and 61,777 died from pneumonia. 80,000 deaths would lead one to conclude that 13,333 died per month (80,000/6 months) from the flu. Since the internet provides 24-hour news cycles, I think we all would have heard that about 9 people (267/30 days per month) in every state dying daily from the flu. I have five practitioners in my office. We have over 100 years of experience in treating patients. None of us has can recall a single patient dying from the flu. In fact, I can guarantee you that if 9 people were dying in my state daily from the flu, my partners and I would hear about it. In fact, there are always headlines on the internet when one person dies from the flu. Studying the past CDC data shows that each year a few hundred to a few thousand die from the flu.

Vitamin C Saves Man Dying of Viral Pneumonia

Allan Smith, a New Zealand Dairy farmer, contracted Swine Flu while away on vacation in Fiji. When he returned home, the flu quickly evolved into severe pneumonia which left him in a coma on life support in the Intensive Care Unit. Chest x-rays showed the lungs were completely filled with fluid with an "opaque" appearance called "white out". After three weeks, Allan's doctors asked the family permission to turn off the machines and let him die. The family stepped in and suggested a high dose IV vitamin C on Allan. At first, the doctors resisted, saying it was useless. However, one doctor felt "slightly uneasy" with the decision to turn off life support, without first acceding to the family's wishes, and so they reluctantly agreed to give the IV vitamin C. Their plan was to give the IV vitamin C, show it was useless, and then turn off life support. That day, Allan Smith was given 25 grams of IV vitamin C in the evening and another 25 grams in the morning. The next day, a CAT scan of the lungs showed improving air flow and a few days later the chest x-rays showed the lungs were no longer white, indicating air movement. The improvement was dramatic, clear and plain for all to see. However, the doctors denied it was the vitamin C, and instead, attributed the improvement to "turning patient into a prone position".

Pneumonia Vaccine Shown to Actually Increase Bacterial Infections It Is Supposed to Prevent

by Dr. Mercola
It’s estimated that nearly one in 7 U.S. adults have been diagnosed with sinusitis in the past 12 months, which occurs when the mucous membranes in your nose and sinuses become irritated.iIn most of these cases (90-98%) a virus is the cause, whereas in 2-10% of cases, a bacterial infection is also […]