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What Happened to the California Medical Board’s Concerns About SB 276 and Restricting Doctors Who Write Exemptions for Vaccines? Who Changed Their Minds?

BREAKING NEWS: Who is really behind #SB276 [1] – Fraudulent medical doctors or two power hungry doctors and an unrepresentative trade association?

Collusion and Corruption – aka business as usual in Sacramento politics?

August 9, 2019

Sacramento – During their quarterly meeting on August 8, 2019, The California Medical Board (CMB) surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, voted to support SB276, Senator Richard Pan’s medical exemption bill that places narrow restrictions on doctors’ abilities to write vaccine exemptions for school aged children.

SB276 is not about vaccines, it is a bill regarding the exemption process required to fulfill California’s school vaccine mandate.

The bill, in an unprecedented way, hands over the jurisdiction of reviewing and revoking the medical opinions of physicians from the CMB to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and California Department of Health and Human Services (CHHS).

In May, when the Board previously voted to “Support SB276 in Concept”[1] – the concept being that physicians writing fraudulent medical exemptions should be investigated – CMB Members raised a number of concerns on the bill.

Listen to their concerns from May:

These concerns were not addressed by the most recent amendments to SB276, nor were they brought up for discussion at [a recent] board meeting. So it is surprising that the CMB changed their position to Support SB276.

Or is it?

Since the May meeting, 4 new CMB members have been appointed, resulting in over 60% of the physicians on the CMB being California Medical Association (CMA) members, including 2 past CMA presidents, even though less than 20% of physicians are members of the CMA.[2]

The CMA does not represent the majority of practicing physicians, who refuse to join the physician trade organization. The California Medical Association spends millions lobbying bills each year, having already spent over $1 million this year.[3] They are also the primary sponsor of SB276.

Another rising star at the CMA, is Dr Charity Dean.[4] Dr. Charity Dean, former Director of the Santa Barbara Department of Public Health (SBDPH), was appointed to Assistant Director of the CDPH[5] in September of 2018, after running an aggressive campaign to capture the private information of children with medical exemptions in her district back in 2016, shortly after SB277 was enacted.

A 2016 Public Records Act Request by A Voice for Choice Advocacy confirmed there was collusion between her, key public health officers, CDPH and the California Medical Board to proactively gather information on doctors writing medical exemptions under SB277, to then file complaints against them.[6][7][8] Her unethical collection of medical exemption data and her cozy relationship with Senator Pan and the CMA prompted the introduction of SB276, rather than any real evidence of fraudulent medical exemptions.

It is expected, if SB276 passes, Charity Dean will continue to climb the CDPH ladder with a promotion to oversee the medical exemption review process created by SB276 – a position created through her and Senator Pan’s actions, rather than any valid issue with the current, already stringent, medical exemption process.

That same year, Dean lit up Twitter and Facebook with photos of herself posing with Senator Richard Pan, and commentary about the power of socializing with Sacramento lobbyists. Soon thereafter she was named as a defendant in the SB277 federal lawsuit against CDPH; her social media accounts were scrubbed shortly thereafter.

“Does any evidence exist for the complete undermining of the doctor patient relationship and the tightening of medical exemption criteria?” Christina Hildebrand, President of A Voice for Choice Advocacy, asks.

She continues,

“These doctors are not writing fraudulent medical exemptions. They are using the latest research, family history, genetics and a number of other criteria to determine the vaccine risk profile of each of their patients, all discussed and allowed under SB277.

Here in CA we stand for personalized healthcare, priding ourselves on using the latest biotech technology and treatment, coming out of Silicon Valley and the rest of the world. The criteria used for determining the risk profile of any medical treatment, including vaccination, should do the same.

The state and the CMB want us to trust CA doctors, but how can we do that when they don’t trust themselves. SB276 puts physicians and their most medically at risk patients in harms way.”

The question that should be asked is “Where are these doctors writing fraudulent medical exemptions?”, but instead CMB members, legislators and the mainstream media are just taking Senator Pan and the CMA’s word they exist. A Voice for Choice Advocacy asks you to investigate before writing or voting on SB276.

Press Contact: Christina Hildebrand,
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avoiceforchoice [4]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avoiceforchoice [5]

Read the full press release at AVoiceforChoiceAdvocacy.org [2].

Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com [6].


[1] [7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jItwZh4dajY&t [8]

[2] [9] https://www.cmadocs.org/membership-directory [10]

[3] [11] http://cal-access.sos.ca.gov/Lobbying/Employers/Detail.aspx?id=1146797&view=activity [12]

[4] [13] https://www.cmadocs.org/Newsroom/CMAdocs/View/ArticleId/27909/CMA-Doc-Charity-Dean-M-D [14]

[5] [15] https://www.keyt.com/health/dr-charity-dean-lands-state-leadership-role/800939841 [16]

[6] [17] http://avoiceforchoice.org/medical-exemption-pilot-program-avfc-objects/ [18]

[7] [19]https://www.dropbox.com/s/yja51plh1t4mwxz/July%207%202016%20Board%20meeting%20Immunization%20Roundtable.mp3?dl=0 [20]
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gadn4emim7ihd88/PRA%20Response%20-%20Leah%20Northrop%20CCHLO.pdf?dl=0 [21]

[8] [22]http://www2.mbc.ca.gov/BreezePDL/document.aspx?path=%5cDIDOCS%5c20190729%5cDMRAAAGL1%5c&did=AAAGL190729152150380.DID [23]



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