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No Shots No School Not True! School Districts Lying to Parents by Stating all Students Must be Fully Vaccinated when State Law Provides Exemptions

Map of vaccine exemptions by state

Every state in the U.S. allows for some exemptions to childhood vaccines as a requirement for school attendance. Look up your state here [1].

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Health Freedom Idaho is reporting that school districts throughout Idaho are sending threatening letters to parents and falsely claiming that their children must be fully vaccinated or they will not be able to be enrolled in school.

Idaho State law actually allows for vaccine exemptions for religious and medical reasons. (Source [3].)

One concerned mom in Idaho writes:

I was registering my son for kindergarten today (his only partial year of public school before he will be homeschooled). I noticed this passage and the way it was worded when I was filling out his registration paperwork. I came with his vaccine exemption form in hand already filled out, which they accepted.

I was really bothered by the fact that we have the right to waive vaccines, and yet they write to parents that by law they have to have their vaccinations. This is wrong. They should say something like, “It is Idaho State Law that you must have complete immunization records or an Idaho School Immunization Exemption Form to register your child for school.”

I listened to moms coming in worried that they didn’t have vaccination records and the school never gave them the option to waive.

If it is our right to waive, why is this not disclosed as part of proper informed consent? (Source [2].)

Health Freedom Idaho [2] has obtained several such school district notices that seem to clearly violate state law, and seem to coerce parents into vaccinating their children when they have a legal right to vaccine exemptions if needed.

In an enrollment package for a Charter School

At the bottom of a report card in Payette

At an enrollment fair where they had a SHOT CLINIC…but when asked where the exemption forms were located – parents are required to talk with a nurse before having access to one.

From Health Freedom Idaho: [2]

Invoking your Vaccine Exemption

Parents have the right to vaccine exemption with a signed statement from parents. (PRINTABLE COPY) 

 To Whom It May Concern:

Persuant to Idaho Code 39-4802(2) (Title 39, Chapter 48, Section 2, Number 2) and The Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, 45 CFR Part 160 and Subparts A and E of Part 164, I object to the vaccine reporting requirements and invoke my right to be exempt from the provisions of 39-4801 Idaho Code for personal and family reasons and ‘other grounds’ in regard to and on behalf of my minor child, (Child’s First and Last Name).

This statement supersedes any and all previous forms or statements made in regard to this matter.

(Parent First and Last Name)
Parent /Guardian /Custodian

Idaho Code 39-4802(2):
Any minor child whose parent or guardian has submitted a signed statement to school officials stating their objections on religious or other grounds shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.

Chances are similar tactics are being used in your State, so know the law for vaccine exemptions in your state by visiting the National Vaccine Information Center [1] to look the laws for vaccine exemptions in your state.

Read the full article at Health Freedom Idaho [2]

Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com [4].



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