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Infrared Light and Saunas: Healing Many Illnesses

Picture of a small wooden infrared sauna booth in a spa

Infrared sauna

by Paul Fassa
Health Impact News

Sweat lodges, dry saunas, and wet saunas (steam) have been used for healing and detoxing for several centuries. While exposing one’s body to heat over an extended period of time, the activity of fever takes place, stimulating the immune system to release white blood cells to kill pathogenic microbes or destroy cancer tumor cells. (Source) [1]

Exposing heat to the body over an extended period of time produces profuse sweating that can transport toxins out of the body. Over time, the practice of sauna bathing can even eliminate toxins and drugs trapped in lipid tissue (fat) for years.

Both functions of body heat is why more and more health practitioners are realizing that wrapping up and “sweating out” a bout of fever up to but not beyond 104 degrees Fahrenheit is more beneficial than suppressing it with pharmaceuticals. (Source) [1]

Many of us can’t cope with extended dry or wet sauna visits and some of us can’t even access them. But there is a solution for easily obtaining the same results without the agony of enduring intense ambient heat, using infrared technology.

The Best Type of Sauna Heat is From Infrared Radiation Technology

Infrared energy frequency applications offer deeper heat penetration into body tissue with less heat, reducing ambient heat from the 160 degrees F of conventional saunas to 110 degrees. Infrared radiation is able to penetrate human tissue three inches, less or more, without burning or discomfort.

Generally, around 15 to 30 minutes inside an infrared radiation sauna is sufficient to achieve the maximum expected results of conventional dry or wet saunas that require enduring higher temperatures for considerably longer times.

Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Brent Bauer reports [2]:

The appeal of saunas, in general, is that they cause reactions, such as vigorous sweating and increased heart rate, similar to those elicited by moderate exercise. An infrared sauna produces these results at lower temperatures than does a regular sauna, which makes it accessible to people who can’t tolerate the heat of a conventional sauna.

Infrared saunas offer general benefits capable of creating:

The attributes of infrared radiation saunas have shown promise for the following health issues:

Dr. Richard Beever, assistant professor of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver) stated [7]:

… [evidence suggests] a number of benefits of far infrared sauna use, including effects on systolic hypertension…and clinical symptoms of congestive heart failure, premature ventricular contractions, brain natriuretic peptide [8] levels, vascular endothelial function, exercise tolerance, oxidative stress, chronic pain, and possibly weight loss and chronic fatigue. No adverse events were reported. (Source) [7]

How Infrared Saunas and Lamps Work

Electromagnetic frequencies differ according to frequency and offer different properties and uses. The earth’s  Schumann Resonance [9] is 7.8 Hertz (Hz) or 7.8 oscillations per second.

This very low frequency can be a calming healthy effect on humans who walk or stand on the ground with bare feet, a practice commonly known as “grounding [10]” for improved overall health.

The electromagnetic frequency (EMF) range of infrared begins just beyond the frequency of visible light and ends at the beginning of terahertz radiation. One terahertz (THz) equals one trillion Hertz. After that comes the microwave spectrum which is used for cell phone communication, WiFi, microwave cooking, and smart meters.

The two types of infrared technologies applied to human healing and health improvement are near-infrared and far infrared.

Near-infrared frequencies are emitted from large bright glowing red 250-watt bulbs. These lamps emit almost no dirty electricity and microwave EMFs.

This is why some think near infrared use is a better way to go than far infrared radiation, which can emit a considerable amount of harmful microwave energy and dirty electricity. Far infrared saunas enclose one with concealed wires and solid electrode transmitters as part of the cabin’s structure. (Source) [11]

But far infrared saunas allow one to take advantage of even deeper heat penetration while radiating the whole body at once.  Far infrared frequencies flirt with or have harmonics of microwave frequencies that produce harmful EMF exposure and dirty electricity.

However, far infrared sauna industry leaders have solved this situation satisfactorily with what they call low EMF far infrared technology. There are plenty of these available for purchase, and there are several spas, health clubs, or clinics that carry them.

There are also full spectrum infrared saunas that feature both near and far infrared radiation, both of which have some specific benefits more strongly than the other.

There are small individual portable enclosures that allow one’s head to not be enclosed as well as normal sit-in saunas that are less expensive than full sized sauna rooms.

Even cheaper and still with some therapeutic value are infrared 250-watt red lamps that are sold as heat lamps in hardware stores. You can view several options for purchase here [12].

An appropriate socket with a cord and plug for standard wall outlets should also provide a metal reflector with a guard to prevent direct contact with the bulb.

It should also have a clamp to attach onto stable objects and expose almost any specific part of your body for around 20 minutes or more, but the head area should not be exposed more than 10 minutes.

There is even a way to boost the entire immune system to overcome many ailments and viral infections by focusing the lamp on the area covering the thymus gland, the breastbone. More details here [3].

Cooking Cancer Cells with Infrared Applications

Hyperthermia treatments for cancer were popularized a few years back in Germany and now it’s catching on here in North America. Heat ranging from 104 degrees to 113 degrees Fahrenheit is directed into the area of tumors or sometimes onto the whole body to be able to maintain tumor temperatures at 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Some clinics use hyperthermia as an adjunct for mainstream oncology protocols while others use it in conjunction with alternative natural approaches. This Cancer Tutor contains a map of North American clinics that use hyperthermia as well as more information about it as a treatment, accessed here [13].

Hyperthermia is a specialized protocol that should be administered by health practitioners trained with the equipment. But it’s good to know that applying infrared radiation with whatever means are available could also be killing a few cancer cells without damaging healthy cells.

Infrared radiation therapies offer another convenient way of taking more responsibility for healing and health directly regardless of budgetary constraints.