Epigenetics and Disease: Thinking Outside the Box

Intelligent design gets a bad rap because it is not in line with the supposed scientific consensus that unguided evolutionary processes account for the existence of all of the life that we see today. But there are unanswered questions regarding the origin of the complexity of biological systems and the information content in DNA (both within the genome and the epigenome), as Stephen Meyer has shown in Darwin's Doubt and Signature in the Cell. Science, indeed, should be about exploring uncharted territories from varying, even unpopular, perspectives rather than confining ourselves to research that has been blessed by convention. The old paradigm focused on the sequence of the coding portion of DNA to find genetic factors for disease. However, when the old paradigm cannot answer questions, it is time to think outside the box.

Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From Body

Last year, a remarkable study published in the journal Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology revealed something very special about garlic: it is a natural detoxifier of lead and is not only as effective as a common chelation drug known as d-penicillamine at pulling this metal out of the body but is also much safer. Drugs such as d-penicillamine are highly toxic, while garlic is a commonly enjoyed culinary spice worldwide with a wide range of potential side benefits and a high margin of safety.

Compounds Used In Drugs To Treat Cancer Are Found Naturally In Over 30 Foods

Angiogenesis is the process of building new blood vessels and is inherently coordinated with building new tissue, but increased angiogenesis can also have a deadly side effect - a distinguishing characteristic of cancer growth. Some cancer treatments for halting the growth of cancer-feeding blood vessels have been successful in treating tumors. This term is known as anti-angiogenesis. Although several drugs have been incorporated with isolated anti-angiogenic compounds, there are more than 30 dietary sources of naturally-occurring anti-angiogenic substances. Foods with natural anti-angiogenic compounds do not have the serious side effects which are now being found in angiogenic drug inhibitors.

Norway Issues Warnings About Health Dangers of Farmed Salmon

During the first two weeks of June, reports of farmed salmon toxicity spread through Norwegian news, and on June 16, the Norwegian Health Department actually went on the record warning against eating too much farmed salmon. A large European study involving about 8,000 newborns found that pregnant women with high levels of toxins in their bodies tend to give birth to children with lower birth weight, which in and of itself may have an adverse on the child’s health.

Let Fruit Be Your Medicine: Watermelon’s Remarkable Health Benefits

Watermelon is so much more than just a highly refreshing summertime treat. From the perspective of a growing body of clinical research, it is a truly medicinal food, with health benefits ranging from boosting antioxidant levels, lowering blood pressure, and combating metabolic syndrome. Even the seeds provide benefits in that they are a rich source of protein!

FDA/USDA Begin to Take Action that Could Eliminate Organic Pastured Poultry in Favor of Factory Birds

The government threat to restricting or even eventually eliminating organic pastured chickens is back. Not only is the idea that organic pastured poultry are more dangerous than confined factory birds ridiculous, but the practice of continuing to allow factory chickens to continue using the UDSA organic certification without meeting the requirement of allowing the birds outdoor access, continues to this day. Cheap factory chickens and turkeys fed cheap government subsidized corn, soy, and wheat (much of which is genetically modified) is a big business in the U.S. So don't expect the market of humanely raised poultry outdoors on pastures and organic non-GMO feed to increase too much without a fight from Big Ag and the government agencies that protect them.

Woman Finds Relief for Hypothyroidism with Coconut Oil – Drops Medication

I must post about my amazing experience with Virgin Coconut Oil. I am 35 years old and severely hypothyroid. I was on thyroxine at very high does for 5 years before I started looking for an alternative. My doctor said my levels were alright, however I was still extremely lethargic and suffered from “brain fog”. I started out taking 2 tablespoons a day and instantly felt the effects. It was so energizing that I couldn't take it before bed or I wouldn't sleep.

The Drugging of Our Children: Kid’s Excessive Medication

The Drugging of Our Children documentary details the devastating consequences of the excessive medicating of US children, with a focus on children who have been given the diagnosis of ADHD. Drugs prescribed for ADHD are "class 2" narcotics, regulated by the Drug Enforcement Agency as a controlled substance because they can lead to dependence, heart attack, stroke, seizures and stunted growth; other mind-altering drugs commonly prescribed to kids can cause aggressive and violent behavior, suicide and more. The long-term effects of medicating children with mind-altering drugs during their key formative years are largely unknown, but likely devastating.

New FDA approved “brain test” for ADHD—is bogus

Given the enormous potential for great harm, one has to wonder how the Food and Drug Administration, FDA, gets away with giving its stamp of approval on a new “brain wave test,” that allegedly will “help confirm an ADHD diagnosis,” when there is no scientific or medical proof that any physical abnormality exists. What part of approving a “brain waive test” for a psychiatric diagnosis that doesn’t exist is “assuring the safety and effectiveness?” More to the point, since there is no proof that the alleged psychiatric diagnosis exists, how can the FDA possibly claim that any test, least of all one that consists of interpreting squiggly lines on a piece of paper, is safe or effective?

Pepsi Outside California Still Has Chemical Linked to Cancer: Report

It’s been more than a year since Coke and Pepsi declared they would be reformulating their products to remove cancer-causing 4-MI in their caramel coloring, lest they be forced to label their California products with a cancer warning label. After recent testing, it was found that Coke and Pepsi have removed 4-MI from products in California, but high levels of the substance were found in all Pepsi products tested from 10 other states.