Your Government Wants to Sacrifice American Lives to Boost COVID-19 Vaccine Sales Before the End of 2022

With vaccination rates for the new Bivalent COVID-19 shots reportedly declining, the U.S. Government has decided to spend $475 million in an effort to inject as many Americans as possible with these deadly new COVID shots before the end of the year.

The U.S. Government and local health departments are clearly LYING to the American people, when they state that these COVID-19 shots are “safe and effective.”

Since the new Bivalent COVID-19 booster shots by Pfizer and Moderna were given emergency use authorization (EUA) at the beginning of September, less than 3 months ago, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has recorded almost 10,000 adverse events including 80 deaths following these new shots that were just recently authorized, and that the Government is trying to inject into more people.

The total amount of recorded adverse events from all EUA COVID vaccines since they were first authorized in December of 2020, is now 1,467,781, with 32,370 deaths.

These are more injuries and more deaths than the total injuries and deaths recorded for the previous 30+ years in VAERS from ALL FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED!

What is especially troubling about the Government’s new massive spending campaign to inject as many people as possible with these deadly shots, is that they are targeting children, and encouraging parents to inject their children with not only these new Bivalent COVID booster shots, but TOGETHER with a flu shot and all recommended childhood vaccines on the CDC schedule.

These local health departments have a huge financial incentive to stick needles in people’s arms, because they get kickbacks from the Federal Government.

1,018 children have already been harmed by the new Bivalent booster shots, with many of them passing out and losing consciousness right after being injected, according to official government statistics.

Are parents aware of this before deciding to get these shots for their children?

Here are some examples from the U.S. Government’s VAERS database.