More Doctors Speak Out on Censorship and Mass Murderer Anthony Fauci’s False Information Regarding Hydroxychloroquine

As mass murder Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to appear in the corporate media to attack the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which thousands of doctors have now said can completely cure COVID, more doctors are coming forward to expose his lies.

Fauci publicly attacked a recent positive study about HCQ published by the Henry Ford Health System, prompting two of the leading doctors of the study, doctors Adnan Munkarah and Steven Kalkanis, to publish an “Open Letter” refuting the lies of the mass murderer, Anthony Fauci.

Dr. Munkarah works as the chief clinical officer of the Henry Ford Health System, and Dr. Kalkanis works as the chief academic officer.

Fauci’s main complaint about their study is that it was not a “double-blind, randomized clinical trial,” which is considered the “Gold Standard.”

This is an interesting criticism, since almost all of the current new medical products being fast-tracked by the FDA to treat COVID, are also not “double-blind, randomized clinical trials.”

This is especially true for the COVID vaccine drug trials, which do not even use a true placebo, but instead usually use another vaccine known for serious side effects, to make the new COVID vaccine appear to be more safe.

Another doctor who has spoken out in an article published today (August 4, 2020) is French Dr. Pascal Sacré. The title of his article is:

COVID-19: We have a Treatment: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). We do Not Need a Vaccine!

Texas doctors Dr. Kevin R. Wheelan, chief of cardiology at Baylor Heart and Vascular Hospital in Dallas and Dr. Peter McCullough, a clinical cardiologist and professor at the Texas A&M School of Medicine, have also made public comments and sent a letter to the FDA a few days ago.

This is just a sampling of the doctors who are coming forward and speaking out, but don’t expect the national corporate media to give them any coverage, and don’t expect to find out anything about these doctors if you do a Google Search, as Google and the rest of Big Tech are accomplices to mass murder along with the big corporate media outlets, such as CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and also Fox News.

Because English is now the common language among the educated around the world, hundreds of thousands of readers from India and Africa have also been coming to Health Impact News to learn the truth about HCQ during the past few days.

The question now is will Americans wake up in time to free themselves of this medical tyranny, or just mostly continue to willingly comply with their own destruction?