Former Kansas Gubernatorial Candidate Becomes Warrior Fighting Against State-Sponsored Child Kidnapping

Jennifer Winn ran for governor of the state of Kansas in 2014. Near the end of her gubernatorial campaign, a mother reached out to her and said that she needed to talk with her. She told Jennifer Winn that the state was taking children from families. Frankly, she sounded crazy to Jennifer, like a "conspiracy theorist." The woman didn't stop trying to talk to her. She persisted, blowing up her phone daily. It became clear that "she's not going to let up," so Jennifer agreed to have the woman come to her office. She was not prepared for what she heard. The mother brought in a detailed timeline of what had happened to her family, complete with transcripts and evidence to back up her side of the story. Jennifer carried the papers home with her that night and stayed up most of the night reading the woman's story. Based on a social worker's false allegations, the mother's children had been taken and placed into foster care. As Jennifer got deeper into the story she says: "I could not believe what I was reading. I was like Terri [LaPoint, who originally believed] 'Oh, this is just an isolated case.' I am going to expose this, and we're going to fix it, and we're going to get your kids. She came in. We did a video that day. I released that video, and in 24 hours, I had over 500 requests. In a week later, I had over 1,500 requests, and I was floored. I literally, like, for 2 days, I shut down and I cried, because I couldn't believe the stories I was reading. Everything about this agency that I believed was true was a lie. Everything. Children are being harmed. Not only are they being harmed, they're being drugged." A warrior had awakened. The truth of what Jennifer Winn was seeing caused something to rise up within her, and she has not been the same since. She recently spoke to a crowd gathered in Washington D.C. to protest the abuses of state-sponsored kidnappings.