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How Coconut Oil is Helping Me Kick My Morning Coffee Habit


Coffee with what’s left of my coconut oil floating on top. I only drank half this cup today.

by Jen
Real Food Freaks

All coffee addicts who want to be free of their coffee habit should read this post and give my trick a whirl.  Coconut oil [2] in my coffee each morning for the last two weeks makes me want coffee less each day. Seriously, I would not joke about that. My coffee habit is serious business.  You have to try this if you are concerned about your coffee intake or if you think you can’t live without it. Read on to find out why I think this is working . . .

My Coffee Addiction

I did not start drinking coffee until my Junior year in college.  I just never had the desire for it or it’s addictive effects.  But that year the university allowed a coffee house to place its kiosk in the main concourse.  So, one morning after dragging myself to class fresh from a long night of studying I thought I would give it a try.

I am not sure how many others had this experience with their first cup of coffee, but it is what sold me on coffee from that moment on.  I had ‘jitters of energy‘ that I just can not explain.  And as I recall, those jitters were exhilarating and helpful in the process of accomplishing my tasks.  But as the weeks progressed the jitters that I loved dissipated.  However,  my desire for the coffee to get me going did not.  I needed it. If I tried to go a morning without it, I would have a migraine.  Addiction.  I realized then that coffee was my drug of choice.

I could tell you my long sordid history with coffee, but I will spare you the details.  Just know that I have gotten myself down to about 2 cups a day in the morning and that would be all I could reduce it to until recently.

Why Should You Give Up Coffee?

I really believe that there are people out there who drink coffee out of pure enjoyment and it has no addictive effect on them.  My husband and co-blogger Leslie are two such people.  They simply enjoy the taste of good quality coffee.  Nothing beats a warm, tasty cup o’ jo.  But there are risks to coffee and other caffeinated foods (ie: chocolate).  There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

1) Caffeine stimulates your adrenal glands and can lead to adrenal fatigue. Many health problems can be traced back to improperly functioning adrenal glands related to loss of energy over time, decreased immune function (allergies), low blood pressure, weight gain, blood sugar complications (diabetes?) etc.

2)  Caffeine wreaks havoc on your blood sugar. It causes your liver to release sugar into the bloodstream.  This can cause you to again stress your adrenals by allowing the insulin to keep producing to maintain the blood sugar levels in your body.

3)  Caffeine impairs calcium and other minerals from absorbing in your body.

How Coconut Oil is Helping Me Kick the Coffee Habit

First of all, let me say that this coconut oil [2] idea was an accidental finding.  I only added it as a way to down rather nasty tasting coffee.  (I needed it so bad that I would drink ANYTHING – though I was quite miserable when my coffee was sub-par).  I had heard of others using coconut oil it in their coffee regularly so I figured it must be good.  The results were unintended so I can hardly assume that my reaction is anything short of physiological rather than psychological.

And although I encourage you to test this theory yourself, I can’t guarantee it will work for everyone.  I can only guess as to the reasons it is working for me.  Here is why coconut oil probably has this effect on me:

1) Coconut Oil is 92% Saturated Fat.  In it’s unrefined state, virgin coconut oil has a myriad of health benefitsSee our article here. [3]

2)  Coconut Oil and other saturated fats have been known to control insulin levels and help eliminate toxins in the body.

3)  Coconut Oil is filling

4)  Coconut Oil strengthens mineral absorption

5)  Coconut Oil gives energy

(Info for items 2-5 found here [4])

So all the things that coffee addicts drink coffee for is actually having a counter effect on your body.  Coconut oil [2] on the other hand is doing what you think coffee should be doing for you plus more, without the nasty side effects.

Each day I have wanted less coffee naturally.  To the point where one day, I actually forced myself to drink a little more and I felt physically sick the rest of the day.  Imagine that . . . I was sick from drinking coffee!  WOOOOO HOOOOO!

Our favorite coconut oil. I buy it buy the gallon.

Today, my first thought was eating my pastured eggs and bacon.  Coffee was an after thought.  When I finally made my coffee, I only finished 1/2 of the mug.  This is HUGE FOLKS!  HUGE. Thanks to coconut oil [2], I think I may have finally kicked my coffee addiction.  :)

FYI — coconut oil will set on top of the coffee.  I am constantly stirring before my next sip.

Give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.  I bet it works!

Read the Full Article: http://www.realfoodfreaks.com/2012/01/23/how-coconut-oil-is-helping-me-kick-my-morning-coffee-habit/ [5]

Virgin Coconut Oil:
How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours!


Includes 85 recipes – Free shipping available! [6]
