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Study: Prevnar Vaccine Ineffective Against Ear Infections


The Vaccine Research Library Comments [2]: OME is otitis media with effusion, simply stated, an ear infection with fluid behind the eardrum that often thickens and decreases hearing. Anti-pneumococcal vaccines are most commonly known as Prevnar or Prevnar-13. This study shows that neither of these vaccines prevent or decreases the incidence of OME. Side note: When Prevnar was first released in 2001, the vaccine only reduced the incidence of ear infections by 7%. Through a massive marketing campaign, the billion-dollar, block buster vaccine was pushed into general use.

Full blog post here [2].

The Study:

Can vaccination against pneumococci prevent otitis media with effusion?

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
September 2012, Volume 269, Issue 9, pp 2021-2026


The most common cause of hearing loss in early childhood is otitis media with effusion (OME). Prevention of OME in preschool children will improve quality of life. The authors aimed to determine, by the best available published evidence, whether vaccination against pneumococci effectively prevents OME. The study design was based on systematic review (SR) of randomized controlled trials (Level 1a evidence). The medical literature available through searching Medline database was reviewed using the following keywords “Otitis media with effusion,” “secretory otitis media,” or “glue ear,” and “vaccination” limiting the search to randomized controlled trials (RCTs) conducted on children (0–18 years), published in English, in the last 10 years. Results of effects of vaccination on prevention of OME from the included RCTs were utilized to conduct a meta-analysis to find out the preventive value of antipneumococcal vaccination. Three RCTs were identified conforming to the inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis of results showed no significant preventive advantage for antipneumococcal vaccination. Based on the results it was confirmed that neither primary nor secondary prevention by antipneumococcal vaccination has a beneficial impact on OME. More RCTs should be conducted to study the effect of vaccination on OME. Level of evidence: 1a, Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.

Study here [3].

Health Impact News Editor Note: It was reported in 2007 that the Prevnar vaccine was “promoting new superbugs that cause ear infections” and “resistant to all drugs approved to treat childhood ear infections.” Source is NBC News here [4].

A recent study in Calgary has also shown that Prevnar was likely responsible for developing more serious strains of bacteria that the vaccine is not effective against (See: Calgary Vaccine Program “Eliminates” Simple Illnesses While Increasing Serious Ones [5]).

Comment from Laura on Facebook:  In fact Prevnar 7 along with overuse of antibiotics has caused an overgrowth of more virulent strains of strep bacteria, especially strain 19A. So Prevnar 13 was developed. We’re fighting a family of bacteria with some 90 strains. Any guess as to what will happen with mass use of this new vaccines??? How many more lives will be put at risk and lost because of over use of vaccines??

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