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Governors from 27 States Team up with Hallmark Greeting Cards to Increase Vaccination Rates


By Christina England


It is interesting, just who is linked to whom, when it comes to vaccinations. Very often, what we as individuals perceive as one thing is something else entirely. This is because we are not in possession of the full facts, which make the larger picture. However, when we delve deeper, what we uncover can often be far more sinister than even we expected.

As we are aware, the governments and pharmaceutical companies are always searching for new ways to push vaccinations onto unsuspecting parents. The earlier they can target a child’s parents, the better they like it. One of the vaccination initiatives being used by twenty-seven states across the US is to send every new parent a “congratulations on the birth of your baby” card.

According to reports, governors from twenty-seven states across the US have teamed up with Hallmark Greeting Cards to send every new parent a card following the birth of their baby. The card includes a personal message from the governor of their state, a detachable growth chart and an up-to-date immunization schedule. This vaccination initiative attempts to make parents fully aware which vaccinations their newborn baby should receive.

Obviously, the state governors do not send these touching sentiments to parents out of the goodness of their hearts, so, what is the real reason behind these cards? It appears that their real agenda is to meet their vaccination targets. The Capital Times [2] explains:

“When it began, the immunization rates for children up to age 2 in Missouri and Kansas were roughly 45 percent and 52 percent, respectively. Immunization rates for the youngest citizens in those states now hover around 76 percent, according to the program’s website.”

Beth Kaplan, a spokesperson with the state of Wisconsin’s Division of Public Health, whose state vaccination compliance rates have reached as high as 84 percent since the implementation of this program, believes that this initiative is just one way to create awareness about the importance of vaccinations for children. She says, “the program is one of many things we do to encourage the vaccination of children.”

Your Tax Dollars At Work … For Big Pharma

I am sure that one question on many people’s lips is, “Who exactly is paying for these cards?”

Sadly, you are.

According to reports, the taxpayers are footing the bill for the implementation of Hallmark’s For America’s Babies project and it does not come cheap. Although Hallmark Greeting Cards is supplying the cards and paying for the printing costs, an initiative which they proudly boast on their website, the state of Florida alone has budgeted $10,000 [3] for the distribution of these cards, which has been hailed as an excellent program.

Read the Full Article Here: http://vactruth.com/2013/04/15/hallmark-cards-vaccinations/ [4]

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