Forced Psychiatric Treatments Expanded under Fast Track Bill Before Senate


On November 30th, the House passed HR 34, a 996-page bill, known as the 21st Century Cures Act. They are now rushing to get it introduced and passed by the Senate on Monday, December 5th, at 5:30 EST. This bill must be defeated because it contains some very dangerous provisions relating to psychiatric treatments. This is an urgent call to action as we must let our Senators know that they need to oppose it.


It drastically broadens the criteria for who qualifies for forced psychiatric treatment. For example, if you are labeled mentally ill, you can be court-ordered for psychiatric treatment just because you are “substantially unlikely to voluntarily participate in treatment.” All states already have their own laws regarding involuntary treatment and so there is no need for Federal legislation, especially with such dangerously broad language.

It undermines FDA regulations that are essential for making sure medical and drug research is conducted ethically, scientifically and safely. Meaning it could cost lives.

Additionally, this 996-page bill is being fast-tracked through as it is being introduced with no time for the Senators to fully study and understand the broad implications of it.