What Will Be in Your Organic Produce, Fish, and Fortified Grains if Codex Gets Its Way?

Pesticides? Yes. GMOs? Maybe. Hormones? Maybe not. ANH-USA’s executive and legal director, Gretchen DuBeau, was a member of the US delegation to the Codex Committee of Food Labeling (CCFL), which met in Canada last week. We were honored to bring the voice of the consumer to the table at Codex, especially since it is otherwise heavily influenced by big corporate interests. At this meeting, four areas of concern were discussed: GMO labeling; Whether the pesticide ethylene may be used on organic produce; Organic standards for aquaculture and seaweed; and Biofortification of grains.

Does your Bottled Water Contain Pharmaceuticals or Nicotine?

Research published last year determined that commercial bottled water in Spain had over 50 pharmaceutically-active chemicals in it, as well as the highly addictive drug nicotine. Is your (or your children’s) bottled water polluted with addictive chemicals?

Repeal the Monsanto Protection Act!

The Monsanto Protection Act is set to expire at the end of September, with the temporary spending measure, but might be rolled in to the next one if we don’t act now. Senator Jeff Merkley is planning to introduce an amendment to the upcoming Senate Farm Bill which would repeal the provision. If we can we get rid of it now, it would be a signal from the American people that nothing like this sneak provision, stuck without warning into must-pass, unrelated legislation, should never again be attempted.

Raw Milk Farmer Acquitted on 3 of 4 Charges

Things are heating up in Baraboo, Wisconsin as a long awaited food rights trial approaches. Raw milk drinkers are outraged that Wisconsin DATCP is bringing criminal charges against a farmer who serves a private buying club. Do citizens have a right to contract with a producer and grow food to their own standards?

GMO Labeling Bill Introduced in Congress

The bill has some teeth. The question is whether it has legs. The Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act was introduced last Wednesday in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

FDA Wants to Ban Artisanal Raw Cheese

FDA simply ignores the lack of a single documented illness in twenty-three years. Between 1986 and 2008, there is not a single documented illness in the US from listeriosis due to tainted brie or camembert (soft cheeses).

“Monsanto Protection Act” Triggers a Firestorm of Protest and Public Outrage

It’s being called the straw that broke the camel’s back. Bloomberg, The New York Times, Politico—media of all political persuasions—ran searingly critical articles about the biotech rider that the Senate slipped into the Continuing Resolution despite messages pouring into Congress.

How GMO Farming and Food Is Making Our Gut Flora UNFRIENDLY

by Sayer Ji

Two studies published in the past six months reveal a disturbing finding: glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup® appear to suppress the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, leading to the overgrowth of extremely pathogenic bacteria.

Late last year, in an article titled Roundup Herbicide Linked to Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria, we reported on new research indicating that glyphosate-based herbicides such […]

Stop the Monsanto Protection Act today!

Update 3/14/2013 from Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance:


As we alerted you yesterday, Monsanto and Agribusiness companies have managed to insert two dangerous provisions into the Continuing Resolution (“CR”) that is about to be voted on by the U.S. Senate.

The first provision is the “Monsanto rider” that destroys the few protections that currently exist against the planting of […]

Bloomberg Denied Opportunity to Restrict Freedom of Food Choices

by Alliance for Natural Health

“Arbitrary and capricious,” the judge called it. Last year we pointed out that the mayor also has the science wrong.

Last June, in an attempt to combat the obesity epidemic, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg asked the city’s Board of Health to ban the sale of sugary drinks larger than sixteen […]