Portland was one of the first municipalities in the U.S. to stop fluoridating their water. Story [1].
by Paul Fassa
Health Impact News
New studies published this year revealed neurological damage as well as skeletal and tooth issues among those who consume fluoridated water. They’re added to several previous studies that have made those same connections.
The studies reveal even expectant mothers who drink fluoridated water adversely affect their newborns’ nervous systems. Fluorides go through the placenta with ease. Feeding newborns with formulas containing fluoride or mixed in fluoridated water exacerbate the damage.
Yet there are many who support water fluoridation despite the evidence, especially within the dental profession.
While focusing on extremely minor decreases in tooth decay, they ignore the significant increase in fluorosis, both dental and skeletal, both worse than tooth decay, occurring in regions that fluoridate their water.
The Study Review Refutes Much of the Pro-Fluoridated “Science” that Prevails
The critical review Blood is thicker than water: Flaws in National Toxicology Program Study [2] was published online in August, 2018, by the journal Medical Hypothesis.
This review demonstrates that organizational bias has compromised the integrity of fluoride research from the beginning and persists today by citing 10 major flaws in a recent National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) effort at justifying water fluoridation by refuting all evidence of neurotoxic events discovered by studies independently conceived and carried out.
The NTP study’s conclusion [3] that the overall body of evidence does not prove a link of lower IQ and neurological damage from fluoridated water was fully endorsed by the CDC, making its study the official stamp of approval that the “science for fluoridating water is in.”
The authors point out that abundant research since the 1990s shows low dose systematic fluoride exposure adversely affects cognitive and behavioral development. Interestingly, individual neurological issues correlate with individual cases of fluorosis.
Initially, the promotional efforts for fluoridating water supplies claimed it would lower youth cavity rates without creating significant levels of fluorosis.
It hasn’t turned out that way. The review authors state currently over half of American teens are afflicted with dental fluorosis.
Dental fluorosis occurs from excess fluoride coming into contact with teeth during tooth enamel formation, a process that generally takes place during the first eight years of life.
It’s commonly considered a cosmetic problem.
But fluorosis erodes the enamel, which is supposed to protect teeth from damage and decay.
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance on the body. If lost or sufficiently compromised, external sources easily affect the newly exposed sensitive part of your teeth to cause decay, leading to infection, pain, tooth loss, and maybe gum disease. (Source) [4]
From the study’s abstract:
Evidence of neurotoxic impact from low dose systemic exposure to fluoride prompted an investigation by a branch of the governmental agency that has promoted fluoridation policy since its 1940′s inception.
This review identifies ten significant flaws in the design of an animal experiment conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program [3]. The authors [of this review] hypothesize that organizational bias can and does compromise the integrity of fluoride research. (Source) [2]
The Latest Study That Links Neurological Damage in Pregnant Women to Fluoride
Some subterranean aquifers and wells are loaded with naturally occurring calcium fluoride. Depending on the concentration, which varies from region to region, drinking this water does cause dental fluorosis with the potential of creating skeletal fluorosis. The latter condition is disabling.
Mexico’s subterranean water is high in naturally occurring calcium fluoride. So it was easy to arrange a study, Prenatal fluoride exposure, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children at 6–12 years of age in Mexico City [5].
It was published online by ScienceDirect in October of 2018. Several researchers located throughout North America had access to medical records of 213 pregnant women in Mexico City. Their urine fluoride levels before giving birth were checked against their children’s behavior when they reached school age.
The children were assessed for attention deficit issues or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder).
The researchers discovered a strong correlation between high fluoride blood levels of pregnant women to higher incidences of children with ADHD.
Their conclusion:
Higher levels of fluoride exposure during pregnancy were associated with global measures of ADHD and more symptoms of inattention as measured by the CRS-R in the offspring. (Source) [5]
This recent study was not the first to make that connection between prenatal exposure from the mother’s fluoride levels to postnatal neurological issues pertaining to lower IQ and ADHD.
There was another similar one reported in 2015 called Exposure to fluoridated water and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder prevalence among children and adolescents in the United States: an ecological association. [6]
This study concluded:
Parents reported higher rates of medically-diagnosed ADHD in their children in states in which a greater proportion of people receive fluoridated water from public water supplies. The relationship between fluoride exposure and ADHD warrants future study.
What’s even more toxic to internal organs than calcium fluoride that is ubiquitous in Mexico’s aquifers is the hazardous waste known as hexafluorosilicic acid.
This is what is sold to USA municipalities to fluoridate their water.
It’s much cheaper for the cities to provide than pharmaceutical grade fluoride, and it eliminates the hassle and expense of certain industries having to dispose of it expensively as a hazardous waste product, which it is, cheaply and legally.
The Canadian Studies: Damage to Thyroid and More Bad News for Pregnant Women
The epidemiological study Fluoride exposure and thyroid function among adults living in Canada: Effect modification by iodine status, was published by Environment International October 2018.
The researchers measured urine iodine and fluoride levels among Canadians to determine whether urinary iodine status modifies the effect of fluoride exposure on thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels.
It’s well known that fluorides can displace the thyroid glands most essential mineral food, iodine. A nutritionally-starved thyroid can lead to hypothyroidism.
The researchers concluded:
Adults living in Canada who have moderate-to-severe iodine deficiencies and higher levels of urinary fluoride may be at an increased risk for underactive thyroid gland activity.
Another Canadian study, Community Water Fluoridation and Urinary Fluoride Concentrations in a National Sample of Pregnant Women in Canada [7] was published by Environmental Health Perspectives on October 10, 2018.
The purpose of the study was to determine fluoridation level limits for pregnant women using cohorts of Canada’s pregnant women population in both fluoridated water region communities and non-fluoridated communities.
The chief concern of the study’s researchers was trying to determine what daily limits would be safe with fluoridated water and ways to ameliorate the adverse events, such as supplementing iodine to prevent fluorides from contaminating the thyroid.
Though apparently it was an attempt to maintain water fluoridation as a dental prophylactic by minimizing side effects, it conceded that urine samples showed higher concentrations of fluoride in women who resided in Canadian regions where water was fluoridated.
Conclusion: Multiple Studies Condemn Fluoridation Practices
What’s overlooked in some of these and other studies is how fluoride can accumulate in organ tissues [8]. Consuming low doses, often long-term, would stimulate disease states that most would not associate with fluoride toxicity.
Also overlooked is the toxicity level of hexafluorosilicic acid sold as sodium fluoride to municipal water supplies. It is categorized as a toxic industrial waste and has to be handled that way. Somehow “organizational bias” blinds researchers from simply seeing the sodium fluoride as the poison it is.
Water supplies should not be contaminated with fluoride poison for preventing tooth decay, which it really doesn’t prevent anyway.
Also see:
Federal Lawsuit Against Forced Water Fluoridation Proceeds [9]
The following video explains how water fluoridation became medically and socially accepted.