The Benton family moved from Ohio to Colorado so they could obtain medical cannabis for their daughter’s seizures. They are examples of “medical refugees” in the United States.
by Paul Fassa
Health Impact News
According to quotes attributed to early Americans Dr. Benjamin Rush and Thomas Jefferson, medical freedom should have been inserted into the Constitution as part of the Bill of Rights.
The fact that medical freedom has not been included in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights has resulted in the establishment of “Pharmaceutical Medicine” as the only “officially” acceptable medicine and fostered the suppression of all other forms of valid healing.
All unacceptable forms of medicine not considered “official” have been excluded from medical insurance coverage. The monopolist exclusion of insurance coverage for safer, less expensive, and more effective treatments creates a vast patient pool no matter the expense.
For example a cancer patient may opt for chemo and radiation because his or her insurance covers that, but not natural treatments, which though less expensive, are beyond most people’s budgets.
This attempt by the U.S. Government, usually under the authority of the FDA, to suppress non-approved pharmaceutical alternatives that are often natural, non-toxic, less expensive, and more effective, has led to a new cultural phenomenon: Medical Tourism and Medical Refugees.
The Threat of Cannabis to the Pharmaceutical Industry
Cannabis was part of this nation’s pharmacology until it was restricted by law in 1937. Soon after, through the efforts of mainstream medical establishment bureaucrats and other vested interests, cannabis was totally outlawed for any purpose. Even growing highly helpful industrial hemp is federally banned. (Source) [2]
By influencing and manipulating the United Nations, cannabis restrictions were established worldwide.
Medical Cannabis States Create Medical Refugees
Medical cannabis is a threat to medical tyranny. Only certain states are very open to medical cannabis while others that even allow it are somewhat restrictive and selective with what they will allow for what ailment and for whom.
That’s why states that allow cannabis for both medical and recreational use are ideal regions for medical refugees. At the time of this writing they are Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. So far, Colorado has been hit the hardest with refugees. (Source) [3]
Ever since the CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s documentary report “Weed” [4] was shown nationally, which focused on the medical miracle of Charlotte’s Web, a high CBD low THC tincture that rescued little Charlotte and the Figi family from Charlotte’s throes of hundreds of seizures weekly, there has been an influx of families who have children afflicted with Dravet syndrome, the most extreme version of epilepsy.
This disease, whether actually hereditary or influenced by vaccines, is considered incurable and life threatening. Certainly, as Charlotte’s mother once confided, it’s so bad and worsened with pharmaceutical medications that a parent may hope the child dies peacefully while sleeping.
It’s impossible to have a life having hundreds of grand mal seizures weekly, sometimes daily. Dravet syndrome children are weaned off at least most of the pharmaceuticals as their conditions improve dramatically with cannabis.
The strain and financial burden of moving to another state for medical reasons makes it difficult for medical cannabis refugees. Some may be moving away from job security in the transition. Even some Colorado residents complain occasionally about how this influx of refugees for cannabis treatments is causing real estate values and rents to go up.
Some may question why families feel the need to relocate in medical cannabis friendly states for children whose chronic conditions require steady medical cannabis supplies. Why not simply visit them to acquire what’s needed and return home or mail order them?
It’s because of the federal government. Marijuana for any reason is outlawed federally, and transporting cannabis across state lines can be prosecuted as “drug trafficking,” a felony.
But one of the mom’s, Amy, the mother of Austin whom you saw in the video clip above having a serious seizure calmed down by rubbing cannabis oil on his feet, started a group to help others who need to move into a medical cannabis friendly state. More about that here. [5]
The way things look, there will be even more choices for medical cannabis refugees soon. Now Oregon may be another refuge for families who desperately need cannabis for their children or themselves.
Medical Tourism – Cancer Treatment in Mexico
We are fortunate the trend toward allowing cannabis for medical use is rolling with more states getting ready to allow it. But cancer patients who wish to avoid chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments even if they have the insurance to cover treatments, and especially if they don’t, are forced into medical tourism.
Most mainstream medical tourist guides and articles focus on information about mainstream medical institutions in other countries that are much less expensive than here such as Costa Rica, India, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Turkey.
They seem to shy away from offering alternative treatments to entice prospective medical tourists and only talk dollars saved for mostly mainstream medical treatments.
But it’s amazing that one could travel all the way to India or Turkey and still wind up saving money if they don’t have health insurance coverage.
Again, even with standard mainstream medical treatments, Mexico is one of the least expensive along with India. But Mexico is the number one haven for U.S. citizens seeking alternative cancer cures. And the doctors in attendance at those cancer clinics who use “forbidden medicines” and treatments are open minded M.D.s, and some even trained in the States.
A lot of them use laetrile, and other non-cannabis substances not allowed for cancer in the States. Megadose IV vitamin C is encouraged as well as oxygen and thermal therapies. They may also recommend dietary changes and provide wholesome fresh foods and juicing while under doctors’ care.
The Mexican cancer clinics deliver safe and effective treatments with much less expense. Some are originally from the USA. They were established as refugee camps in Mexico to enable continual successful treatments that were shut down in the States.
Two examples are the Bio-Medical Center, formerly the Hoxsey Center in the U.S. Another is Dr. Max Gerson’s therapy at the Gerson Institute, now run by his daughter Charlotte who is 90 years old and healthy by last count. Both former American clinics are in the Tijuana, Mexico area just south of San Diego.
Here’s a video page of the Gerson Institute [6]. And here’s a whole page on the Bio-medical Center, formerly the Hoxsey Center [7].
There are other cancer clinics using FDA and AMA “forbidden medicines” and taboo treatments in that same region and throughout Mexico. The two mentioned are the only two with which this author is familiar.
You can go through a Stateside group [8]that specializes in helping U.S. Citizens in finding which Mexican clinic out of the 20 plus located in Mexico that is most suited for them here. [8]
While living in Mexico, it is very easy to take advantage of medical freedom even though modern allopathic medicine is well established there. But not because Mexico’s medical system is so lax as many extreme law-and-order Americans like to think.
According to an American M.D. turned acupuncturist practicing there, and a Mexican friend who owns a small health food store, medical freedom is written into the Mexican Constitution.
Bilingually within friendly clinical atmospheres that surpass what we experience in the USA, many Americans are now enjoying expanded alternative health choices in Mexico as a medical tourist.
http://www.patientsbeyondborders.com/medical-tourism-statistics-facts [10]
http://illegallyhealed.com/meet-american-medical-cannabis-refugees/ [11]
http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/chiropractors-vs-ama/Content?oid=877845 [12]
https://archive.org/stream/EustaceMullins/murderinjection_djvu.txt [13]