Makayla before she was taken by DHR. Photo courtesy of Norris family.
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
One of the hardest things that any family faces, whose child has been medically or legally kidnapped by Child Protective Services, is the possibility that they will never win their case, and that their child will stay in the system until they age out. Some of these children are adopted out to strangers, and others stay in foster care until they reach an age where the system discards them.
Most parents hold onto the hope that, somehow, their child or children will come back to them when CPS no longer has control of their lives. Some give up and lose hope, unable to face another day of dealing with the pain of losing their child.
One Medical Kidnap mother, Brenda Maney, has told parents who are close to giving up that they cannot give up. She says:
You HAVE to hold on. It would be the ultimate tragedy for your child to grow up and eventually look for you, but instead of finding your loving arms, they find your gravestone.
Laine Norris is the mother of a teenager who was medically kidnapped at the age of 15. She and her family fought hard to get her back home, but they were unsuccessful.
They cried many tears and prayed many prayers.
Recently, Laine wrote a beautiful post as a comment on a story on the Health Impact News Facebook page. Her daughter is now 18, and she is finally free of the Alabama Department of Human Resources (DHR).
Laine’s prayers that have been poured out with many tears from a mother’s heart are being answered.
We share her post, with permission, in the hopes that her words will encourage the many parents facing the same struggles that Laine and her family have faced.

Makayla and her mother Laine, before she was taken from her family. Photo source: Norris family.
Here is their original story:
Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Support
Here is Laine Norris’ post in its entirety, edited for typos:
This was the first part of a story Medical Kidnap has done on our family’s nightmare.
It’s been over two years since our daughter was taken and never returned by Dekalb county DHR worker Ellen Morrow.
She was 15 years old at the time. She is now 18 years old.
Makayla with mom Laine – photo courtesy family
My daughter was an honor roll student and softball player in the 10th grade. We dreamed and worked hard towards getting a college scholarship so she could attend Auburn University because she always said that is what she wanted to do when she graduated.
She was a good girl. She has never been in trouble. She had not started dating yet. She was a normal child and DHR destroyed her and our dreams for her future over a cell phone dispute.
The reason that my family was torn apart, according to DHR, was that there was possible risk of neglect in the future if they did not remove her, evidenced by an argument that allegedly occurred the evening before.
Ellen Morrow was the DHR social worker that allegedly took Makayla. Image from Facebook.
Stacey Slaton McClendon. Image from Facebook.
That is what it takes to destroy lives and families in Alabama. We are loving and fit parents who provided a safe healthy stable home for all our children yet Ellen Morrow and her supervisor Stacey McClendon from Dekalb County DHR saw an opportunity to further their career and put more money in their pockets and they took it. They and the court ripped my child apart like dogs.
I was forced to watch while my baby cried out for me to save her. As a mother this is what I felt and I had the constant thought of what must be going through her head and heart… ‘Mama, you promised you would always come and save me? Why won’t you save me?’ That was my thought when I went to bed and when I woke up each day. That is, when I could sleep.
Every single day and night I searched law books and the Internet praying to find a miracle to bring my baby girl back home to us.
I called and wrote everyone imaginable, from teachers to the President, begging for help thinking someone would see what horrible wrongs were happening and correct it. I thought if someone heard of the abuse that was being committed against me and my family that people would stand up and put an end to it.
Instead I found no solution and my comfort came from the Lord and prayer warriors such as my Granny Margaret Abbott, my friend Terri Lapoint, advocates who became friends and family Kenneth Paschal, Kristy Devine, Samuel Shrock, and <3 Cindy Allen. I also could not have made it without the love and support of my husband Joe and my son Wayne. I appreciate them so much.
It was not DHR or the President who stayed up late nights with me praying for us or paying my phone bill and putting their own family’s safety at risk to help save mine.
It was these people that I’m so blessed to have met.
My daughter is now 18. While she was in foster care, she quit school, was unsupervised, and used for another government check. She was drugged, lied to and about, brainwashed, hypnotized, made to believe we did not care nor try for her.
She moved in with friends and became pregnant.
She recently got married.
My little girl grew up in two years. It is sick the amount of damage that these monsters have done and caused in that time.
God heard all the prayers and he faithfully answered. She is back in our lives and we are building our relationship and healing from all that’s been done to destroy us. I was told at my lowest that there were two things that DHR could not take from me: prayer and the mother and child bond that God himself gave us, and that was what kept me hanging on just a little longer when I was so tired and everyone was beating my knuckles and it hurt more to breathe than it would have to have laid down and died.
We have been used and abused by this evil system but I serve a powerful God and He said He would restore what had been taken seven fold.
He said he would take my pain and turn it into joy, my tears into laughter. He spoke to me and He said, ‘I will use this wrong for the good.’
DHR did not have my permission to use my family, to violate my God given or my Constitutional rights, nor my family’s.
Now I pray that God will use me to help prevent others from going through this abuse at the hands of our own Government and this group of unqualified people which it pays to abduct, and traffick human beings. I pray for the Lord to protect us all and put an end to this madness and corruption. Counting my many blessings.
Laine Norris
Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.
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