2014 Top Stories: Medical Kidnappings, Vaccine Cover-ups, Glyphosate Food Contamination

2014 was a year that saw Health Impact News grow into a major network of health information in the Alternative Media. Two new websites were launched in 2014 due to reader demand: MedicalKidnap.com and VaccineImpact.com. Our top stories in 2014 were on the topics of Medical Kidnapping, Vaccine Cover-ups, and the contamination of our food supply by the herbicide glyphosate.

Medical Kidnapping: Billion Dollar Adoption Business

Child ‘protection’ is one of the biggest businesses in the country. We spend $12 billion a year on it. A reasonable taxpayer would assume that children are going from a bad environment to a good environment, a sick environment to a healing environment. We would assume they are going to a new environment totally void of any more suffering or trauma, safe from abuse or neglect of any kind, right? Wrong! Some of these children have suffered more trauma by being taken by CPS than they ever suffered in their own homes. Being taken from your own home and placed in another home with strangers while often not having any clue why, is extremely traumatizing. The impact is just like an illegal kidnapping; but in these cases the kidnapping is totally legal. In this report, Child and Family Advocate Steve Isham uncovers the multi-billion dollar adoption industry, and shows how one state, Arizona, seems to be utilizing a "Children for Cash" program to help balance their state budget.

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm

Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth. Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49. Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden’s research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life’s work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone.

GAO Report on Vaccine Court Reveals Vaccine Injured Victims Not Being Helped

In November 2014 the Government Accounting Office (GAO) issued the first report on America's "Vaccine Court," known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), in almost 15 years. As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund, which is funded by taxes paid on vaccines, has now grown to about $3.5 BILLION. Previous GAO reports on the NVICP have criticized the rate at which this fund was growing and being kept by the federal government, instead of being paid out to victims who have been injured or killed by vaccines. The November 2014 GAO report on Vaccine Injury Compensations revealed some problems with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that the mainstream media reported. These problems include the fact that most people are still unaware that this program even exists, that it can take many years to settle a claim for a vaccine injury or death, and that while this program was originally designed for injuries and deaths due to childhood vaccines, that most claims now are made by adults injured or killed by the annual flu shot. But there are many more problems associated with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that the mainstream media is not covering, so I have invited Wayne Rohde, author of a recently published book on this topic, The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, to give a more in depth report that you are unlikely to read in the mainstream media.

How to Make Fermented Salad Dressings

Serving salad is a common means of adding enzymes and freshness to our meals. Surely none of us can argue with a big plate of fresh, organically grown produce! But, might we improve upon it by the addition of a salad dressing teeming with enzymes and probiotics? There are a few options for creating a salad dressing that contains live, active cultures that you can prepare in your own kitchen.

MIT Researcher: Glyphosate Herbicide will Cause Half of All Children to Have Autism by 2025

For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the years publishing over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In recent years she has concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health, tackling such topics as Alzheimer’s, autism, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health. At a recent conference, in a special panel discussion about GMOs, she took the audience by surprise when she declared, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” She noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.

Why Some Michigan Parents Choose not to Vaccinate Their Children

So who are these parents who want to refuse vaccines for their children? The mainstream media generally portrays these parents as "anti-science, ignorant, foolish, etc." It was refreshing, therefore, to read an honest journalistic piece on this topic on the "Michigan Live" website which actually interviewed some parents who exercise their lawful rights to refuse some vaccines. In contrast to the predominantly one-sided media reports labeling all parents who refuse vaccines as "uneducated," here is a description of the parents refusing vaccines based on demographic data in Michigan: Statewide, about 6 percent of Michigan schoolchildren have vaccination waivers, which equates to about 150,000 children who are unvaccinated or undervaccinated. Many are clustered in affluent communities such as Rochester, and have well-educated, health-conscious parents who buy organic food and eschew antibiotics in favor of a homeopathic approach to illnesses. They fear injecting so many viruses into their children could do more harm than good, and see widespread immunizations as being driven by "Big Pharma," which they see as more concerned about profits than public health.

Another Medical Kidnap in Illinois: Infant Twins Seized from Parents over Medical Dispute

Cassaundra Brown is heartbroken because she is missing her twins' first Christmas. Instead of watching 9 month old Arianna and Dominick delight in the Christmas lights and new toys and pretty bows, she and Warnell Ludington are caught in desperate fight for their babies with DCFS, the child protective services department in Illinois, over what they believe in their hearts is a misdiagnosis. Cassaundra says, "I can't even believe this is happening." The crux of the twins' removal from their parents allegedly lies in an accusation of Shaken Baby Syndrome, a diagnosis which is surrounded by growing skepticism by medical experts, and which does not take into account Arianna's history of medical complications since her birth. Though the parents have reportedly not been charged with any crime, their children have been seized by the state; and they are only permitted to see them for two hours per week. Their visit this week was cancelled because the foster parents are out of town for the Christmas holidays. This foster home is the twins' fourth foster home in five months. Their parents are grieving because they are "missing out on every first," and just want their babies back.

Another Ineffective and Toxic Flu Drug Approved by FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new influenza drug called Rapivab (peramivir). Rapivab is given intravenously as a single dose in adults who have been symptomatic with the flu for no more than two days. This drug is in the neuraminidase family of drugs which includes Tamiflu and Relenza, which are oral medications. Folks, the U.S. Government gave almost $235 million dollars in grant money to study Rapivab. I think that money could be better spent studying the effects of vitamin C on the flu. At least vitamin C is not associated with serious side effects. I would avoid taking all neuraminidase inhibitors. They have little effectiveness. They are too expensive. And, they are associated with severe side effects. We don’t need another ineffective, expensive, and toxic flu drug on the market. I think we would be better off removing all of the neuraminidase inhibitors from the market.

Top 12 Best Foods and Antioxidants to Fight A Cold or the Flu

When you have a sore throat or if you're congested, you might not want to eat. You feel worn down and swallowing can be very painful. Here are 12 of the most amazing foods and antioxidants that will help alleviate symptoms and even shorten the duration of any cold or flu.