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American Woman Sues Border Agents after Alleged Sexual Assault and Forced Medical Treatments when Re-entering U.S.


Health Impact News Editor Comments

In 2013 we published too many stories about forced medical treatment by coercion. For example, we published the story regarding John Wrana, the WWII veteran who just before his 96th birthday was tasered and shot with bean bag rounds in his managed care facility, which resulted in his death, simply for refusing to go to a hospital for a urinary tract infection. (See: 95 Year Old WWII Vet Refuses to go to Hospital for Urinary Tract Infection, so Police Shoot and Kill Him [1]) The investigation regarding his death is still pending and we expect to publish an update here in 2014.

We saw other stories where children were taken away from their parents and forced to receive medical treatment against the wishes of their parents, including one teenage daughter who has been held by Boston Children’s Hospital for over ten months and has still not been released. (See: Boston Hospital Kidnapping of Teenage Girl Allowed to Continue [2]).

In this news report from KOB Channel 4 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, an American woman, who was returning to the United States from Mexico, was allegedly sexually assaulted and forced to have medical treatments against her consent, simply because a dog supposedly indicated she may have illegal drugs in her body somewhere. She was stripped and searched. When they did not find anything, she was forced to have X-rays and a CT Scan which turned up negative. She was billed $5,000.00 for the forced medical treatments. She was also allegedly subjected to a “cavity search” several times, all without a warrant and without her consent.

The ACLU has taken up her case and filed charges for unlawful search and sexual harassment. They are concerned that the hospital in El Paso may have doctors who are not trained in law, and that federal border agents may be continually bringing in drug suspects for unconstitutional body searches and forced medical treatments like this, and that doctors may be violating patients constitutional rights on a regular basis.

WARNING: The contents of the video below and the descriptions provided in the link below are quite graphic, and may not be suitable for younger audiences.


Source: NM woman sues border agents after alleged body violation [3]


by Attorney Jonathan Emord
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