Health Impact News Editor Comments
They say “Everything’s bigger in Texas.” It appears that Texas wants the biggest and most intrusive mandatory vaccination policies in the U.S. as well, as no less than NINE bills are currently being considered in Texas for forced and coerced vaccinations, according to the National Vaccine Information Center.
If you live in Texas and do NOT believe that one of the things that should be “bigger in Texas” is GOVERNMENT intrusion into your private lives, then you better high tail it over to Austin this week and let lawmakers know! Lawmakers in Texas want to force EVERYONE to register with the State and declare their vaccine status!
There will be a hearing on Tuesday and a “Legislative Visitor Day on Wednesday” to consider various bills.
Here is the list of the current proposed NINE bills that should be OPPOSED:
HB 2006
Introduced on 2/26/2015
Eliminates Conscientious Exemptions to Vaccination
HB 1674
Introduced on 2/19/2015
Requires physician counseling for conscientious and religious belief exemption
HB 1593
Filed on 2/18/2015
Requires all public schools provide parents the number of students enrolled not fully vaccinated
SB 547
Referred to Senate Health and Human Services on 2/18/15
Requires posting of exemption numbers on the Internet by schools and the Dept. of Health
HB 212
Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Committee
Allows minors 14 and older in the Texas Juvenile Justice System to consent to vaccination
SB 29/ HB 465
HB 465 scheduled for a hearing in Public Health Committee for 3/3/2015
Makes inclusion into vaccine tracking system automatic & REMOVES current opt-in consent requirement
SB 538
Introduced on Feb. 10, 2015
Expands police powers to detain individuals suspected of exposure to communicable diseases
SB 298
Referred to Senate Education Committee
Adds new meningitis vaccine mandate for public school students
From the National Vaccine Information Center:
2 NVIC and PROVE Events at the State Capitol this Week – PLEASE Attend!
Hearing on Tuesday and Legislative Visitor Day on Wednesday
1) Registered OPPOSITION needed at House Public Health Committee Hearing on HB 465: A bill to remove the current opt-in consent requirement for inclusion in the government vaccine tracking system and instead makes inclusion automatic for adults and children alike. The bill provides for an intrusive and ineffective opt-out. The state should continue to ask permission before they are allowed to take, track and share someone’s vaccination status. This information is used for vaccination enforcement and research.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015, 8:00 a.m. Capitol Extension Hearing Room E2.012, Austin, TX
We need people to arrive by 7:45 a.m. and submit a witness affirmation card against the bill on behalf of themselves and any organizations they represent before the hearing starts. Please feel free to stay and watch the hearing or submit written or oral testimony against the bill. More information on this bill will be coming tomorrow and please plan to be there if you can! – history and text for HB 465 – hearing notice
2) Legislative Visitor Day to Stop Forced and Coerced Vaccination in Texas
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 9:50 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Committee Hearing Room E1-026 in the Capitol Extension to start, then the rest of the Texas Capitol, Austin TX
Legislators and staff need to be educated to stop a multitude of bills filed that enable forced or coerced vaccination in Texas. Please come to the Capitol and help! We will supply the training and legislative educational materials.
9:50 a.m.: Meet outside of Committee Hearing Room E1-026 in the Capitol Extension
10 – 11 a.m.: Bill Briefing, Visitor Training, and Legislative Visitor Packet distribution from PROVE and NVIC in Committee Hearing Room E1-026
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Visit Assigned Legislative offices and drop off packets
1 – 2:30 p.m.: Lunch (please bring money), Sharing, and Debriefing in the Capitol Extension Cafeteria
Parking: Capitol Visitors Parking Garage located at 1201 San Jacinto, between Trinity and San Jacinto Streets, at 12th and 13th Streets.
Attire: Your appearance is important. Please wear business clothing. (Women: dress slacks, suits or skirts. Men: dress slacks and ties, suit coats optional). The truth is you will be judged on your appearance as you represent the side of informed consent to vaccination so please dress professionally. Comfortable but nice walking shoes are helpful. If you are choosing to bring children, they should be dressed conservatively and neatly, and you should bring another adult with you to hold your children or occupy them while you present information to an office.
We are requesting that all attendees pre-register for this event so we can divide visitor teams and legislative educational materials ahead of time. We will be checking your name against our sign up list at the 10 a.m. educational session. Please sign up here:
You will be visiting the offices of your own State Senator and State Representative in addition to a handful of other legislative offices that do not have someone from their district attending. Expect to share your story with the offices you visit about why it is important to your family that bills that force and coerce a one-sized vaccination schedule in Texas need to be opposed.
If you have a family member who has been injured or killed by a vaccine, please be ready to share that story. We will also have presentation materials to help you explain why the bills below should be opposed. We all are aiming for a human connection with legislators and staff. Sincere, respectful, and educational communications are our top priority and the most effective.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday and Wednesday!
Dawn Richardson and Rebecca Rex
Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE) and
Texas NVIC Advocacy Co-directors
Sign up for alerts from NVIC Advocacy Portal for your state!
Read and Comment on this article at
Saying NO To Vaccines
By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
You have legal options!

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