FDA Declares Homeopathic Medicine Illegal – Advocacy Group Seeks 100,000 Protest Comments

    Help us support our allies in an effort to stop the FDA’s attack on this safe, natural form of medicine. Our friends at Americans for Homeopathy Choice have submitted a Citizens Petition to the FDA requesting that the agency reverse its recent actions with regard to homeopathic medicine. Upending decades of safe regulation, in 2018 the FDA released a draft guidance that essentially stated that all homeopathic drugs are illegal. Worldwide, an estimated 200 million people use homeopathy regularly, including 6 million in the United States. So why go after homeopathic medicines? The FDA gets a large part of its funding from drug company user fees, and for this reason sees Big Pharma as its client. Homeopathic medicines, like supplements and other natural products, compete with pharmaceutical drugs, so the FDA uses its enormous power to tilt the scales in favor of the drug companies. And because natural products and homeopathic medicines generally cannot be patent-protected like drugs can, they can’t afford FDA-approval and so cannot make disease claims. It is one of many ways cronyism is undermining healthcare in this country.

      FDA Targets Homeopathy Remedies

      The FDA has issued its first warnings against homeopathic medicines, and this is only the beginning.  The FDA has sent warning letters to four companies that sell injectable homeopathic medicine because, in the agency’s view, injectable homeopathic medicines “can pose a serious risk to patient health.” This is following a bad guidance the agency is in the process of completing that upends decades of safe regulation of homeopathic medicines. The FDA’s position on homeopathic injectables puts safe pain and cancer therapies in jeopardy. In our view, the FDA is using this initial attack as an entry point to eliminate homeopathic medicine entirely, and we cannot let it proceed unchecked.

        12 Homeopathic Remedies That Should Be in Every Survival Kit

        In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, you may be cut off from medical aid.  One of the most important things to have on hand will be a homeopathy emergency survival kit. Homeopathy is cheap, effective, and has no side effects. This medical science uses natural substances to stimulate the body to heal itself. Most homeopathic remedies are made from herbs and minerals, and they are based on the principle discovered over 200 years ago in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann that like cures like. This means that a substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person can be used to cure the same symptoms in a sick person, when prepared according to homeopathic principles. Many of us have heard propaganda from Big Pharma and the medical industry that homeopathy is quackery. In truth the medical industry is afraid of the competition homeopathy represents. Anyone who has ever tried it will know the truth.

          Is The Clock Ticking for Homeopathy?

          The FDA has extended the comment period on its completely unacceptable guidance that shifts how the agency will regulate homeopathic medicines. While the agency says that it will exercise enforcement discretion and focus on certain categories of homeopathic drugs, the wording of the guidance, in fact, says that all homeopathic drugs are currently being marketed illegally, leaving the door open for the agency to take action against any and all products. Concerned consumers must make their voices heard to stop this draconian guidance from moving forward.

            FDA Renews Attack on Homeopathy

            Recently, the FDA announced the withdrawal of Compliance Policy Guide 400.400, a document that had been in place since 1988 and which established the agency’s enforcement policies regarding homeopathic medicines. In its place, the FDA has issued a revised draft guidance declaring all homeopathic drugs are being marketed illegally. We must fight back against this attack on homeopathic medicine.

              FDA Threatens Homeopathy – Congressional Action Needed

              The FDA wants to up-end the homeopathic industry—because it’s become too popular. Help us stop this insanity! Action Alert! Considering the myriad public health problems facing this country, including the opioid epidemic and the overuse of antibiotics, it is ludicrous that the agency is focusing on homeopathic drugs. Could it be that, like supplements, homeopathic drugs compete with pharmaceutical drugs? Recall, too, that the FDA has announced that they are targeting alternatives to opioids in the midst of an epidemic of opioid addiction that is killing 115 Americans every day. We must encourage our senators and representatives to sign on to the Hatch and Costello letters and send a clear message to the FDA: the previous regulatory policy was sufficient to ensure consumer access to safe homeopathic remedies, and we don’t need to fix what isn’t broken.

                Will Your Doctor Help You If Your Child Is Vaccine-Injured?

                What do parents do if their child has an adverse reaction to a vaccine? See their doctor of course. But does the doctor offer help and support, just dismiss the parents, or worse, give totally useless and harmful advice? Here are a few stories from my practice that will make you shake your head in disbelief.

                  Federal Government Works with Pharmaceutical Companies to Prevent Natural Cures

                  In the United States today, the federal government controls which substances can be used to treat diseases, and which ones cannot. In general, only pharmaceutical drugs which can be patented are allowed. In many cases, either the FDA decides certain health claims about natural substances are invalid and bans it, or the DEA claims certain plants, such as cannabis, are illegal, jeopardizing both use and research. The FDA’s best and most high paying customers are in the pharmaceutical business, which pays the FDA over $2 million per licensing fee to accept its own testing proving efficacy and safety. The FDA only reviews the pharmaceutical industry’s testing. But several independent researchers have determined most pharmaceutical tests are at best not quite right and sometimes totally fraudulent. In other words, the FDA protects the pharmaceutical industry, not its customers.

                    FTC Decides to Destroy Homeopathy

                    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently issued a policy statement explaining that the agency will hold efficacy and safety claims for over-the-counter (OTC) homeopathic drugs to the same standard as claims for other OTC drugs. This means homeopathic OTC products will need to back up claims with “competent and reliable scientific evidence” for health-related claims, or else use certain FDA-approved disclaimers. Here are some examples of acceptable disclaimers, as noted in the FTC’s policy statement: “There is no scientific evidence that the product works,” or “The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.” The FDA is no doubt pulling the strings on this. The most likely motivation of the FTC is that the homeopathic industry is rapidly expanding, which presents a clear threat to pharmaceutical drug company profits, which is enough for the FDA to put homeopathy in its scopes.

                      Gardasil Vaccine: Destroyed and Abandoned

                      I am 16 years old. For me, everything started a few days after I received the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. I woke up one day choking and unable to breathe. I felt like I was going to pass out so my parents took me to a hospital. I was stabilized, kept overnight and sent home, just like that. No tests, no medications, no explanations as to what could have caused the problem. This was only the beginning. Then it progressed to choking, hyperventilating, panic attacks and soon enough I was getting panic attacks every day, sometimes as many as four times a day. Then the depression came. Every doctor we went to dismissed us and tried to get rid of us. I genuinely had to force myself to want to live. I wanted to disappear. I wanted all of the symptoms to stop.

                        FDA Update: Submit YOUR Comments About Over-the-Counter Homeopathic Medicines to the FDA

                        FDA’s two-day public hearing to gather information about the current use of products labeled as homeopathic took place in late April. The hearing focused specifically on FDA regulations of and labeling requirements for OTC homeopathic medicines. This hearing was not held to discuss the efficacy of homeopathy, the ability of individuals to practice homeopathy, or to consider the removal of homeopathic remedies from the retail market. The public hearing was the first phase of information gathering for FDA. The next phase of information gathering is a public comment period – which is now open and will remain open through June 22, 2015. YOUR assistance at this time will be invaluable!

                          How Can Homeopathy Be Both a Useless Placebo and Dangerous at the Same Time?

                          The FDA wrapped up a two-day hearing recently on whether or not homeopathic remedies should be regulated like drugs. Listening to critics of homeopathy try to justify why they don't think the American public should have free access to homeopathic remedies leaves one wondering just what the real motivation is behind these criticisms. The two dominant criticisms made against homeopathic remedies are antithetical to each other. Critics complain that due to a lack of regulation homeopathic remedies are dangerous, but then they turn around and say that homeopathic remedies are simply useless sugar pills with no therapeutic effect whatsoever, and no better than a placebo. Both cannot be true. Is this the new standard of scientific scrutiny that federal agencies are using to supposedly protect the public? The FDA is clearly not concerned about homeopathic remedies because they are a danger to the public. There are no deaths associated with homeopathic remedies, and very few side effects. By contrast, FDA-approved drugs have millions of adverse side effects, including over 100,000 deaths each year. Homeopathic remedies are a danger to the FDA's monopoly on drugs, and so they clearly want to either eliminate the competition, or get in on the action and take over the market.

                            Is the FDA Getting Ready to Ban Homeopathy?

                            Homeopathy was one of the most common medical practices in the United States in the 1800s. In 1892, homeopaths in the United Stated controlled about 110 hospitals, 145 dispensaries, 62 orphan asylums and old peoples homes, over 30 nursing homes and sanitaria and 16 insane asylums. However, the pharmaceutical industry did everything it could to stomp out homeopathy, and it is not as widespread in the U.S. today as it once was. (See: American Medical Revolutions: How the AMA Took Over America.) Worldwide, homeopathy is the second largest system of health care used behind conventional pharmaceutical-based medicine. The number of homeopaths worldwide doubled between 1999 and 2009, and the number of homeopathic hospitals grew from under 2,000 to over 7,000. Currently, there are no homeopathic hospitals in the United States. There are still homeopaths practicing in the U.S., however, and we have highlighted some of their work here at Health Impact News. Their ability to help heal vaccine injuries, for example, is quite impressive. Soon, however, the FDA may take steps to further reduce or even eliminate homeopathy in the U.S., as the Alliance for Natural Health reports here.

                              How Homeopathy is Healing Autism

                              We know that autism can be healed, because we have seen the evidence of recovered lives. We know how autistic children feel, because recovered autistic children have been able to tell us how it felt. They have been able to describe their experiences after their lives were restored to normal through homeopathy. The Houston Homeopathy Method has freed over 100 children from their autism. These children have experienced complete recovery. The Houston Homeopathy Method has also given relief from the most severe symptoms of autism to countless other children who are now able to live pain free lives with much improved social skills.

                                Healing from Vaccine Injuries through Homeopathy

                                There are treatments that can heal vaccine damage, but few physicians in the conventional medical care system know about them, since vaccine injuries are usually denied as the cause of any illness. Some parents with autistic children report that homeopathy has completely reversed their children’s autism and healed other serious health conditions caused by vaccines. This article explains how homeopathic remedies can bring about healing for many types of vaccine injuries. Homeopathy is not the only treatment that has helped children and adults recover from vaccine damage, but it is the one that is the focus of this article. I will describe how homeopathy can bring about a true cure for the harm that vaccines have caused to children and adults. The National Vaccine Information Center states a very sobering fact about vaccines: “Every vaccine recommended for use by government and doctors has been associated with hospitalizations, injuries and deaths. There is no guarantee that a particular vaccine will be safe to give to a particular individual and will not result in permanent injury or death.”

                                  Success Treating Lyme Disease Naturally Without Antibiotic Drugs

                                  We recently published an article exposing why the CDC has suddenly come out and finally acknowledged that the number of people suffering from Lyme disease is much higher than what is being reported. The CDC and others have a significant conflict of interest and profit motive to introduce a new Lyme vaccine. In that article we asked people to contact us and tell us how they have overcome Lyme disease naturally without the traditional treatment of months or even years of antibiotic treatment. We received some very good feedback. If you are suffering from Lyme disease, please be assured that there are many people out there overcoming it without dangerous antibiotic drugs. Many people who responded stated that they used homeopathy successfully. If you don't know much about the history of homeopathy practice, read the excellent article "American Medical Revolutions: How the AMA Took Over America," to see how homeopathy was the prevalent method of healthcare in early America, before the pharmaceutical companies took over. Among the testimonies from people overcoming Lyme disease naturally, one name was mentioned as someone who had helped quite a few people, and that person is Dr. Cindee Gardner who treats people all over the world from her office in Pittsburgh. She has successfully treated people for Lyme disease without antibiotic drugs. Dr. Gardner is an internationally renowned Homeopath, Molecular Biologist, Herbalist, Nutritional Counsellor & Educator, spanning a career of over 28 years. Dr. Gardner has written a very comprehensive article on treating Lyme disease naturally, and she has allowed us to republish it..

                                    Can Homeopathy Really be Used to Treat Cancer?

                                    Medical researchers from around the world have been investigating the ability of homeopathy to treat cancer. Researchers from India’s Jaypee University of Information Technology conducted an experiment to test the ability of homeopathic medicines to alter cancer growth while controlling any apparent placebo effect. The procedures they used are typical among cancer drug research. The researchers found that all three homeopathic remedies tested produced cancer cell death and significant reductions of proliferation among the human cancer cells.

                                      Can Homeopathy Be Both a Useless Placebo and Dangerous at the Same Time?

                                      A recent report published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice claimed to do a systematic review of all adverse event reports (AERs) in connection with homeopathy from 1978 to 2010. On the one hand, the report concluded that homeopathy is ineffective because it has no active ingredients, that it is nothing more than a placebo because it has been diluted so much that “the likelihood of a single molecule approaches zero.” On the other hand, the report also concluded that homeopathic preparations caused many dangerous allergic reactions.

                                        American Medical Revolutions: How the AMA Took Over America

                                        About 170 years ago our ancestors forced the repeal of licensing laws which had created a monopoly over the practice of medicine for orthodox physicians. Ordinary people, farmers, artisans, tradesmen and others got together and forced politicians to act on their behalf. They were tired of bloodletting, and harsh medications like mercury compounds that ruined their teeth and weakened their bodies. They opted for kinder and gentler alternatives with lower casualty rates, particularly the newly introduced homeopathy. They were impressed that tiny doses of medicine were able to cure cholera much better than the massive doses used by orthodox physicians. Today physicians who practice alternative medicine, in competition with regular physicians, are subject to harassment. In the state of Washington about 30% of them are being harassed at this time. Those who make substantial advancements in medical science often find the Federal Government moving against them. The FDA and FTC have used taxpayer money to suppress new technology in a number of cases. The purpose of the new licensing laws was to protect the public but, in fact, monopolized medical care, according to reports, has been killing over 200,000 of us every year and promises to bankrupt the country. These laws are used to prevent free public access to less lethal, more effective and less expensive therapies. As Daniel Haley so eloquently wrote, in Politics in Healing, “we don’t need government protection from things that can’t hurt us”. Medical science should be a search for the truth and many medical scientists have spent their lives in this search. Unfortunately scientific medicine, as practiced by the medical monopoly during the last century, has rejected the discoveries of a number of medical scientists. Too many promising technologies have been consigned to the dust bin of history. As a result, medical services are much more expensive than they should be and lower in quality than they could be. Less suppression and more competition can make people healthier at lower cost. One hundred years of suppression of advancements in medical science is enough! It is time for another "American Medical Revolution."

                                          The Swiss Government’s Remarkable Report on Homeopathic Medicine

                                          by Dana Ullman
                                          Huffington Post

                                          The Swiss government has a long and widely-respected history of neutrality, and therefore, reports from this government on controversial subjects need to be taken more seriously than other reports from countries that are more strongly influenced by present economic and political constituencies. When one considers that […]