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Vaccine Legislative Update: The Police State is Knocking

by Alan Phillips, J.D.

The National Vaccine Information Center’s Advocacy Portal [1] lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists about 100 vaccine bills in 30+ states.

Most of these bills, if passed into law, will further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda that seeks to require more vaccines for more people while further restricting our right to refuse them. Join the Portal NOW to help defend vaccine freedom of choice!

Here’s a quick look into some of the bills promoting this authoritarian agenda around the U.S.:

1. Flu vaccines (6 states):
A) Required for healthcare workers: CT, IL, MO;
B) Required for the elderly: CT;
C) Must be offered to healthcare workers: GA, NJ;
D) Must adopt a flu vaccine policy: CT
E) Health department may offer to kids in schools: PA

2. HPV vaccine (6 states):
A) Required: KY (boys and girls), NY, VA (boys);
B) Parents required to get information about: FL, GA;
C) Health department can provide to girls entering 7th grade: SC

3. Meningitis vaccine: Required for middle school, high school and/or college students (7 states): IL, IN, MO, NE, NY, TN, TX;

4. DTP vaccine: Hospitals must mandate to employees: NE

5. New Employee Vaccine Requirements:
A) Requires vaccines for childcare facility employees: TX
B) Pertussis vaccine required for teachers and childcare workers: VT

6. Schools have to post exemption rates: AZ

7. Pharmacists may vaccinate children (6 states): GA, MD, MT, NJ, OH, OR

8. Department of health may make changes to vaccine requirements based on federal recommendations: HI

9. Vaccine Registries (4 states):
A) Extend immunization tracking to include adults: ID, ND
B) Removes informed consent for vaccine registry: TX
C) Immunization records can be shared with the tracking system without consent: MT

10. Requires parents to receive vaccine information to exempt their child: ME

11. Restricts access to religious exemptions: NJ

12. Allows minors to consent to vaccines: NY, TX

13. Suspends non-medical exemptions when exemption rates fall below 90%: VT

It’s not all bad news, though. Here’s a summary of bills that would further the cause of vaccine freedom if signed into law:

1. Remove or Prohibit Requirements (3 states):
A) Prohibit employers from requiring flu vaccines: CT
B) Prohibits flu vaccine requirement for school children: MI
C) Removes immunization requirement for community-technical colleges: CT

2. Add or Protect An Exemption (6 states):
A) Adds a conscientious or philosophical exemption: KS, NY, NJ, OR
B) Exempts children under 6 from Hep. B vaccine if the mother tests negative: NJ
C) Provides protections for parents who exercise a religious exemption: NY;
D) Expands religious exemption right: SD
E) Healthcare facilities must provide a religious exemption to flu shots: OK

3. Parents required to be informed of vaccine ingredients before a vaccine is administered: ME, MO

4. Requires labeling and consent for vaccines derived from aborted fetal tissue: MN

The pharmaceutical vaccine agenda is playing out rapidly in state legislatures. We MUST speak out now, loudly and effectively, if we are to avoid becoming an authoritarian vaccine police state where everyone is required to get vaccine after vaccine with no right to refuse. In 2010, there were more than 330 vaccines either already on the market or in development. Now, in 2013, there are 250 vaccines either in clinical trials or already awaiting approval by the FDA.[1] There’s no light at the end of this tunnel. Join the NVIC Advocacy Portal—they’ve made it easy to find out what’s going on in your state and around the country, and to take action when that’s needed. I’m here to help as well in any way that I can. My list of past legislative projects is here: http://vaccinerights.com/legislativeprojects.html.

Read the full article here: http://unboundradio.com/vaccine-legislative-update-the-police-state-is-knocking/ [2]

Alan Phillips, J.D. is a nationally recognized legal expert on vaccine rights issues. He advises clients, activists and other attorneys nationally on vaccine rights issues and legislative initiatives.


[1] US pharma: 907 bologic drugs and vaccines now in R&D, PharmaTimes Online, http://www.pharmatimes.com/Article/13-03-12/US_pharma_907_biologic_drugs_and_vaccines_now_in_R_D.aspx

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