H1N1 swine flu vaccine causes narcolepsy

Health Impact News Editor Comments:

New research just published confirms what other studies have already shown: that the H1N1 swine flu vaccine actually made flu symptoms worse. This was widely reported in 2010 in Canada, after the flu season that year.

The new research  just published examined swine that received the H1N1 vaccine, and were subsequently exposed to a related strain of the same virus they were vaccinated for. The result: “enhanced pneumonia and disease after H1N1 infection.”

The researchers found that the antibodies produced in response to H1N2 could not bind to a key region of the H1N1 virus and could therefore neither kill nor neutralize them and stop them binding to cells in the pigs’ lungs, and in fact helped the new virus to fuse to lung cells and multiply more readily, through a process the scientists dubbed “fusion enhancing.” (source)

This is HUGE news, not just for the H1N1 flu vaccine, but the entire philosophy behind vaccine effectiveness, almost always measured simply by the presence of antibodies, and not actual epidemiological verifiable results. Vaccines do harm and do kill: this is verifiable and even admitted by both the government and the vaccine manufacturers. But, vaccine effectiveness is seldom, if ever, discussed, because it would destroy the whole basis for “the greater good” belief in justifying vaccine sales and vaccine injuries and deaths. Recent reports of measles and chicken pox outbreaks among those already vaccinated for such diseases, for example, result simply in a call to vaccinate more often.

Don’t expect to read this new research anywhere in the mainstream media, however. The flu season is just around the corner, and along with it, the annual push to get everyone vaccinated with the flu vaccine, even though studies have shown that the flu vaccine is only 1.5% effective. Given the fact that the flu vaccine can cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, a modern day form of polio, why would anyone take such a risk? (See: Miami Man Contracts Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Nearly Dies After Getting Flu Shot)

Vaccination may make flu worse if exposed to a second strain

by Lin Edwards
Medical Xpress

A new study in the U.S. has shown that pigs vaccinated against one strain of influenza were worse off if subsequently infected by a related strain of the virus.

Microbiologist Dr. Hana Golding of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at Bethesda in Maryland and colleagues at the National Animal Disease Center in Ames, Iowa and elsewhere, vaccinated “naive” piglets (those that had never been exposed to flu viruses) against the H1N2 influenza strain and later exposed them to the rare H1N1 virus, which is the virus responsible for the 2009 swine flu pandemic.

When the piglets were vaccinated they produced a wide range of antibodies to block the H1N2 virus, but these “cross-reactive” antibodies not only failed to provide protection against the second virus, H1N1, but appeared to actually help the H1N1 virus infiltrate lung tissue and cause more severe symptoms and respiratory system complications such as pneumonia and lung damage. The unvaccinated controls suffered milder pneumonia and fewer other complications.

Read the Full Article Here: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-08-vaccination-flu-worse-exposed-strain.html

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