“Eyes of the Devil” – The REAL Documentary that Exposes the Horror of Child Sex Trafficking

The REAL horrors of child sex trafficking are so terrible and evil, that there is no reason to dramatize it, as Sound of Freedom does.

I continue to be attacked and ridiculed for publishing the truth about this fictional movie, with one person suggesting that I must actually support child sex trafficking if I am publishing negative reviews of Sound of Freedom.

This movie is very clearly a psyop and distraction from the REAL child sex trafficking that is occurring with young children who are also often murdered for their organs and body parts.

This is happening in Ukraine, for example, and we have exposed this evil.

But the documentary published in 2021 by Polish film producer Patryk Vega titled “Eyes of the Devil,” is by far the most graphic description of child sex trafficking and organ harvesting I have ever watched.

It has been viewed by over 7 million people in Polish, and several more million people in the English version.

It is NOT dramatized. It is a true documentary.

This is the film to watch if you want to truly know about child sex trafficking, but most of you probably cannot handle a film like this.