Coconut Oil for Skin Health

Filipinos are well-known for their youthful appearance and soft, wrinkle-free skin, even though they live in a climate that exposes them to the sun's rays year round. Skin cancer is basically unknown in the Philippines, even with all of their exposure to the tropical sun. Since coconut oil is their main dietary oil, and is also the main ingredient in their skin care products, one must take a closer look at how Virgin Coconut Oil provides skin health. Read testimonials from those who have experienced success in using coconut oil for fungal skin problems, acne, eczema, keratosis polaris, psoriasis, & rosacea

Treating Eczema Naturally

by Carolyn Dean MD ND

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can range from wet blisters to dry flakes. It is usually itchy and can occur on any surface of the body. It is most commonly associated with allergies from contact or foods, and is usually aggravated by stress.

First, you must track down the allergic […]