Non-Toxic Household Cleaner Recipes You can Make at Home with Essential Oils

Your household cleaners could be some of the most dangerous products in your home. Most commercial household cleaners contain toxic chemicals that can harm or even kill you. Learn how to make inexpensive non-toxic household cleaners yourself at home with powerful essential oils and other simple ingredients with these six recipes.

Homemade Coconut Oil Sunscreen Recipe

Most commercial sunscreens contain a wide variety of toxic ingredients. Make your own sunscreen at home using safe oils, including coconut oil.

Peppermint Whipped Body Butter with Coconut Oil Recipe

by Katie 

I really enjoy giving homemade, natural gifts, and coconut oil is a wonderful ingredient in most homemade creations. Homemade Lotion Bars are a favorite gift idea because they are so versatile and can be made to suit any skin type or need.

My most recent creation is another gift favorite: Peppermint Whipped Body Butter!

It has many of […]

Homemade Coconut Oil Lip Balms

by KerryAnn Foster
Cooking Traditional Foods
Before I made the switch to natural body care products, I lived with a tube of lip balm always within reach.  Despite constant application, my lips were always dry.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, I was chronically dehydrated and eating too little fat.  Both your fluid and your fat intake […]

Home-made Coconut Oil Deodorant

by KerryAnn Foster
Cooking Traditional Foods
Of all of the body products I have made at home, coconut oil deodorant has made me the happiest. I was thrilled to be able to get away from the paraben and aluminum-filled commercial deodorants but still find something that works well. I’ve used this deodorant and it has worked wonderfully well for everything except […]

Homemade Coconut Lotion Bars

Making your own coconut oil skin care products at home is simple with this easy recipe. These coconut oil lotion bars are made with natural, non-toxic ingredients and are great for the whole family. They also make excellent gifts, so make some extra and share the coconut oil goodness!