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Food As the Enemy: Medical Insanity Says Avoid Foods in Favor of Drugs

by Gaia-Health.com [1]

Foods are redefined as drugs. This simple act of redefinition makes food the domain of Big Pharma—to our everlasting loss of rights and health.

In the endless quest to separate people from nature, modern medicine now treats food itself as the enemy. Grapefruit. Ginger. Garlic. Green tea. Aloe vera. The Mayo Clinic, long considered one of the premier medical and research facilities in the United States, warns that all of these are dangerous!

The risk? Food can interfere with drugs. The attempt to treat drugs as primary sources of health, with food as nothing but an interference, is how doctors see the world. Modern medicine is trying to turn health upside-down. Food is treated as the enemy of health.

The Mayo Clinic believes that drugs are the focus of health, while food is dangerous because it can interfere with their drugs—the holy grail of modern medicine. They are the first thing that most doctors go to, whatever the complaint. If in doubt, they toss off one of the standards, a steroid or antibiotic or antidepressant. (After all, if your doctor can’t figure out what’s wrong with you, then you must be depressed. Right?)

Herbs and seasonings are foods that we eat in small quantities. They are eaten for their taste, their nutritional benefit, their medicinal benefit, or any combination of them. Essentially, they are all foods derived from plants. We have developed a pharmacopia of herbs over centuries and thousands of years that has stood the test of time and is accessible to anyone who wishes to investigate. Yet, modern medicine, along with their cohort in crime, Big Pharma, have launched a war against these foods as they coopt them into their domain, claiming dominion by redefinition of the nature of food.

Why Modern Medicine Is So Deluded

One of the excuses modern medicine uses to treat drugs as superior to natural products is that the precise potency can be determined. That sounds nice and logical—until you consider that human beings are not cut’n’pasted beings. We are not identical. Not only that, we change from day to day. The cookie-cutter approach of applying a drug with a precise potency is an inherently flawed concept. Even when a precise amount works as expected on one person, it has little to do with the next person, nor does it have much to do with the same person on the next day.

The entire medical paradigm is flawed down to its roots. It denies our humanity and individuality. It denies the fact that high quality food keeps us healthy for the simple reason that we developed in a symbiotic relationship with the things that we eat. For the most part, when fed a high quality diet, our bodies take in the nutrients we need and reject those we don’t. Our bodies are in a constant state of flux, adjusting to even the tiniest changes in states of health.

Drugs, though, force their way through this elegantly balanced system, destroying the equilibrium. By their very nature, drugs are health destroying, not health giving. In extreme cases, there’s a place for drugs. When the body has lost its way and is so far out of balance it can’t find its way back, then drugs may be useful—though even then, there are often better approaches.

But modern medicine reaches for the drugs immediately, thus destroying the innate balance from the earliest age. From the moment of birth—often before—the human ability to maintain health is disrupted by the rampant application of pharmaceuticals.

Herbs and Foods the Mayo Clinic Considers Dangerous, and Why

There are, of course, many more foods that the Mayo Clinic and modern medicine consider dangerous because they “interfere” with pharmaceutical drugs, usually by doing what the drugs do, but in a gentler, safer, more coordinated manner. Foods work with the body’s homeostasis, that is, its natural state of balance, rather than forcibly, as drugs do. But that’s hard to know today, since so few people have the opportunity to experience such natural healing and health.

The Redefinition of Food as Drugs

The real issue, of course, is that there are enormous profits to be made through selling drugs, both by Big Pharma and by doctors. Big Pharma profits directly through their sale and doctors profit by forcing people to visit them to gain access to these products that have been sold as necessary for health.

However, the natural world is in direct competition with this profit-making juggernaut. Therefore, a war against the true ingredients of good health has been launched. Food is redefined. If a food has a benefit that they’re trying to sell in the form of a drug, they arbitrarily redefine the food as a drug. Thus, ordinary foods, like grapefruits, are coming under control as if they were drugs.

By simply accepting this redefinition, the public is losing access to some of the most health-producing foods and is losing the right to self-determination in managing health. This is one of the most insidious methods of stealing our rights and forcing us to accept whatever the controlling corporations want us to buy. We are rapidly losing our ability even to maintain our health. Then, to try to repair that lost health, we’re being forced into utilizing only the products that have been approved by the agencies they control.

Even when access to these natural products is allowed, it’s coming under control of the medical system. If you want the natural product, you must see a medical professional, who acts as a gatekeeper and whom you pay, whether directly or indirectly, to do so. Then, you are allowed to use that natural product—maybe!—which has almost certainly been adulterated and processed to the point of being something other than its natural self, and you must pay a premium price for all that manipulation that’s degraded both efficacy and safety.

All this, of course, is presented as for your benefit. The more modern medicine gains a foothold over our lives, the worse our health becomes. We are living in an era when the majority of children are suffering from chronic diseases. Normal life passages are medicalized. Normal health is redefined as illness. All of this serves to benefit Big Medicine and Big Pharma, while it steals our health and enjoyment of life.

With the advent of food redefined as drugs, the final assault on our health and rights has been launched.

Read the Full Article Here: http://gaia-health.com/gaia-blog/2012-01-23/food-as-the-enemy-medical-insanity-says-avoid-foods-in-favor-of-drugs/ [1]


Copyright Gaia Health 2012