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Whistleblowers Dent the ‘Deep State’ of the U.S. Vaccine Program


by  James Grundvig [1]
Law.com [1]

With a stroke of a pen, the special masters of “Vaccine Court,” tasked with meting out justice for the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), dismissed more than 5,000 cases of autistic children, the claimants who allegedly have been harmed by vaccines. One of those cases was my autistic son. That was in 2010.

Then, as it is today, there is too much money at stake to reward dozens, let alone thousands of victims for vaccine injury.

Admitting that either Thimerosal or MMR shots caused autism would have at once bankrupted Vaccine Court and disrupted the flow of billions of dollars of revenue that vaccines bring to big pharma each year. Such a shockwave would have given parents the impetus not to vaccinate their newborn children. With blockbuster drugs in steep decline, vaccines have become critical to several pharmaceutical companies.

Thimerosal is the mercury-based preservative used in some vaccines a decade ago, and is still used in flu shots today, including pregnant women. The “deactivated” viruses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) shot have also, it has been claimed, to cause autism spectrum disorders, too.

Since the 1990s, parents in the autism community have known about the myriad conflicts of interests, the “incestuous sheets” that would make Shakespeare’s Hamlet blush of the barely veiled relationships between the vaccine agencies and the vaccine makers.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC, the overseer of the U.S. vaccine schedule), the National Institute of Health (NIH, the funder of vaccine safety studies), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, the quality assurance arm of vaccines), have long collaborated with big pharma. Together, they represent the healthcare ‘Deep State’ of the U.S. vaccine industrial complex, with its gatekeeper being Vaccine Court to deflect any stray shots on goal.

The Deep State’s Golden Pipeline

The Vaccine Deep State isn’t so much a cabal or conspiracy, as much as a collaboration. Together, they manage the flow of vaccines out, their testing and approval, their seeding in the Vaccine Schedule, the marketing of their safety information, and the returns of cash flow into the coffers. So sand in the gears of the vaccine pipeline won’t be tolerated.

For many of the executives and scientists toiling at government jobs, until they fulfill their pension horizons, the pipeline extends from post-agency careers to the green pastures of the vaccine multinationals. The promise of the golden pipeline is too lucrative to pass up.

One former director of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding (2002–2009), left the agency to become the president of Merck’s Vaccine Division, where she is firmly planted today. For the past two decades, Merck has owned the monopoly in making the three-in-one MMR shot. Merck’s steel grip on being the sole manufacturer of MMR has been based on proving the vaccine’s efficacy to the FDA with studies, metrics, and verifiable numbers updated and vetted out.

But that apple cart was flipped over when two ex-Merck virologists, claimed in a 2012 whistleblower lawsuit [2], the vaccine maker had “cooked the data,” in order to falsely show the effectiveness of its MMR shot. The only eye-opening thing about the lawsuit was the U.S. government had joined the whistleblowers in suing Merck.

It appears the Vaccine Deep State took umbrage with one of its partners being excessively greedy. Merck’s Vaccine Division didn’t respond to requests to comment.

A CDC Whistleblower and African-American Boys

This August, after struggling with guilt, CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson came out admitting that one of the 2003 MMR safety studies he co-authored manipulated the data. When the actual numbers were run anew, it showed the CDC had masked the fact that African-American boys were 340 percent more likely to get autism than their peers.

Far from being a victimless event, I reached out to the autism community to find African-American boys, who received their MMR shots between 1999-2003, and who went on to Vaccine Court only to be dismissed years later.

In Temple Ealey, I found the perfect candidate. Born in 1999, Temple and his twin sister, Lucinda, were taken to their pediatrician in Washington, DC, to get their one-year checkup and immunization shots.

With the twins receiving the same set of vaccines at 13 months old on their mother Sheila Ealey’s birthday, the doctor gave the MMR shot to Temple first. But then in a momentary lapse, the doctor gave Temple the second MMR vaccine meant for his sister, as well.

Stunned, Sheila Ealey said in a phone interview, “I was so upset about the mix-up that I refused to let Lucinda be vaccinated.” Worried about the mistake, she asked the doctor if there would be any adverse reaction to Temple receiving two doses of the same vaccine. “The doctor didn’t know, so she called a Merck representative. The Merck rep said, ‘not to worry, just don’t give him the next dose.’”

The next morning, Temple had a terrible reaction to the double dose of the MMR vaccines that went far beyond a fever.

“At 12 months old, he walked just fine,” Ms. Ealey said. “Temple didn’t speak that well, but he did speak some words. After the MMR vaccines, when he tried to stand up, he fell down. When he got up, he stumbled backwards. My son could no longer make a sound and rejected all forms of food. He fell apart that day in front of my eyes.”

Worst, she added, “Temple began to bang his head against the wall and floor, as if to relieve a terrible pain. Eventually, I had to buy him a helmet so he wouldn’t hurt his brain.”

As she and her husband, Ron, who at the time worked for the U.S. Coast Guard, met with a couple of physicians, the archaic advice they received for their son was to “institutionalize him.”

To this day, Temple’s twin sister Lucinda does not have autism. She is not vaccinated either.

Not getting answers, Sheila Ealey took her son back to where she grew up in New Orleans. There, she found out that all the people she knew had never seen autism before. “None of my first daughter’s (born in the 1980s) friends knew of any child growing up with autism. It didn’t exist in the past. Not in New Orleans.”

She took Temple to her oldest daughter’s pediatrician. “The moment the doctor walked into the room and saw Temple, she believed he had autism. I asked, ‘What? Like Rainman?’ She wasn’t equipped to make the diagnosis, so she referred us to a neurologist.”

Temple’s Long Slog through Vaccine Court

After suing Merck a decade ago, which complicated her life as the Fortune 100 company played hardball, Sheila Ealey filed a lawsuit on Temple’s behalf on January 13, 2003, in Vaccine Court.

After years of wrangling, delays, requests for information, and other motions setup like roadblocks by Vaccine Court, Sheila Ealey learned the cold truth: The Vaccine Deep State doesn’t care what happens to America’s children, regardless of race, color or disability.

If there ever was a case that a laymen could grasp—13-month-old boy walks by one, is healthy, happy, active, gets two doses of the MMR vaccine, and falls apart the next day with classic form of autism—it shouldn’t take an odyssey to seek justice, let alone be heard.

In 2012, Vaccine Court dismissed Temple’s case [3] on two grounds. First, as part of the sweeping Vaccine Omnibus dismissal of 5,400 cases—better not to prejudice any one group—because “vaccines don’t cause autism.” Second, Ms. Ealey didn’t produce “expert witnesses” to prove causation by the double dose of the three-in-one MMR shot.

In speaking with an autism lawyer, who represented three African-American boys at the turn of the century, he told me he ushered their cases through Vaccine Court, only to have them dismissed, like my son’s case of harm caused by Thimerosal, in one sweep.

The whistleblowers haven’t negatively impacted the Vaccine Deep State yet. But when their cases go to trial, combined with a CDC-sponsored Danish scientist turned-U.S.-Department- of-Justice-fugitive in Poul Thorsen—he was indicted of stealing $2 million from the agency —the harm to the U.S. vaccine program could become unwieldy, as irreparable as the Ray Rice domestic violence issue now threatening the NFL.

For that to happen, the U.S. DOJ would have to extradite Poul Thorsen [4] from Denmark to stand trial. And if that unicorn coming out of the forest event ever took place, the bed the CDC made with the Dane a decade ago would shake the Vaccine Deep State to its core.

After three years of non-action, will Attorney General Eric Holder, who happens to be African-American, finally be spurred to extradite the most wanted man in the autism community?

If the AG followed ever through, he would be putting the Vaccine Deep State on trial.

Read the Full Story here [1].

James Grundvig is a freelance journalist covering technology, business, finance, energy, sustainability, and art and entertainment for news media from the Huffington Post and Epoch Times to Financial Times FDi (Foreign Direct Investment) Magazine and www.football.com.

Reprinted with Permission.

See Also:

How the Government has Earned $3.5 BILLION from the Claim that Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism [5]

CDC Whistleblower Dr. Thompson: “I’ve Stopped Lying” – Willing to Testify on Vaccine Fraud [6]

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